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Common channel rules/regulations?

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Are their any set rules/regulations for this? Every HoS/captain/command staff seems to have a different view on how the common channel should be used. So is their any set regulations I could read?


There is a wiki page for our own version of regulations, here. What you want is i107.


Misuse of Public Radio Channels

To continually broadcast unimportant, untrue, or insignificant messages on the public radio frequency.

This is really only for people who are constantly spamming the radio, such as 'DJs' or Chaplains reading their services over the comms. Screaming fake messages like "halp security is beating me" when they aren't also counts.


This is essentially what everyone uses when they feel the radio is being misused. Misuse, unimportant, untrue and insignificant are all subjective though, so in a way, they're all right. Technically.


Basically, it's up to the heads of staff to decide how lenient or strict they want comms to be. If a head of staff tells you not to discuss something on comms and you do it anyway, that's grounds not only for misuse of comms but also failure to execute an order.


There was a discussion about the CCIA about this, and this is basically what we came up with. It's not perfect, and it may be possible that it could be rewritten, that was something we talked about. Essentially, here's how it rated who has say over what is and isn't misuse. Captain>HoS>Other Heads. In a lack of ALL of that, it is up to wardens to say what is and is not misuse. It's not ideal, but this is what we came up with.

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