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Plant bag overhaul


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Sometimes I wanna get certain plants to certain people

The bar should get some grapes,I need to get this K'ois into medical because a Vaulcra works there,the Chef demanded potatos and I want to put everything else in the biogenerator except potatos

How's putting a gathering method onto the plantbag that it only picks up the produce species you clicked on sound?

like,you just reaped the entire harvest,it's healthy for the plants to be harvested,you dump out the satchel,then you fill your other satchel only with the rice and send that off

Would be greatly appreciated

ie collect only items with the same name as what was clicked on

also of course a request to all me to dump the satchel in a square next to me so I can dump things onto tables instead of climbing onto a table to dump it there

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