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Regarding Dionae Gestalts and Merging.

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So, my Lore question, how often do Dionae Gestalts split and merge with another? I can't imagine very often, but it seems very possible. As it stands, the mechanical number of Nymphs in a worker Gestalt ingame, is around 4/6, from the Lore page, as well. But, say I have two ooold Dionae characters that I no longer play, would it be acceptable to merge them together, even if it would only be half of the Nymphs from both of them, to form a new Gestalt with similar characteristics of both? Just to fuse the personalities a little. Is that too crazy? It seems almost as if it were something that you should expect to happen. I mean, I could just make a character with the fused traits and have it be unrelated entirely, but this would be more interesting, so i'm just wondering if it's acceptable.


There is no set limit on gestalts splitting and merging. While a gestalt does tend to be a group consciousness, it is not a hive mind, and so splitting can occur just because two groups want to go their own way, or merge for utility functions.

So it's perfectly reasonable that two gestalts working for NT would eventually split, and happen to merge with one another's parts.

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