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[Declined] The Green Gamer's IPC app. #2

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BYOND Key: The Green Gamer

Character Names: Daniel Smith

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): NA

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: yes

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because its opens what I can roleplay and do in the game and I have always liked robots but felt the borg laws were too tight for normal play. I think IPCs allow for a break from normal play which is good and I think IPCs are one of the most nonhuman races. The crew will understand IPCs actions more as robots are everywhere in fiction which allows for fluid role play.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: You have to think and act in a different way as you have to think about logic. Also as an IPC You to take into account the fact you weak to emp but you don't need air.

Character Name: SREU M-E ( Self-Reliant Eradication unit)

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

SREU M-E was is a SREU unit which was an old combat model made by the Sol Alliance which was phased out as it could not use laser weapons as they caused too much Light to process . He was stored in a warehouse until he was purchased and was turned into an engineering IPC by a miner but the upgrade made he escaped using his military programming and started to work for NT to have a *life* he was never meant to have. NT hired him after having engineering accidents on their station which left them short on staff. SREU M-E was what they were looking for as he did not exist on any database which meant NT would be able to cover it up if SRE M-E died

He thinks and acts logically in most cases as that's what he is used to but some topics make him show he new found emotions such as the treatment of IPCs. SREU M-U likes to blend into the crew but he does not hide what he is. Now after working for NT for some Time SREU M-E was added as an official staff of NT

What do you like about this character? He is able to be played as both sec and Engineering and I fell he is suited for further character building. He also different to my other character as is he not fond of the Sol Alliance which will offer different options

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think I'm fine and roleplaying and I come across as convincing and lore friendly. I would like to have An IPC to try a different kind of roleplay.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! Sorry about the delay in your application. If your application goes over 4 days without comment please PM me!

Unfortunately I don't see your backstory for your IPC as the most reasonable thing. An IPC escaping from its owners, if NT captured them, would be returned, because its private property. The only allowance would be if your IPC was originally from some rival megacorporation, but even then after being dissected its memory would simply be dissected and the chassis returned.

IPC's that are played on station are typically owned by NanoTrasen, someone who wants them to work for NanoTrasen, or owned by themselves (ie they are "free").

There's also the concern that a former combat model being allowed to roam free - and keeping its former memories and abilities. That's very dangerous and unreasonable for what should be a simple engineering unit.

For SREU M-E to work on NanoTrasen, it would need to be working there after arriving through legal means. It can be unhappy with the status quo, but there is also the concern that as a combat unit he needs to have some means to suppress any violent tendencies. His backstory shouldn't run the risk of allowing him to immediately go on the hunt when he smells antagonists. Normally I'd suggest a rewrite but this application has set for so long, and the issues would require an entirely new rewrite, and there's no other feedback to give me greater perspective. So this application is going to be declined and I encourage you to reapply when you are ready.

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