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Supermatter Criticality Experiment.

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What I am about to tell you happened during a MALF AI round,with me being the *Cough cough* Rampant *Cough cough* AI. I started the round right away by stating a lawset that I invented over the common frequency, then hacking APCs after telling the Commands that it would increase my processing power. Of course, a fellow borg had to ruin it by saying that hacking APCs does not in fact generate processing power. But that doesn't really matter, as I don't end up putting my Malf abilities to use.

After I researched the Advanced Encryption Hack (Faking CC Messages), I sent a message saying that Central has given the Engineering and Science departments an assignment to test the effects of a detonating Supermatter Shard on another shard. This was to be done by setting up two supermatter cores alongside each other,and then triggering the detonation of one of them,observing the effects, and transmitting the results to CentComm. I also added that if the project were to be completed,the Engineering and Science departments would get a permanent pay raise of 1000 Credits. The Engineering and Command staff were (Obviously) more than happy to set up the experiment, so I ordered the Supermatter via cargo, which took some time since we didn't have any supply points.

In the meantime, the engineering team started fixing all the APCs I hacked after the engineering borg decided to be a pain in the butt,but that wasn't a problem, and I (Mostly) complied with the order to stop hacking APCs. Following the repairs,the CE entered the upload and set my laws to NT Default,then told me to open the core to repair the APC there. Of course,I told him that in order to access the core, at least two Heads of Staff are needed or a Head and a Security officer, so the CE got the Captain to accompany him inside the core. There,there was the perfect opportunity to switch the turrets to lethal and kill the most important people on the station in an instant,but I decided to be a peaceful AI (Ayy Lmao).

A few CT votes (Which voted to continue the round) and camera setups later, the crew started to set up the experiment on the asteroid,next to the research outpost. This is what the test chamber looked like before the detonation was started:


Then, the crates were opened,the emitter turned on,and the door was welded,and we awaited the Supermatter explosion that would inevitably follow.Unfortunately,there was a bug with the camera where I only got static screens where the chamber was,but the image was provided by the CE himself.

Some time after the emitter was turned on,the two cores spewed out so much phoron and oxygen that the chamber, and even a nearby cavity in the asteroid,were engulfed in white/blue flame. Soon after,the supermatter alert went out,and the Comdom ordered everyone into the maintenance tunnels until the cores finally detonated. After the delamination happened,the brave CE and Tajaran Atmospherics Technician went to investigate Ground Zero of the explosion. Firstly,they found the abandoned outpost:


Then sent me an image of the camp outside the testing site:


Then of Ground Zero:


Then another,more centralized,image of the test site:


After that,our brave scientist and his flimsy ANOMALY EXCAVATION SUIT went to investigate the testing site,but never quite made it. What's funny is that since the asteroid is not a PERFECT vacuum (You will actually get some pressure if you use a gas scanner), the "air" was superheated by the explosion and burned the scientist's suit. Luckily,he made it back inside with only some burn damage. I then sent the Admins a mouthful of pseudoscience about the SM explosion, images included, via "Emergency Message", and faked a Central Command announcement congratulating the crew on their success with the experiment. By this point,I had researched System Override, but decided not to start it.

I called in a final CT vote, everyone transferred without injuries, and the crew lived to fight another round, and almost nobody knew I was Malf until the End of Round text came up.


*All Images used were provided by the engineering team free of copyright*.

Note: What's interesting is that the outline of the test bunker was carved into the asteroid after the supermatter cores delaminated.

Oh hey, the double SM experiment ! I was the scientist (Aka Helmut Kronigernischultz).

Its was beautiful (especially the wall of bullshit I wrote after that about it.)


Post that for those who haven't been lucky enough to see the fireworks.

P.S.:Imagine a triple or quadruple SM explosion......

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