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[Denied]Ozewse's Tajaran Application

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BYOND Key: Ozewse

Character Names: Daniel Harper

Species you are applying to play: Tajaran

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Silver (RGB 192, 192, 192)

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: To add more cultural flavor to the station. I'm not sure if it's just the shifts I usually play on, or if the community is just dominated by un-whitelisted players, but I rarely see cultural diversity in the station aside from the odd accent here or there. I'm familiar with the general idea of Tajara, and I'd like to play one and really dig into the lore of a race which seems like a joke on the surface, but actually has extremely interesting levels of development and effort put into their culture and history.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The first thing someone unfamiliar with Tajara is going to notice (aside from the feline features) is their unique speech structure and propensity towards the third-person. This can trip-up some sentence syntax and really confuse both the writer and the reader, and so it's important to make sure it's portrayed accurately, from the mind of someone who thinks and speaks in the third person. Just like a human speaking common doesn't start every sentence with "I", a Tajaran won't start every sentence with "He/She/They".

Tajara have unique tastes and prefer certain types of food and entertainment based on their homeworld and cultural background. As a M'sai, Jraz won't necessarily like uncooked vegetables and may avoid most non-starchy vegetables all together. Traditional M'sai food would likely be mostly meat, so he might be wary to try any non-meat consumable, cooked or otherwise.

A Tajaran won't take insults to pride laying down, much like a human with a very traditional upbringing might not either, the difference being that a Tajaran has a much more sensitive adrenal system and may act out of reflex rather than thinking about their actions first when agitated - Especially a M'sai. Warriors, soldiers, hunters. Of course, Jraz isn't a perfectly typical M'sai, having once been a Dragoon, wounded in combat, he isn't quite as fast as he once was- Making him a better candidate for medicine. Those who can fight, fight; and those who can't, support the fight.

As I continue to read and re-read these extensive lore pages, I feel like I could go on for hours, but I'm going to stop here because the creative gears are turning and I want to get this backstory in.


Character Name: Jraz'dai M'sai Al'zeer (Jraz)

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs (Is 3 also approximately 2? :>)

Jraz was born on Adhomai. The eldest of five children, he would later be conscripted into the military after the late Al'Mari Hadii had made a particularly nasty miss-step in enforcement that resulted in reinforcements being called out of M'sai domiciles all across the planetary nation. Without fear nor ill-will, the youth had joined the armed forces and began training to join The Blood of The People, the Alam'ardii.

His natural-born prowess in hunting made him a prime candidate to become a Dragoon, where agility and fine-precision strikes were key- But his bloodline stood in the way. It would be some time before -that- changed, and so he served the Alam'ardii with all the ferocity and finesse expected of a tried-and-true M'sai, until he eventually garnered the attention of the Alyad'almalik, the Hand of the King. While technically a downgrade in terms of sheer combat, this attention led to his eventual induction into the Hand, to join the Special Forces: A Dragoon, an old and -for the most part lost- art of mounted warfare used to make precision strikes on enemy flanks to harry the enemy and strike fear into their hearts.

After a small incident involving his non-noble bloodline and the position he had weaseled himself into on technicalities of illegitimate heir to land; the orange spot near the tip of his tail indicating some of the noble bloodline in him, and a few drinks with the would-be commander of his unit- he found himself in his fourth combat mission at the peak of his career at age 25, where it abruptly ended. A mortar shell had burst just near enough to his mount to send both it (and he, himself,) flying. Shrapnel in precarious places, a broken clavicle and an injury to his left hip left him unable to ride, and unable to fight -much to the pleasure of the gentry under whom he served- but that wouldn't keep him from the battlefield. He would soon use his fine reflexes and the keen eyes of a hunter to heal rather than harm, using his knowledge of the battlefield to his advantage in search-and-rescue. His unique skill set in paramedicine, not combat, would be what finally garnered the attention of Nanotrasen, offering him a life aboard one of the more perilous stations under their control, while allowing him to further hone his new craft.

What do you like about this character?

I love playing would-be-Sues. As in, people who could have been a totally sickening Mary Sue but then got royally f***ed up and can't anymore. Here we have a potential military hero who got 4 missions in and got blasted with an explosive, so he's stuck scraping the crew off the walls in a desperate attempt to keep them alive. Being a Tajaran further entices me because I can develop both the character and my understanding of Tajara through roleplay & development. I also like this military archetype because it's not one I usually play, but I see around a lot. He's also established but has room to grow! (I'm looking at you, CMO.)

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

8/8 been roleplaying since I was born, pretending to be a human.

Notes: Jraz-jiit has trauma-kits if you have meatbread. I don't claim to be an expert on cat lore, I'm still actively learning and reading -ALL- the lore pages, but I'd love to have some feedback. I know my Grammar up there probably isn't the best, so please feel free to give me some proofreading, I just get carried away and forget that I have to type in legible English when I'm given prompts I'm excited about. Also I'm certain there are timeline mistakes, but I don't intend to get deep into his cultural background until I have more understanding of the entire game's lore. I want this character as a means to learn more than I already know.


Hello! This slipped under my radar until now. I'm going to be reviewing this application tomorrow since I have work in a few hours and still need to sleep. See you then!


BYOND Key: Ozewse

Character Names: Daniel Harper

Species you are applying to play: Tajaran

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Silver (RGB 192, 192, 192)

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: To add more cultural flavor to the station. I'm not sure if it's just the shifts I usually play on, or if the community is just dominated by un-whitelisted players, but I rarely see cultural diversity in the station aside from the odd accent here or there. I'm familiar with the general idea of Tajara, and I'd like to play one and really dig into the lore of a race which seems like a joke on the surface, but actually has extremely interesting levels of development and effort put into their culture and history.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The first thing someone unfamiliar with Tajara is going to notice (aside from the feline features) is their unique speech structure and propensity towards the third-person. This can trip-up some sentence syntax and really confuse both the writer and the reader, and so it's important to make sure it's portrayed accurately, from the mind of someone who thinks and speaks in the third person. Just like a human speaking common doesn't start every sentence with "I", a Tajaran won't start every sentence with "He/She/They".

Tajara have unique tastes and prefer certain types of food and entertainment based on their homeworld and cultural background. As a M'sai, Jraz won't necessarily like uncooked vegetables and may avoid most non-starchy vegetables all together. Traditional M'sai food would likely be mostly meat, so he might be wary to try any non-meat consumable, cooked or otherwise.

A Tajaran won't take insults to pride laying down, much like a human with a very traditional upbringing might not either, the difference being that a Tajaran has a much more sensitive adrenal system and may act out of reflex rather than thinking about their actions first when agitated - Especially a M'sai. Warriors, soldiers, hunters. Of course, Jraz isn't a perfectly typical M'sai, having once been a Dragoon, wounded in combat, he isn't quite as fast as he once was- Making him a better candidate for medicine. Those who can fight, fight; and those who can't, support the fight.

As I continue to read and re-read these extensive lore pages, I feel like I could go on for hours, but I'm going to stop here because the creative gears are turning and I want to get this backstory in.


Character Name: Jraz'dai M'sai Al'zeer (Jraz)

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs (Is 3 also approximately 2? :>)

Jraz was born on Adhomai. The eldest of five children, he would later be conscripted into the military after the late Al'Mari Hadii had made a particularly nasty miss-step in enforcement that resulted in reinforcements being called out of M'sai domiciles all across the planetary nation. Without fear nor ill-will, the youth had joined the armed forces and began training to join The Blood of The People, the Alam'ardii.

His natural-born prowess in hunting made him a prime candidate to become a Dragoon, where agility and fine-precision strikes were key- But his bloodline stood in the way. It would be some time before -that- changed, and so he served the Alam'ardii with all the ferocity and finesse expected of a tried-and-true M'sai, until he eventually garnered the attention of the Alyad'almalik, the Hand of the King. While technically a downgrade in terms of sheer combat, this attention led to his eventual induction into the Hand, to join the Special Forces: A Dragoon, an old and -for the most part lost- art of mounted warfare used to make precision strikes on enemy flanks to harry the enemy and strike fear into their hearts.

After a small incident involving his non-noble bloodline and the position he had weaseled himself into on technicalities of illegitimate heir to land; the orange spot near the tip of his tail indicating some of the noble bloodline in him, and a few drinks with the would-be commander of his unit- he found himself in his fourth combat mission at the peak of his career at age 25, where it abruptly ended. A mortar shell had burst just near enough to his mount to send both it (and he, himself,) flying. Shrapnel in precarious places, a broken clavicle and an injury to his left hip left him unable to ride, and unable to fight -much to the pleasure of the gentry under whom he served- but that wouldn't keep him from the battlefield. He would soon use his fine reflexes and the keen eyes of a hunter to heal rather than harm, using his knowledge of the battlefield to his advantage in search-and-rescue. His unique skill set in paramedicine, not combat, would be what finally garnered the attention of Nanotrasen, offering him a life aboard one of the more perilous stations under their control, while allowing him to further hone his new craft.

What do you like about this character?

I love playing would-be-Sues. As in, people who could have been a totally sickening Mary Sue but then got royally f***ed up and can't anymore. Here we have a potential military hero who got 4 missions in and got blasted with an explosive, so he's stuck scraping the crew off the walls in a desperate attempt to keep them alive. Being a Tajaran further entices me because I can develop both the character and my understanding of Tajara through roleplay & development. I also like this military archetype because it's not one I usually play, but I see around a lot. He's also established but has room to grow! (I'm looking at you, CMO.)

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

8/8 been roleplaying since I was born, pretending to be a human.

Notes: Jraz-jiit has trauma-kits if you have meatbread. I don't claim to be an expert on cat lore, I'm still actively learning and reading -ALL- the lore pages, but I'd love to have some feedback. I know my Grammar up there probably isn't the best, so please feel free to give me some proofreading, I just get carried away and forget that I have to type in legible English when I'm given prompts I'm excited about. Also I'm certain there are timeline mistakes, but I don't intend to get deep into his cultural background until I have more understanding of the entire game's lore. I want this character as a means to learn more than I already know.


Let's take it from the top.


A Tajaran won't take insults to pride laying down, much like a human with a very traditional upbringing might not either, the difference being that a Tajaran has a much more sensitive adrenal system and may act out of reflex rather than thinking about their actions first when agitated - Especially a M'sai. Warriors, soldiers, hunters.


There's nothing on the wiki about sensitive adrenal glands. I strongly recommend against Tajara players being what we used to call "sassy cats." There was an epidemic for awhile 2 years back where anyone who insulted Tajara wound up getting clawed in the face. It was wildly unpopular and got shut down. Being a prideful traditionalist who doesn't take kindly to insults is a-okay and even encouraged if it's the angle you're going for, but escalation to physical violence tends to need more than casual racism.


Jraz was born on Adhomai. The eldest of five children, he would later be conscripted into the military after the late Al'Mari Hadii had made a particularly nasty miss-step in enforcement that resulted in reinforcements being called out of M'sai domiciles all across the planetary nation. Without fear nor ill-will, the youth had joined the armed forces and began training to join The Blood of The People, the Alam'ardii.


I'm pretty confused already. Let me run through a few bits of uncommon lore, one piece of which is a bit buried in the news article by now. Conscription to the Republican Army (Grand People's Army) wasn't a thing while Al'Mari Hadii was president. It was a purely volunteer army up until late 2457/early 2458 when his (now president) brother Malik Hadii passed it into law. IN the most famous assassination of Tajaran history, Al-Mari Hadii was killed in 2451, leading to the outbreak of the current war between his brother and his best friend who was commander of all the armed forces. But there's further confusion here. See, the Republican Army was heavily influenced by human advisers with brigades and divisions etc. But Alam'ard and Alam'ardii specifically refer to the Imperial Adhomian Army of the New Kingdom of Adhomai. So I'm a bit confused here if Jraz has joined the People's Republic of Adhomai's Republican Army or the New Kingdom of Adhomai's Imperial Army.


His natural-born prowess in hunting made him a prime candidate to become a Dragoon, where agility and fine-precision strikes were key- But his bloodline stood in the way. It would be some time before -that- changed, and so he served the Alam'ardii with all the ferocity and finesse expected of a tried-and-true M'sai, until he eventually garnered the attention of the Alyad'almalik, the Hand of the King. While technically a downgrade in terms of sheer combat, this attention led to his eventual induction into the Hand, to join the Special Forces: A Dragoon, an old and -for the most part lost- art of mounted warfare used to make precision strikes on enemy flanks to harry the enemy and strike fear into their hearts.


Most Imperial Dragoons are M'sai, I don't really see why being an M'sai would stand in his way. Historically speaking, the socio-ethnic relations were that M'sai were the right hand enforcers of the Njarir working class. Of course that's a generalization, but Dragoons were often M'sai because of their lighter forms.

The way this application keeps going on, it leaves me with the impression that Jraz was a member of the NKA and the Imperial Army rather than the PRA and the Republican Army, but with the intro I'm not quite sure. Could you elaborate?


Your response makes me realize just how little I've actually grasped of the lore here. We can uh. Revisit this at a later date. Thanks for giving it a read, I'll just save it as a draft but you can go ahead and nuke the application.

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