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[Denied]ToasterStrudel's Eventual Skrell Application

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BYOND Key: Toasterstrudes

Character Names: All of the robots that have 'K.E' in it (I.E M.A.K.E, K.E.L.T, Etc.), Karlan Sel'ler, some other unathi's that no one knows.

Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Blue

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Of course not

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Well, I have been trying to get all of the whitelists i'm able to. I enjoy the Skrell, and though 'Hey, why not". I main a IPC so I felt maybe I should play on something on the other end of the spectrum, one that is inherently 'Anti-Synthetic' due to their history. I don't have much other reasoning.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Skrell are actually one of the first races to meet the humans, so though they are different, they have some similarities. One of the differences being that their speech pattern is much more direct, and doesn't have much 'flavor' so to speak. They have a much more formal attitude, and act more professional in a lot of cases.

Character Name: Qub'wurb Wuq'rur

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Most Skrell strive to be the best they can, be it in the medical field creating the top of the line medicine, or in the engineering field. In a knife drawer full of sharp knives, there's always the dull knife. Qub'wurb always had strive to be more in life, but both on a mental level as well as 'worth-ethic', they fell short when compared to the others of his home.

Through their education, they were ridiculed by their peers, alas this did not stop them from trying. Years and years passed by, and it the ridicule turned into pity. A Skrell who wasn't intelligent, who wasn't the top, there was nothing for them really to do, and no-where really to go. Thankfully, someone needs to clean up the mess of all those top scientists. Starting their career of being a Custodial Engineer, they came to their job on-time with the will of 100 janitorial Skrells. They were excited to do their job. Though their job was menial, they work as if their life depended on it.

After years of illustrious work, they decided they would look for work off of Jargon, they applied for citizenship in Beisel. Upon recieveing their citizenship, they set their sights for Nanotrasen. They looked to become a Janitor, excited to clean aboard such prestigious research stations. Being sheltered from almost anything outside of Jargon, this would be an experience of a lifetime for them. The idea of being able to clean for different species and different 'top of the line' Nanotrasen scientists would spark fire in Qub'wurb.

What do you like about this character?

I havn't see a Skrell Janitor, people have been missing out on the no-slip powergaming abilities. I think it would be a nice change of pace seeing as most of the Skrell playerbase places scientists or other higher-up positions.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10

Notes: Jackboob


A dumb skrell. Fucking brilliant.

As always, Strudel continues to impress and delight with his characters and concepts. I took one look at this app and I knew I was in love with Qub'wurb'bruw Wuq'ru'rur. I am confident that Strudel understands the lore as well, and will make his character humorous without being a stupid/inaccurate meme.

A million +1s, if I could

Guest Complete Garbage

I quite like all of Strudel's characters, and this is no exception. A decent understanding of the lore is demonstrated, accompanied by a backstory which is somewhat short, but solid. Definite +1


Hey there. Loow here.


BYOND Key: Toasterstrudes

Character Names: All of the robots that have 'K.E' in it (I.E M.A.K.E, K.E.L.T, Etc.), Karlan Sel'ler, some other unathi's that no one knows.

Species you are applying to play: Skrell

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Blue

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Of course not

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Well, I have been trying to get all of the whitelists i'm able to. I enjoy the Skrell, and though 'Hey, why not". I main a IPC so I felt maybe I should play on something on the other end of the spectrum, one that is inherently 'Anti-Synthetic' due to their history. I don't have much other reasoning.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Skrell are actually one of the first races to meet the humans, so though they are different, they have some similarities. One of the differences being that their speech pattern is much more direct, and doesn't have much 'flavor' so to speak. They have a much more formal attitude, and act more professional in a lot of cases.

Character Name: Qub'wurb Wuq'rur

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Most Skrell strive to be the best they can, be it in the medical field creating the top of the line medicine, or in the engineering field. In a knife drawer full of sharp knives, there's always the dull knife. Qub'wurb always had strive to be more in life, but both on a mental level as well as 'worth-ethic', they fell short when compared to the others of his home.

Through their education, they were ridiculed by their peers, alas this did not stop them from trying. Years and years passed by, and it the ridicule turned into pity. A Skrell who wasn't intelligent, who wasn't the top, there was nothing for them really to do, and no-where really to go. Thankfully, someone needs to clean up the mess of all those top scientists. Starting their career of being a Custodial Engineer, they came to their job on-time with the will of 100 janitorial Skrells. They were excited to do their job. Though their job was menial, they work as if their life depended on it.

After years of illustrious work, they decided they would look for work off of Jargon, they applied for citizenship in Beisel. Upon recieveing their citizenship, they set their sights for Nanotrasen. They looked to become a Janitor, excited to clean aboard such prestigious research stations. Being sheltered from almost anything outside of Jargon, this would be an experience of a lifetime for them. The idea of being able to clean for different species and different 'top of the line' Nanotrasen scientists would spark fire in Qub'wurb.

What do you like about this character?

I havn't see a Skrell Janitor, people have been missing out on the no-slip powergaming abilities. I think it would be a nice change of pace seeing as most of the Skrell playerbase places scientists or other higher-up positions.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10

Notes: Jackboob



I have a word or two of feedback. Your character's backstory is interesting. It's very broad and very sparse. Quick reminder. There are "normal people" among Skrell. By this I mean that it is impossible for every member of a species to be "the best" at something. There is nothing inherently "wrong" with being "average" in one's society. Perhaps the bio might have read better if it focused more on how the character felt about their position in addition to the accounts of what exactly their position is. What do I mean? Talking about your character's feelings and opinions more might have "padded out" the bio and given some much needed insight into the character's... character. The bio does mention that this Skrell works "as if their life depended on it" despite earlier mentions of their shortcomings in "work-ethic." Did they undergo some sort of change? Are they both lazy and hard working? Is there a person beneath this story? It could have been a very different read if more time was spent expanding on that "spark" mentioned in the character's bio and less time on how others felt "pity" for the normal person.

You play a few synthetics that are around pretty regularly. I really was expecting to read more in-depth feedback about your play on the station. I was expecting a lot more feedback to come in, but it looks like things didn't pan out that way. I'm happy to see that this application did get some feedback, but I am sorry to see that little of it had to do with server-side experiences.


A dumb skrell. Fucking brilliant.

As always, Strudel continues to impress and delight with his characters and concepts. I took one look at this app and I knew I was in love with Qub'wurb'bruw Wuq'ru'rur. I am confident that Strudel understands the lore as well, and will make his character humorous without being a stupid/inaccurate meme.

A million +1s, if I could

I quite like all of Strudel's characters, and this is no exception. A decent understanding of the lore is demonstrated, accompanied by a backstory which is somewhat short, but solid. Definite +1

You have people that like your concept and have faith in your abilities. This is good. It would have been very nice to see them explain what exactly they like about your previous characters and RP. Write something to sway people who are on the fence in your application.

As this application stands, it's not very compelling. The concept has the potential to be used to craft an interesting character, but the app itself makes the concept seem lackluster.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

Well, I have been trying to get all of the whitelists i'm able to. I enjoy the Skrell, and though 'Hey, why not". I main a IPC so I felt maybe I should play on something on the other end of the spectrum, one that is inherently 'Anti-Synthetic' due to their history. I don't have much other reasoning.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Skrell are actually one of the first races to meet the humans, so though they are different, they have some similarities. One of the differences being that their speech pattern is much more direct, and doesn't have much 'flavor' so to speak. They have a much more formal attitude, and act more professional in a lot of cases.


You don't seem very inspired. I know applying can feel like a chore, and that's precisely why I feel this app shouldn't pass. An application should be something that a player at least partially enjoys working on. Building a character can feel rewarding, and applying with them is your chance to show off. I like seeing when people like what they've made. I like seeing passion. I don't want you getting a whitelist for a character and application that you don't enjoy or care much about.

It feels like you typed what you had to type to get an app out there. I don't see any passion in this beyond the spark of "janitor Skrell." There are many things you could have talked about or thought about and shared with us in this app. It must have been a stylistic choice, but you've not specified the character's gender. In short, you could have done more. More would not have harmed your app. It may have even helped it.

Whatever an applicant puts on their app is basically all I have to work off of. If you don't care about the character, then you're not going to have a good time with the whitelist. How do I get the idea that someone cares about their character? I read what's on their app. Very little on this app gives me the impression that you'd like Skrell. It seems like writing this application was a chore.

Application Denied.

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