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[Denied] Calion12's Skrell application

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BYOND Key: Calion12

Character Names: Cheryl schafer, cat schafer, analeth farenar, Aquillae Myre

Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): turquoise or light cyan

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: yes except i gether there are a few things that arent covered fully or at all in the wiki page so i may not completely know absolutely everything.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: aquatic races and life in general have fascinated me for some time (salarian from mass effect series, slaad from the D&D tabletops, leviathan etc.) the sad thing is, you never really get to play as them and even if you do, you dont get to flesh them out and share the experience with other players so i wanted to get the chance to play as my own fleshed out aquatic alien, experience their culture through more than a codex entry or information panel. Skrell are the most developed amphibious race i know of both lore-wise and technologically. science is a fascinating topic because there is so much we have yet to learn so when you combine aquatic races and tech? Skrell, this is the reason i want to play them. Plus the head tail thing is pretty cool.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The fact that they speak in concise, to the point English and have a natural passion for sciences. Humans can be varied much like any race but a Skrell thinks logically and tactically, not wasting their time on trivialities like drinking alcohol (mostly because they cant seeing as its poisonous to them) and focus on whats important. plus their more than exceptional lifespan coupled with the fact that they can potentially double what it originally was due to their scientific breakthroughs means that they would still be considered children while at the same age as an elderly human (this seems to have drawn inspiration from the asari, another one of my favourite sci-fi races so that is another personal interest). then there is the obvious dietary limitations due to their rather prominent lack of teeth and ability to move, talk and breathe underwater perfectly is rather nifty and interesting (even if it wont come into play considering we are on a space station, in space, where water often isn't)


Character Name: seqquix zaan'tul

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs born into a wealthy family in the centre of kal'lo, seqquix was never privy to hardships, (she did however always feel lucky to be alive considering the high rate of sterile skrell, could mention the possible inspiration from the krogan but i wont bore you, dear reader) the closest that came to it was studying for school, getting the best grades she could and learning about the world around her. Being a skrell meant she was pushed toward the route of science and exploring the world around them, figuring out what it means Fortunately she enjoyed sciences of any kind although if she was honest with herself which she was always trying to be, she had a soft spot for biology in particular, she enjoyed working with and around alien species as she was naturally curious about how they worked and interacting with them. Her father died when she was around 18 years of age, a mishap with a slime is what she was told by her mother, probably in an effort to get her to move her interests into a safer study of science. Begrudgingly she moved on to robotics but still worked on xenobiology whenever she had free time.

In her adult life she spent most of her time as a recluse, causing her social skills to falter as a result, she had gotten exemplary results in her school life and extended education in xenobiology and robotics. she worked on a temporary research outpost on the outskirts of aliose when it was shut down she spent some time roaming around, picking up odd jobs for clientele which ranged from human mega corps to the jargon navy itself and as such is rather well versed in the culture of most species and tau ceti basic. has a light knowledge of ship systems and outfitting but was never on any of the combat ships for any extended amount of time. after several lucrative years of being a roaming scientist clients started to move on or get other suppliers which is when nano-transen stepped in and offered seqquix a job on a little known station going by the name of NSS exodus.

What do you like about this character? personally i like the fact that seqquix is introverted as i think it will play out well in rounds trying to get her out of her shell while at the same time not being able to use the simple fix; alcohol.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? i have been playing for a while now and i think i have a firm grasp on it, there is always room for improvement but i believe i can role-play my characters personality traits rather well after i have some time to settle into the drivers seat.

Notes: when my old station was active i had played and interacted with many skrell so i think i have some exposure therapy.


It's been four to five days and we've yet to see any response to this application. Allowing extra time for any stragglers to post has not helped.

If you decide to reapply in the future, please remember that you can post a link to your application in OOC once per round. It really helps draw traffic to an application and might encourage some readers to share their thoughts on your RP, your application, and your character.

In the short term, I suggest you keep on keeping on. Spend some time on station to hone your skills. Proofread, edit, and expand upon your character's backstory. It never hurts to show you put effort into your character.

Application Denied.

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