LordFowl Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Hello. During my tenure as Head Developer of the Aurora Mapping Team, a number of threads concerning suggestions for the current map have been appearing. The focus of the mapping team however does not lay with the current map, our only focus is developing and then supervising the new map. When the new map is rolled out we will oversee community revisions and requests for it like any other coder. Due to our primary focus being developing the new map I cannot in good faith have one of my mappers spend their time doing a revision for the current map. That said, however, I do not intend to leave the current map broken as is standard for Baycode. I intend rather to have the suggestions and complaints the community has concerning the new map to be addressed and resolved, so that we do not all need to suffer in awaiting for our Messiah, the New Map. How do I intend to do this, when I have already stated my reluctance to deploy official mappers to accomplish this task? The answer is very simple. I am instituting here now the Ghost Mapper Project. The Ghost Mapper Project is very simple, and at its most basic is a means to allowing people with specific complaints regarding the new map to fix these complaints themselves or with the help of unofficial mappers. The exact steps are a little more complicated, but nothing that a prospective ghost-mapper cannot handle: Step 1: You see an issue with the new map. Step 2: You download the codebase from https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3 and open the respective file. (exodus-1.dmm is the main station, exodus-2.dmm is central command, and exodus-5.dmm is the asteroid and its outposts.) Step 3: You make the revision yourself. You will be responsible for ensuring everything that you want done is done. I will not do anything for you unless it is the simplest of things. Step 4: You will delete EVERYTHING except the area that you modified. For example. if you modified the IAA office, you would delete every single thing except those things within the IAA office. Step 5: You will save this new revision as [YOUR NAME]_[WHAT YOU MODIFIED].dmm. For example, if I modified the IAA office when I send the file to myself it will be named LordFowl_IAAOffice.dmm. Step 6: You will send the file to me via PM or Discord. Along with the file you will tell me every single modification you made with detail. For example, if I changed the IAA office door to Captain level access only, and put a pulse rifle in the closet, it might say this: "LordFowl_IAAOffice.dmm -Door captain's access only. -Pulse rifle in closet." Step 7: I will review your changes, ensure you didn't try to sneak anything in, and make my own revisions if I see it necessary. I will then proceed as I would an official modification, and your revision will be available and live the next time the server updates. You DO NOT need to make a suggestion thread to send me revisions dealing with things like missing request consoles or disposal chutes or things of a similar nature. Anything of a higher consideration will require a suggestion thread. If you send a revision to me and I request you to make a suggestion thread, the responsibility to do so will be yours and not mine. Suggestion threads will be considered by my entire team and the community as a whole. This system is for smaller revisions, most likely limited to a single room. The bigger your revision becomes, the more likely it will have to be put into a suggestion thread, and the more likely that it may not be enacted. If this system is a success you can expect to see it continue during the new map, so that we'll have ghost-mappers posting revisions alongside official mappers, ensuring a speedy refurbishment of the map. If this system is for any reason a failure you can expect its immediate destruction, and a return to the old system. It is my sincerest hope that this system is not a failure. I will be recording every person and linking their contribution to them, for the sake of posterity and moderation. Don't try to be a sneaky cuck and fill the Primary Tool Storage with invisible pulse rifles. I'll find out, and I will be very sore. If you are unable to make a revision due to ineptness with Dream Maker, but have an excellent idea, do not contact the map team. It will be your responsibility to find an adequate mapper to enact the revision yourself. I will give credit only to the person on the filename, so if you want to share credit name accordingly. Quote
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