Girdo Posted September 5, 2016 Posted September 5, 2016 (edited) BYOND key: Girdo Character names: Jacob Inferni (Roboticist/Synth Expert), Halios (AI/Android), Gardan Delzi (Warden/Security Officer) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I joined Aurora over a year ago, but took a long break, over which we switched from bluesec back to redsec, the custom map back to the 'Exodus' layout, and from the character servers over to SQL. Getting myself rehabitiated and recreating my characters, now that I'm staying here full-time. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I actually don't have any interest at the moment at playing Head of Staff roles unless strictly necessary (I don't particularly enjoy holding the responsibility that comes with Captain, I'm not robust enough for HoS, etc.) However, the whitelist unlocks the Internal Affairs role. That desk is calling to me. I must heed the cries of bureaucracy. Why did you come to Aurora?: I've been on Heavy RP servers almost my entire SS13 duration. Got stuck between Vanilla Baystation and Auroracode, chose the former, but now Aurora's been updated, the community is more fun, and Auroralore has vastly outstripped Baycode lore. Not to mention the community is more friendly and welcoming of 'newcomers'. So here I've returned, and here I shall stay. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yup, billions of times. I COULD play the Head of Staff roles if I wanted to, but like I said, IAA master role. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is immersion in the reality of the game, combining realistic characters with the given lore to form a fully fleshed out pseudo-reality. Roleplaying should be about creating a story, not of your single character, but of the station as a whole. Perfect roleplay should also involve balance between the two hardest parts of roleplaying: Immersing yourself fully in your own characters' story, while also remembering that the story that matters is the story of the group, and the loss of the one is sometimes necessary to make the story interesting for the many. While your character can and should feel special to you, their death should not be inconceivable to the point of causing invulnerability. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Halp Shitcurity murderin me kill the HoS it's a rev round OOCly, Heads of Staff have multiple "stated roles", with both IC and OOC responsibilities. On the server, Heads of Staff are meant to manage their departments to keep them functioning, in-line, etc. From a meta point of view, Heads of Staff have minor responsibilities to keep the players behind the characters thinking straight, and complying. For example, if a custom event or other admin-related funnery is being performed, Heads of Staff should make minor implications in their speech that interfering with said event (unless the interference is planned) is not a good idea, and consequences will occur (i.e. Security, plz don't arrest Syndie Rep trying to buy the station just cause CC didn't authorize their existence, k thx bye ~Admins) Heads of Staff, as whitelisted players who should know how to to all the jobs in their department, also have an OOC responsibility to assist new and experienced players alike in understanding more of the concepts of the game, be it IC on-the-job training in slime breeding, or a helpful LOOC tip (You can examine the incomplete mech to check what step you're on, mate ). TL;DR: As the ones expected to "know it all", Heads of Staff should keep their departments running, and the round entertaining. All the entertainment and interesting-round responsibilities of antagonists, without any of the anti-NT actions or conflict that comes with antagonists. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Similarly to the Head of Staff answer, whitelisted players have been forced to demonstrate via an application that they understand roleplay and the basic behavior expected of them as mature functioning players. Whitelisted players should have the same OOC responsibilities as all other players: Be kind, be respectful, help new people out cause you were there too once, etc. The only responsibility of a whitelisted player that normal players DON'T have that I can think of, regards the Head of Staff roles themselves. If you're not planning on remaining online for most of a round, probably don't pick a Head of Staff role. If you don't know how to work in a department, don't pick the Head Role that's expected to know it. Being a Head of Staff does not excuse poor roleplay, nor make you unfireable if you fail at your job (i.e. I'm the HoS, I have armory access, thus I can carry eight laser guns and a combat shotgun on my person at all times). Essentially, whitelisted players have an OOC responsibility to keep themselves in check and remain good roleplayers, an easy thing to uphold so long as you continuously pause in self-reflection, "would a normal person working a shift job be doing this? Am I accidentally pretending to be Baldie McAssistant?" Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Jacob Inferni Character age: 32 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Jacob Inferni was born and raised in the Tau Ceti system, in the Republic of Biesel. His parents, middle-class citizens, owned an apartment in Phoenixport. Jacob's father, Aaron Inferni, worked for the government in Mendell City, one of thousands of managers for the shipping business between continents. Jacob grew up much like any other child, being taught basic concepts, as well as more advanced business and management related skills on the side. Progress was slow, but by the time Jacob turned 18, he had shown a keen interest in science and robotics, as well as the business strategies his father had trained into him from an early age. When his application to a research institute in Mendell City was accepted, however, he left home, travelling alone to further his education, leaving his parents behind. A continent apart, Jacob sped through college, eagerly devouring texts and documents involving synthetics and robotic processes. At the urging of his father, delivered through occasional holomessages, Jacob took up a double major, studying Business Management alongside his passion of Robotics. He eventually graduated, six years later, with an Advanced Degree in Robotics, as well as a a Bachelors Degree in Business Management. Family relations continued to slowly drift apart with the increased distance, becoming even more tenuous when Jacob began forming a relationship with a girl in Mendell City. Lacking the credits to purchase the upper-scale house in Mendell City he wanted, Jacob chose to take his talents to a corporation that may accept him. Initially interested with signing on with Hephaestus Industries, Jacob eventually applied to NanoTrasen as well, due to their significantly higher net worth and more generalized research activities. NT Human Resources, always eager to snap up new talent, signed on Jacob as a Roboticist, and shipped him off to the Tau Ceti system to begin work. As of this year, Jacob Inferni has been working with NanoTrasen for eight years. While he is paid decently well, his onboard account remains extremely thin, due to his habit of transferring funds back to Biesel to his sweetheart there. Recently, Jacob Inferni applied for a promotion to the Internal Affairs office, a management level position he feels his background suits him for. Secretly, however, he hopes he can use that new status to subtly push for more synthetic freedoms. What do you like about this character?: Jacob Inferni is a huge synth nerd, without actually being a synth. Their lore has fascinated me, from the reasons that an AI begins to malfunction to player-created Spark Theorem. He gets to use all that lore as part of being a Roboticist, which is great. He's also inquisitive and perceptive, which means I get to ICly get other people's views on lore and their personal thoughts to steal forever and add to my collection better flesh out the mix of player-based and established lore I personally use. What do you dislike about this character?: Problem with Jacob is that he spent so much time using his brain, he's incredibly uncombat-worthy. And I have to RP that. Nobody ever likes to see their favorite character taken down and beaten into crit without a fight, but Jacob is so untrained in brawling he can't even throw a punch correctly. Which means I have to sit back OOCly, grit my teeth, and let him take the beating, albeit with a little screaming and running. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: While Jacob Inferni COULD technically be a Research Director, though he'd likely show inexperience involving Xenobiology, he's far more qualified for the equally-whitelisted Internal Affairs role. With a background in Business Management, as well as being heavily versed in synthetic theory and an unofficial supporter of UNITY, Jacob Inferni would make an interesting conundrum: Balancing company interests with his own personal opinions involving synthetic freedom, and balancing what the company wants him to take action on with what he wants to take action on. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Cuban Pete tier I believe I'm a moderately good roleplayer, MAYBE slightly above average (the average on Aurora is rather high, so I don't see a need to exaggerate and say I'm the "BESTEST ARR PEE".) I do my best to keep my actions consistent with how someone in that situation would react, and prevent myself from power/metagaming to the best of my ability. While I recognize that I'm good, I do have flaws, notably my urge to perform better in combat and be "ultra robust spec ops lord" because I want my character to survive the stupid kill-em-all operative squadron, despite my char clearly being untrained in combat, and the fact that running TOWARDS the guy with a machine gun to disarm him is not an acceptable IC action, and my char still doesn't know how to fire said machine gun. While I try to suppress that urge when possible, there have been occasional incidents in the past where I've made the mistake of "lol fuk u nukie I'm Urist McRobust". While I was never PM'd or warned about those incidents, I still feel guilty that I tried to ruin someone's antag round because I was too selfish to let a single character die. :l Extra notes: Edited September 7, 2016 by Guest
Ian The Corgi Posted September 7, 2016 Posted September 7, 2016 +1 because I couldn't be bothered to read that JK, your characters are good, and I think you deserve this.
Guest Posted October 10, 2016 Posted October 10, 2016 I've noticed this has been in the backlog for over a month now. Before I ask any questions regarding your application, I'd like to know if you're still active or not. Post a reply if you're still interested in receiving a whitelist, and I'll poke an admin to consider this application a bit. If you don't respond in the next 3 days I guess it'll be assumed you're busy with other things. Don't be a stranger, alright?
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