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ID validator for security.


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On /tg/ station and on bay too security can utilise ID console on checkpoint to get a print of all access written on ID inserted, allowing them to see if someone have an access they should not even if there is no Head of Personel around.

But here it is not possible due to Aurora terminal system. You cant even engage ID software without Head of Personel access.

It would be useful for security if there would be a software in terminal which could print access list of ID inserted or maybe handheld ID scanner which can do the same. That would also be useful for situation when someone got access to somewhere but security still dont know about it - officer can just scan ID card and let the crewmember go after finding legitimate access to area on ID card.


Traitor officers also could get syndicate ID scanner which could possible make some changes to ID cards. Maybe it would be able to copy access similar to agent ID card but in less conspicious way. Or maybe it would be able to purge access from ID card.

You can actually check access by putting the card in a guest ID terminal, but I dunno.

It's not how it intended to work.

You cant get an official print of all access on ID how you can with terminal this way too. While terminal give you a print with information such as owner of ID, access on ID, time of ID check and also name of officer who made access print(you still need security access to use such feature)

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