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[Approved]NodNodNod's Dionaea Application

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BYOND Key: NodNodNod

Character Names: Kira Fairbanks (most common), Yeva Petrova (second most), Albrecht Meyer (third most), others less often.

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yarp.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I won't lie - it's a mix of a 'spur of the moment' thing, and a lingering general love of the species because it's simply so unique and different from what else exists. The lingering love of Dionaea finally manifested enough when people began talking about it in Discord that I thought to myself, 'Hell, I may as well try.' The only reason I haven't applied for a whitelist before is because I've always thought of them as being, to be blunt, a pain in the ass and a lengthy process - but that seems to be something that is not an issue here, whereas on other servers where I'd looked, the process seemed entirely too daunting and the communities a little.. clique-ish? I'll say clique-ish. Tangent aside, I want to play a Dionaea because it looks like something that would just be all-around enjoyable to roleplay as. It's vastly different from anything I've portrayed before across any number of settings, and that's the appeal of Dionaea (and potentially Skrell at a later date) over Unathi or catbeasts.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

I don't even know where to begin with this one. I could more easily identify how they're similar, but then this would end up being a one sentence explanation and that won't work. I guess for starters, the Dionaea aren't exactly 'individuals' like one would think. They're conglomerates of nymphs - which are the individuals - that form together to network their intelligence, essentially. And the kind of scary thing is, they can keep networking larger and larger. Which apparently scares the hell out of the Skrell, due to the fact that they have standing orders to completely destroy any 'singularity'-class form that they may ever encounter because of the risks of having that much thought-power united. Going back to what makes them different from humans, it's more than just their individuality as grouped beings that sets them apart. It's their whole way of life and living. They don't really 'eat' food, though they do cannibalize their own dead, but instead rely on light radiation like a standard plant. They reproduce like plants, too; seeds are released and will find relatively fertile ground to latch onto and grow. As they grow, they form their basic building block: the nymph. The nymph has no real defined organ structure or anything like a human has. This is so that they may unite more easily with other nymphs to benefit by growing and learning.

Which brings me to yet another important difference. Their knowledge is stored not entirely unlike digital storage, in terms of data amount. That's pretty damn wild! I'm really not entirely sure where else to go with this, because as I said, it's easier to list how they are similar than to go through and basically restate everything about Dionaea, since there's so scant few things that can be compared to humans.


Character Name: Rapid Descent

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

A small group of nymphs from the Epsilon Ursae Minor shell, Rapid Descent adopted their name the instant they broke from the shell in their collective decision to explore and learn - not unlike what other Dionae had done in the slightest. Their name was chosen because it made sense at the time as they stowed themselves away during a cargo vessel's stop at the system's renowned shipyard, when they were in such a 'hurry' to get on-board that they actually fell down the ladders so that they could more quickly hide themselves away in a cargo compartment, lest they get spotted and kicked off. The plan worked and Rapid Descent found itself in a NanoTrasen chartered cargo vessel.

Upon reaching the destination, the dimly-lit cargo compartment had resulted in a malnurtured state and a lethargic, sickly disposition. The crew, thankfully, was less concerned about the stowaway and more concerned that it looked like it was about to die, and so they brought it out into the well-lit landing bay at a central supply port where shipping came and went at all hours. It just so happened that NanoTrasen, always on the hunt for cheap labor, had offices on the hub and had a desire for skilled engineers that would work under such conditions. Rapid Descent's paperwork process was started and sorted within days and thus, it began its dream goal: exploring and learning more and more.

What do you like about this character?

I enjoy Rapid Descent's desire to 'go fast' in less-than-orthodox ways, and I can potentially see it continuing with such practices on the station. Riding a MULE or driving a cargo-tug for no real reason is not an unlikely choice for Rapid Descent. Really, just the thought of Dionaea even considering the option of 'fast' amuses me, and the mental image of one falling down a hole because it's 'quicker' makes me smirk. Despite its desire to go fast, however, it is still remarkably slow in both speed and speaking.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? Ehh. I don't really like to toot my own horn, but I guess I'd put it around an eight or nine out of ten. I never break character and I seldom play in a powergamy manner, and even when I have meta knowledge, I try not to use it in my interactions. Which, obviously, is hard when you know something. I certainly don't carry IC grudges over OOC. I could probably improve on a few things, but I'd say we all could improve.


Well. I've been RPing for.. uh. I dunno. Well over a decade. I played WoW RP back when Moonguard was young and not... y'know, what it is now. I've been on retail and private servers, even serving as a GM on one of the larger and more well-known servers, where I primarily dealt with investigating metagame / exploiting of PvP / etc. I've been on Gmod RP (not dark RP, but serious RP servers, as awful as Gmod is/was), and I can honestly say I've never had anything as interesting to portray as a Dionaea, which is a large part of the reason that I want to do it. It's actually new and unique to me, which is rare to find after so long.

On another note, despite my lack of posts, I've been around for a minute or two. I just don't really post much since I have no reason to.

I do have one question, though. Dionaea don't feel pain, right? Because if they do, then I may need to rework the backstory - but I'm under the impression that they don't feel pain in a traditional sense.


BYOND Key: NodNodNod

Character Names: Kira Fairbanks (most common), Yeva Petrova (second most), Albrecht Meyer (third most), others less often.

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yarp.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I won't lie - it's a mix of a 'spur of the moment' thing, and a lingering general love of the species because it's simply so unique and different from what else exists. The lingering love of Dionaea finally manifested enough when people began talking about it in Discord that I thought to myself, 'Hell, I may as well try.' The only reason I haven't applied for a whitelist before is because I've always thought of them as being, to be blunt, a pain in the ass and a lengthy process - but that seems to be something that is not an issue here, whereas on other servers where I'd looked, the process seemed entirely too daunting and the communities a little.. clique-ish? I'll say clique-ish. Tangent aside, I want to play a Dionaea because it looks like something that would just be all-around enjoyable to roleplay as. It's vastly different from anything I've portrayed before across any number of settings, and that's the appeal of Dionaea (and potentially Skrell at a later date) over Unathi or catbeasts.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

I don't even know where to begin with this one. I could more easily identify how they're similar, but then this would end up being a one sentence explanation and that won't work. I guess for starters, the Dionaea aren't exactly 'individuals' like one would think. They're conglomerates of nymphs - which are the individuals - that form together to network their intelligence, essentially. And the kind of scary thing is, they can keep networking larger and larger. Which apparently scares the hell out of the Skrell, due to the fact that they have standing orders to completely destroy any 'singularity'-class form that they may ever encounter because of the risks of having that much thought-power united. Going back to what makes them different from humans, it's more than just their individuality as grouped beings that sets them apart. It's their whole way of life and living. They don't really 'eat' food, though they do cannibalize their own dead, but instead rely on light radiation like a standard plant. They reproduce like plants, too; seeds are released and will find relatively fertile ground to latch onto and grow. As they grow, they form their basic building block: the nymph. The nymph has no real defined organ structure or anything like a human has. This is so that they may unite more easily with other nymphs to benefit by growing and learning.

Which brings me to yet another important difference. Their knowledge is stored not entirely unlike digital storage, in terms of data amount. That's pretty damn wild! I'm really not entirely sure where else to go with this, because as I said, it's easier to list how they are similar than to go through and basically restate everything about Dionaea, since there's so scant few things that can be compared to humans.


Character Name: Rapid Descent

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

A small group of nymphs from the Epsilon Ursae Minor shell, Rapid Descent adopted their name the instant they broke from the shell in their collective decision to explore and learn - not unlike what other Dionae had done in the slightest. Their name was chosen because it made sense at the time as they stowed themselves away during a cargo vessel's stop at the system's renowned shipyard, when they were in such a 'hurry' to get on-board that they actually fell down the ladders so that they could more quickly hide themselves away in a cargo compartment, lest they get spotted and kicked off. The plan worked and Rapid Descent found itself in a NanoTrasen chartered cargo vessel.

Upon reaching the destination, the dimly-lit cargo compartment had resulted in a malnurtured state and a lethargic, sickly disposition. The crew, thankfully, was less concerned about the stowaway and more concerned that it looked like it was about to die, and so they brought it out into the well-lit landing bay at a central supply port where shipping came and went at all hours. It just so happened that NanoTrasen, always on the hunt for cheap labor, had offices on the hub and had a desire for skilled engineers that would work under such conditions. Rapid Descent's paperwork process was started and sorted within days and thus, it began its dream goal: exploring and learning more and more.

What do you like about this character?

I enjoy Rapid Descent's desire to 'go fast' in less-than-orthodox ways, and I can potentially see it continuing with such practices on the station. Riding a MULE or driving a cargo-tug for no real reason is not an unlikely choice for Rapid Descent. Really, just the thought of Dionaea even considering the option of 'fast' amuses me, and the mental image of one falling down a hole because it's 'quicker' makes me smirk. Despite its desire to go fast, however, it is still remarkably slow in both speed and speaking.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? Ehh. I don't really like to toot my own horn, but I guess I'd put it around an eight or nine out of ten. I never break character and I seldom play in a powergamy manner, and even when I have meta knowledge, I try not to use it in my interactions. Which, obviously, is hard when you know something. I certainly don't carry IC grudges over OOC. I could probably improve on a few things, but I'd say we all could improve.


Well. I've been RPing for.. uh. I dunno. Well over a decade. I played WoW RP back when Moonguard was young and not... y'know, what it is now. I've been on retail and private servers, even serving as a GM on one of the larger and more well-known servers, where I primarily dealt with investigating metagame / exploiting of PvP / etc. I've been on Gmod RP (not dark RP, but serious RP servers, as awful as Gmod is/was), and I can honestly say I've never had anything as interesting to portray as a Dionaea, which is a large part of the reason that I want to do it. It's actually new and unique to me, which is rare to find after so long.

On another note, despite my lack of posts, I've been around for a minute or two. I just don't really post much since I have no reason to.

I do have one question, though. Dionaea don't feel pain, right? Because if they do, then I may need to rework the backstory - but I'm under the impression that they don't feel pain in a traditional sense.

I saw you for the first time just awhile ago, but I've gotta say, this application is pretty solid. I'm especially a fan of your background story, Nymph Stowaways would be a ... surprising turn of events for that Cargo Crew. But, one thing I am confused about, where did Rapid Descents' Nymphs learn to be an Engineer? it's a minor hole here but i'm curious about that. I imagine if they enlisted with NT, NT would be willing to give them blood or genetic material, it's not farfetched at all, but I figured i'd ask directly too, since it wasn't stated anywhere. Other than that question, I don't really know what else to say, like I said, it's a solid Application from my point of view, there's really nothing that stands out as bad, I like it. +1.

Also, to answer your question, Dionae do not feel pain in a traditional sense, but they do have a sense of self-preservation.


I played WoW RP back when Moonguard was young and not... y'know, what it is now. I've been on Gmod RP (not dark RP, but serious RP servers, as awful as Gmod is/was)

OH BOY. A fellow Old Moonguardian. And a fellow Old Gmod Serious RPer. That's Cool.


BYOND Key: NodNodNod

Character Names: Kira Fairbanks (most common), Yeva Petrova (second most), Albrecht Meyer (third most), others less often.

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yarp.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I won't lie - it's a mix of a 'spur of the moment' thing, and a lingering general love of the species because it's simply so unique and different from what else exists. The lingering love of Dionaea finally manifested enough when people began talking about it in Discord that I thought to myself, 'Hell, I may as well try.' The only reason I haven't applied for a whitelist before is because I've always thought of them as being, to be blunt, a pain in the ass and a lengthy process - but that seems to be something that is not an issue here, whereas on other servers where I'd looked, the process seemed entirely too daunting and the communities a little.. clique-ish? I'll say clique-ish. Tangent aside, I want to play a Dionaea because it looks like something that would just be all-around enjoyable to roleplay as. It's vastly different from anything I've portrayed before across any number of settings, and that's the appeal of Dionaea (and potentially Skrell at a later date) over Unathi or catbeasts.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

I don't even know where to begin with this one. I could more easily identify how they're similar, but then this would end up being a one sentence explanation and that won't work. I guess for starters, the Dionaea aren't exactly 'individuals' like one would think. They're conglomerates of nymphs - which are the individuals - that form together to network their intelligence, essentially. And the kind of scary thing is, they can keep networking larger and larger. Which apparently scares the hell out of the Skrell, due to the fact that they have standing orders to completely destroy any 'singularity'-class form that they may ever encounter because of the risks of having that much thought-power united. Going back to what makes them different from humans, it's more than just their individuality as grouped beings that sets them apart. It's their whole way of life and living. They don't really 'eat' food, though they do cannibalize their own dead, but instead rely on light radiation like a standard plant. They reproduce like plants, too; seeds are released and will find relatively fertile ground to latch onto and grow. As they grow, they form their basic building block: the nymph. The nymph has no real defined organ structure or anything like a human has. This is so that they may unite more easily with other nymphs to benefit by growing and learning.

Which brings me to yet another important difference. Their knowledge is stored not entirely unlike digital storage, in terms of data amount. That's pretty damn wild! I'm really not entirely sure where else to go with this, because as I said, it's easier to list how they are similar than to go through and basically restate everything about Dionaea, since there's so scant few things that can be compared to humans.


Character Name: Rapid Descent

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

A small group of nymphs from the Epsilon Ursae Minor shell, Rapid Descent adopted their name the instant they broke from the shell in their collective decision to explore and learn - not unlike what other Dionae had done in the slightest. Their name was chosen because it made sense at the time as they stowed themselves away during a cargo vessel's stop at the system's renowned shipyard, when they were in such a 'hurry' to get on-board that they actually fell down the ladders so that they could more quickly hide themselves away in a cargo compartment, lest they get spotted and kicked off. The plan worked and Rapid Descent found itself in a NanoTrasen chartered cargo vessel.

Upon reaching the destination, the dimly-lit cargo compartment had resulted in a malnurtured state and a lethargic, sickly disposition. The crew, thankfully, was less concerned about the stowaway and more concerned that it looked like it was about to die, and so they brought it out into the well-lit landing bay at a central supply port where shipping came and went at all hours. It just so happened that NanoTrasen, always on the hunt for cheap labor, had offices on the hub and had a desire for skilled engineers that would work under such conditions. Rapid Descent's paperwork process was started and sorted within days and thus, it began its dream goal: exploring and learning more and more.

What do you like about this character?

I enjoy Rapid Descent's desire to 'go fast' in less-than-orthodox ways, and I can potentially see it continuing with such practices on the station. Riding a MULE or driving a cargo-tug for no real reason is not an unlikely choice for Rapid Descent. Really, just the thought of Dionaea even considering the option of 'fast' amuses me, and the mental image of one falling down a hole because it's 'quicker' makes me smirk. Despite its desire to go fast, however, it is still remarkably slow in both speed and speaking.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? Ehh. I don't really like to toot my own horn, but I guess I'd put it around an eight or nine out of ten. I never break character and I seldom play in a powergamy manner, and even when I have meta knowledge, I try not to use it in my interactions. Which, obviously, is hard when you know something. I certainly don't carry IC grudges over OOC. I could probably improve on a few things, but I'd say we all could improve.


Well. I've been RPing for.. uh. I dunno. Well over a decade. I played WoW RP back when Moonguard was young and not... y'know, what it is now. I've been on retail and private servers, even serving as a GM on one of the larger and more well-known servers, where I primarily dealt with investigating metagame / exploiting of PvP / etc. I've been on Gmod RP (not dark RP, but serious RP servers, as awful as Gmod is/was), and I can honestly say I've never had anything as interesting to portray as a Dionaea, which is a large part of the reason that I want to do it. It's actually new and unique to me, which is rare to find after so long.

On another note, despite my lack of posts, I've been around for a minute or two. I just don't really post much since I have no reason to.

I do have one question, though. Dionaea don't feel pain, right? Because if they do, then I may need to rework the backstory - but I'm under the impression that they don't feel pain in a traditional sense.

I saw you for the first time just awhile ago, but I've gotta say, this application is pretty solid. I'm especially a fan of your background story, Nymph Stowaways would be a ... surprising turn of events for that Cargo Crew. But, one thing I am confused about, where did Rapid Descents' Nymphs learn to be an Engineer? it's a minor hole here but i'm curious about that. I imagine if they enlisted with NT, NT would be willing to give them blood or genetic material, it's not farfetched at all, but I figured i'd ask directly too, since it wasn't stated anywhere. Other than that question, I don't really know what else to say, like I said, it's a solid Application from my point of view, there's really nothing that stands out as bad, I like it. +1.

Also, to answer your question, Dionae do not feel pain in a traditional sense, but they do have a sense of self-preservation.


I played WoW RP back when Moonguard was young and not... y'know, what it is now. I've been on Gmod RP (not dark RP, but serious RP servers, as awful as Gmod is/was)

OH BOY. A fellow Old Moonguardian. And a fellow Old Gmod Serious RPer. That's Cool.


Thanks for the support and the input. As for your question, Rapid Descent's knowledge comes from its origin - the Epsilon Ursae Minor shell. It is known for its stellar (heh pun) engineering knowledge due to the shipyard within the system.

Don't go to Moonguard. It's bad now.

Also Gmod is bad now.

It was kinda bad then, but it's really bad now.


I played WoW RP back when Moonguard was young and not... y'know, what it is now. I've been on Gmod RP (not dark RP, but serious RP servers, as awful as Gmod is/was)

Thanks for the support and the input. As for your question, Rapid Descent's knowledge comes from its origin - the Epsilon Ursae Minor shell. It is known for its stellar (heh pun) engineering knowledge due to the shipyard within the system.

Don't go to Moonguard. It's bad now.

Also Gmod is bad now.

It was kinda bad then, but it's really bad now.

That makes sense, actually. I must've forgot about that, if the Nymphs aren't new sprouts and were part of the Minoris shell, they could already have Engineering knowledge. Interesting writing. Alright, that answered my question, thank you. Also, I don't play either of those anymore, but I did enjoy Gmod for a little while, I avoided RP Hubs on Moonguard and tried to do freeform RP out in the wilderness, it worked out alright, but I got bored of WoW after awhile. That was a looong time ago though. GL with the App!

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