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[Accepted] AllyBearsley General Wiki Maintainer App

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Ckey/BYOND Username: AllyBearsley

Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter): General/Engineering Wiki Maintainer

Past Experiences/Knowledge:

This is a rough one since I’ve had very little experience working with wikis. I know I worked with one 40k fanon wiki, but due to issues within the community I backed out of that one. I do have experience editing and formatting documents to make them easier to read and manage. I know that probably isn’t much but it is at least something.

Examples of Past Work:

Example of Edited Google Doc:


I actually styled this doc based on the common styles found on wikis.

Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Discord ( AllyBear#5010 )

Additional Comments:

I know I am bringing virtually no proper experience to the table. What I do bring is a desire to help. The wiki in some areas is kind of a mess, especially the barren engineering pages. A lot of pictures do not show up, some of the information is wrong, and we’re missing a lot of pages that wikis like baystation have. I’d very much like to help fix errors and expand this part of the wiki. I’m in no way a master of engineering or SS13 mechanics in general, but I am willing to work with others to find errors wherever they are and fix them.

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