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Improvement - Antagonist Communications Uplink

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At the moment antags can purchase a 1 time CC announcement for 2 telecrystals. From that point on the CCIA have to deal with it, including handling stupid things one way or the other.

The proposal. A cartridge that can be purchased for 4ish telecrystals that allows the antagonist with a PDA to purchase a block and send point for 1 telecrystal, they get one charge on original purchase.

This cartridge will open up a sub menu that will give them in my current idea.

-A log of all faxes. Sent and received, CCIA have some preexisting framework for that.

-A log of all incoming command reports, the communications console has that program

-A log of all outgoing AI and console emergency messages probably tied in with the incoming command report log, at the moment the only extensive record is that which is forwarded to the discord.

-A block button with a countdown timer for outgoing faxes or emergency messages. So when the cartridge is inserted an alert like a received PDA message will sound giving you a chance to block the outgoing notice before it continues on. It will use the block point.

-A send button that gives you the current announcement option. At the expense of a send point.

-A purchase button that lets you buy the stockpile of block and send points

-A counter for saved up send and block points, and remaining telecrystals.

Why? Because as recent antag gimmicks, being big and/or stupid and them getting sent right to the CCIA for confirmation is a giant pain in the ass for CCIA at a one time 2 crystal cost for any antag. To which if we are going to let it pass we have to do all the mental gymnastics on the why would 'we' do this. This lets antags be big and/or stupid and not reliant on the CCIA not being fickle in the moment and takes the pressure off the CCIA for sucking all the fun out of a round denying it face on. At a cost, a potentially ongoing one, meaning antags will have to put more thought into their announcements in the future as well so they do not end up burnt out on crystal supplies or are willing to risk the CCIA outing them/puting on an investigation clock, instead of going along with them.

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