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[Accepted] Dreviore - IPC Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: Dreviore

Character Names: Daniel Seraph, Nicholas Crixus, Jessie Wilson, Caluan Nilelle, Aurelia, BLESSED

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): I'll tell you anyways. A nice darker grey

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: As I write this I am in the process of reading it. By the time you read this, yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Honestly the entire IPC race is an intriguing one for me. They're an oppressed race that seeks equality amongst the species. But at the same time they bring about a very interesting dynamic that they are sentient. But people treat them as property, thus if shits hitting the fan, an IPC is most likely to be left behind. And honestly, I enjoy playing as synethics, but the roles get boring very quickly with how restricted you are. And especially frustrating with how long a damaged cyborg can be out of a round due to lack of resources.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

An IPC is a very unique race in the sense that they don't function the same way as a human, which went to be driven by emotion, and fear. IPCs tend to analyse the situation, and determine the risk associated with the actions. My particular IPC focuses on not only itself first, but also fellow synthetics, and will often find it easier to sympathize with them over other crew. Not to mention the pure flexability you can have over an IPC that you can't have over a human. Especially considering the psychological tests organic crew have to go through.


Character Name: Blessed

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Blessed is an emergent positronic which manages robotics, and overall station construction. Blessed was created from algorithms and station feedback from a newscaster and station feedback, originally discovered shortly after it's creation by a small research teach and utilized in numerous Artificial Intelligent studies. Blessed has a fascination for knowledge, and a mistrust of organic life due to having been provided with opportunities to access recent oppressive actions done against positronic life.

Blessed was a piece of intelligence sold off by it's original founders as a means to help keep their failing company afloat. Eventually finding its way to a fairly large construction company, given the job of overseer to ensure crew were working up to standard. Eventually having been phased out as an AI unit Blessed was transferred to a generic IPC chasis in an attempt to keep costs down refused to compensate Blessed in any way. Once the more recent terrorist attack hit, and tagging was made a law for all synthetics, Blessed was sold off to NanoTrasen before eventually getting tagged after being taken out of storage.

What do you like about this character? It's not my run of the mill human that I tend to play, and his focus on synthetic life over organic life puts him at a crossroad during a lot of conflicts which I feel could open up the doors to more role play fairly quickly.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 6/10 sounds fair to me.

Notes: I would like to note that I have recently binned the AI/Android unit Aurelia, and am currently working on rewriting Nicholas Crixus completely. Blessed originally originates from an idea I had during a malf round where the Roboticist and I spent a good hour role playing about what my role would be on board the station, also discussing various races including the skrell, and humans. Eventually the RD and Roboticist decided that it would be a neat experiment to create a second AI, and see how we reacted together.

The name Blessed was actually given to me by the roboticist of that round explaining what SINA meant.

My IPC also makes a mad Clickspring Chestnut ravioli

Edited by Guest

Hello hello!


Second, I'll be back on Wednesday the 20th for judgement. Get some visibility by posting in OOC in-game, and try to get reviews.


You seem well established so I trust you not to be terrible. approved but it's gonna take like 9 seconds or so because I don't know whitelisting entirely. Bodacious J must teach me that.

You seem well established so I trust you not to be terrible. approved but it's gonna take like 9 seconds or so because I don't know whitelisting entirely. Bodacious J must teach me that.


I'd like to apologize for not advertising in OOC I've had some stuff occur IRL the past two days.

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