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[Accepted] Diggey Mineson Vaurca Worker Application

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Posted (edited)


Diggey Mineson

Character Names:

Han Song

Species you are applying to play:


What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):


Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:

Yes, wise master!

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I am personally infatuated with the idea of playing a lowly drone and when I discovered the aspect of supressed nobility (in an obvious hive analog) I was stunned I didn't realise it earlier.

I want to play the mindless drone,and eventually once I have gained more confidence I aspire to use my native language in order to present a believable iteration of a poet struggling to speak TCB,with hidden disdain and vast overqualification~

I prefer playing non integral roles on stations such as Assistant,I'm a more passive roleplayer,I don't create scenarios,I operate within them.

I like Ants.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Well,you see,a human won't blink idly as the HoS tells him to do something when clearly the chef demanded he produce 30 Bell peppers,A human won't usually spend half the session speaking in his human exclusive language to other humans about how their work is slightly demeaning,a human has self preservation instincts,the loss of a human life is not as great a tragedy as the loss of an Unbound,as a Human people will treat me with at least minimal respect and I can expect to eventually stop playing assistant and become a Science officer.

Most humans can speak to most people,I'd problably need to carry around a pen and paper with me at all times

I am expected to run away from danger as a Bound even if I think I could help

many many things make the Vaurca different from humans,besides the fact that I can't wear many cool hats of course

let's ignore the clothing or health or dietary restrictions


Character Name:

Ka'Viax'Tlili K'lax

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Tlili is a K'lax born Ka Viax (it's in the name,look it up) born from a common batch,he didn't show any particular traits that made him stand out,

he is just one of many thousand Gardeners,growing lichen to feed the other drones,nothing about him is special,except for the fact that he is of a smaller caste of course.

Regardless,Number Tlili was drawn to work for Nanotrasen,after a relatively short time teaching him Ceti Basic...

(Botany)...and many many many exhausting weeks teaching him individually how to plant and care for plants other than K'oi...

(Janitorial Duties)...and ingraining in him a few set of rules on how the stations he is deployed at ought to look by the end of his colleagues shift...

(Assistant)...and an even shorter time assigning him as subordinate and teaching him the chain of command...

...he is now in official Nanotrasen employ as a worker drone

Seperate Backstory after I am comfortable with playing a Vaurca and have gained the confidence to try an independant role

Ka'Akaix'Tlili K'lax Was born in a special brood of 12,he was groomed and finally raised to be an Unbound,living his life in virtual reality he quickly picked up the study of history and literature as is expected of one of his Hive.

He went about his business studying to dedicate his life to the role of Sanctity when his number was drawn in a lottery,outraged at this he struggled,he has not descended for his entire existance and pities the Bound,but facing threat of termination and lacking any experience in how much he would grow to resent the decision he Descended and assumed a willing Host.

Now faced with a grave lack of experience in most menial labour and only theoretical understanding of things Tlili must be pushed around by others to make ends meet in his indefinite work contract.

What do you like about this character?

I'm a sucker for working menial labour in this game,seriously,don't ask,I know it's weird,I also like Botany in particular and find it refreshing to play the fool,in contrast I also want to be the struggling party playing a repressed intellect,beeing treated like a fool simply for lacking a formal education.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I occasionally feel urged to say something when it's not entirely appropriate or act in a way many can not fully emphasize with,but I refrain from powergaming entirely and usually try to find a personal mission each round,something to strive for,which allows me to keep in character better,I'd say a solid 7/10


Planning on playing a Bound until I am confident with the station at which point my character will be taken over by a K'lax of the Sanctity Caste at which point again I will be flip flopping between the two depending on mood

Edited by Guest

This is a very good application; I think you get what I'm trying to go for. The only thing is, under "character names," you're supposed to write the names of other characters that you play on the server. Could you do that up for me?


Han is always a pleasure to talk with, and he's a great botanist/service worker. I definitely think Diggey could play an unbound Vaurca and like he says, with time, an unbound Akaix. I think the idea of playing as a poet is also pretty darn cool and unique. Definitely gets a +1 from me

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