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[Cancelled] Raven's second attempt at Moderatorship!

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Server Moderator Application

Basic Information

Byond Account: LordRaven001

Character Name(s): Dissect the Curious Mind, Kota Vimleel, Dramirkaheech Aramir, Ka'Akaix Theth K'lax.

AI Name(s): Orion, Quop

Preferred means of contact: Discord

Age: 18

Timezone: Mountain Time

When are you on Aurora?: Deadhour and Daytime


How long have you played SS13?: A year.

How long have you played on Aurora: Eleven Months

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: A lot

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, I come back baring experience. I was a Head Admin/Trainer on Archangel Station, sadly it shutdown due to the Goose having an emotional breakdown. I was a former Trial Moderator for Aurora Station (got denied because I fucked up/was too raw). And I am a former "Overseer (Admin)" for FalloutUSA

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Once like six months ago, I can't remember what for.


Why do you play SS13?: To escape the cruel, unforgiving and crushing reality of the real world. Only to wake up the next morning and experience it again. ;-;

Why do you play on Aurora?: I enjoy heavy roleplay, The internet is a fun thing to be on as you can do anything you want, when you want, how you want. Its like a big ball of clay you can mold and shape it any way you want.

What do moderators do?: Moderators do a lot of things, They advise/teach new players, they enforce the rules and guidelines of the server, They try to make things interesting/fun and they solve problems, Basically problem solvers with a twist of support.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: What I personally witnessed when I was a staff member was that the Moderator team is there to be a neutral party in the trembling depths of Heavy Roleplay, Cold and unwavering yet warm and comforting.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a moderator so I can spam DatBerry in msay assist the server in enforcing the rules, teaching newer players, and generally helping, I've always been a helper and I feel like while i'm still going to school and getting an education this is a great way to help.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I've been with aurora for awhile, I am unbias, I have a strong dedication to helping, I've matured and can speak both German and English fluently, I also have experience with the Aurora Team.

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I've worked on that over the months i've been gone (Seven exact, ho boy i'm old now) Stress only comes to me when it involves me personally or I have a deadline i'm suppose to meet, I don't really get angry and if people insult me I really don't care this the interwebs on a video game, If they are insulting others now that makes me pretty annoyed.

Anything Else You Want to Add:

Seven months and two days exactly since my last application, Hoboy... Hoyboy I feel old. I still appreciate feedback so gib it here.

Edited by Guest

Even though my opinion doesn't matter really, +1 for being headmin on archangel, even though i hate that place to hell now for deadminning me for no reason

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