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In terms of the people that I have been roleplaying with lately, as of my recent but tentative return to station, thank you so much investing time and effort into teaching the people that I have influenced into joining Aurora from my RP guild on Guildwars 2. It has helped a lot of them feel more at home here and decidedly, some of them may stay for future en devours.

I would also like to thank the staff that have been so gracious in letting these new people learn under my guidance. You've been very understanding. I would not want to teach anyone on any other server.

I hope to encounter more fantastic RPer's on our walk around the station and look forward to meeting the new and apparently wonderful people that have since joined Aurora since my departure.

Kind regards



Yes! I remember it like it was yesterday. Would watch a Roboticist cluelessly get lobotomised and the CMO soon after again. What a horrifying situation.

"What the fuck did you just do!? What did you do to the Roboticist!?" - Burned into my memory. I can only imagine you saw the vitals on the monitor. Jeez.

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