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[CLOSED] Incident Report - Vikakti Yaktir

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Reporting Personnel: DragonSnap

Rank of Reporting Personnel: Atmospheric Technician

Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey))

- Vikakti Yaktir, Atmospheric Technician – Offender

- Dina Hegarty, Station Engineer – Witness

- Yue Faust, Maintenance Technician – Witness

- Decanus, Warden – Witness

Time of Incident: 4-29-2458

Real time: 6:39 PM PST 4-29-2016

Location of Incident: Atmospherics, Central Primary Hallway

Nature of Incident: [x]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury [x]Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident:

Summary: Upon arriving to the station, the shift started with several unfavorable remarks directed to myself, for being a synthetic. I attempted to ignore the remarks, or at the very least, respond in a manner that was polite and socially acceptable.

I soon discovered that Vikakti Yaktir was making modifications to the station’s distribution loop, without the proper paperwork, or permission from a head of staff. Despite informing him of this, he went ahead with modifications anyway. I informed security of the issue concerning the modifications.

At this point, it was discovered that he has over pressurized the loop, prior to me boarding the station. He ordered me to rectify the issue, and left me to attend to it alone. I did so, returning the pressure to acceptable levels – acceptable, not preferable.

He then proceeded to attempt modifications again, but discovered the pipes were still overpressurized. He accused me of being faulty and ‘malfunctioning’ and that I ‘lied’. I attempted to explain that the pipes are relatively safe, and he insisted they were not. He accused me of placing the station in jeopardy, when I had not. He then needlessly informed the crew that they were in danger of overpressurization (which they were not) and that he would rectify it.

Throughout the entirety of the shift, he endlessly stated several insults and harassing comments directed to myself, and synthetics in general. They range from being called a ‘murderous animal’, 'cold', 'killer', ‘defective’, and a monster that needed to be tagged and controlled.

I possess a memory file of the shift, and would like to submit it along with the report. When possible, please contact me for the logs.


Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Negatory. There was no head of staff or IAA during the shift. Jade Halliwell was made aware of the incident, but was unable to attend to it due to the crew transfer.


TO: DragonSnap, NSS Exodus

FROM: Silvia Romanescu, Central Command Internal Affairs Department Supervisor, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.

You will be contacted, if necessary, by a CCIA Agent when and if an investigation begins.


DTG: 30-18:05-TAU CETI STANDARD-04-2458

SIGN: Silvia Romanescu

  • 1 month later...

TO: DragonSnap, NSS Exodus

FROM: Breanna Khan, Central Command Internal Affairs Agent, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: Re: Incident Report - Vikakti Yaktir



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to CCIA Breanna Khan (ArcBot)

You may be contacted by the duty officer for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 24-12:13-TAU CETI STANDARD-06-2458

SIGN: Breanna Khan

  • 1 month later...

TO: DragonSnap, NSS Exodus

FROM: Darren McHugh, CCIA, NMSS Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



Case file: 24580430_DragonSnap_VYaktir

This Incident Report has been closed and relevant actions have been taken.

Thank you for your report.


DTG: 27-19:00-TAU CETI STANDARD-07-2458

SIGN: Darren McHugh

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