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Sodium Level of the Forums


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National Center for Sodium Intake

Hello, this is Jimbob Jones from the National Center for Sodium Intake. We will be periodically updating you to keep you informed regarding the threat of Salt to our community. It is recommended that community members refrain from engaging in overt sodium intake as it can be dangerous to your health and can lead to issues such as taking this game too seriously, being very angry irl, and spontaneous combustion. In order to help combat the threat of excess salt, we here at the NCSI recommend taking a break from Spacesloot Simulator 13 when you feel as though your salt levels are reaching maximum capacity. We recommend going outside, living a little, kissing a baby's head. If you cannot find a baby, a baby will be provided by a somewhat willing donor.

That being said, the layout of the codes of Salt threat are as follows:

Code Green - Sodium-free with slight exceptions, go about your business as usual

Code Yellow - Sodium threat causing minor frustration and causing slight anger/annoyance

Code Blue - Sodium levels causing moderate frustration and anger, with many other community members getting tired of it.

Code Red - Immediate sodium overdose threat, reduce salt levels immediately to prevent full-blown salt attacks.

Code Pepper - Community meltdown is inevitable, run while you still can. Salt is pepper now, aaaaaa.


With the introduction of this system, we would like to begin by setting the current code for November 8th, 2016.

Code Yellow

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