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[Denied] Blase's IPC Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: MacBlaze

Character Names: Arnold Blase, Ambrosine Polson

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

i wish to play this species because it seems like a new and exciting breath of fresh air. No longer am I playing some human. I would be a superior IPC who could do anything. I want to play this one because it gets old playing as a cyborg after some time. Humans are vulnerable and fragile, an IPC is much better. I want to feel the experience that is being considered a lesser form of life, because it would expand on role play possibilities. I want to play this specific race because I also have a hard time expressing emotion in characters, so this would suit me better.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Wow, there is so much different. They dont have to eat, they dont suffer from diseases, they have artifical morality, which is very cool. IPCs also have three kinds, Shell, Industrial and Baseline in order of increasing complexity, right to left. They are vulnerable to EMPs, they cannot survive in space, unlike cyborgs. They need a cooling suit to go EVA, but they can consume any gas for cooling. They feel no pain, but are effected by damaging chemicals like acid.

Character Name: Umfusdi

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Umfusdi was built by Hephaestus Industries to be a scientist in the field of star ship construction. More importantly to design them so time and money would not be lost developing these things. designing down to maximum production efficiency would take time for non-synthetics. Computers and robots are faster with blatant numbers and objects, but the humans would make the major choices. . Every day he would work on maximizing efficiency, and watch as mishaps and accidents happened. As this went on, he became obsessed with finding the secret to those percents and decimals, seeing if he could make the process just one tiny bit better. One day, management said that they would roll out a new device, designed to make production efficient even more so than before. As it turned out, it did almost nothing. It was just a gimmick that made the public "oooohhh" and "ahhhhh". When he discovered this, he reported it, and they told him to keep quiet. He questioned why he was there, that device was decreasing efficiently. He found this to have a utilon of -1000. This was not what he was designed to do. One day, someone died due to a fault in this device not reporting on a fault in an airlock. The man opened it without the pressure equalizing, the device allowed for that. It defined incorrect safety allotments. He saw the dead body of the man, and vowed this would not happen again. He became obsessed with production even more than he used to be. Due to the problems with maintaining and increasing efficiency at an increasingly higher cpu and ram usage. He decided to increase his usefulness he would request a transfer somewhere else. IPCs do not have "stress" They have higher usage of processing cores and ram. When they feel "stress" they use up more processing cores at an overclocked rate. They use more ram. This wears down the lifespan, and increasing the need for replacement. He did not want to shorten the lifespan of his parts. He decided to go to the forefront of Phoron Research, where new technology, innovation and breakthroughs were happening every day. The NSS Aurora. He thought he could bring his efficiency increasing methods to them.

What do you like about this character?

I like how he devotes himself so much to his job that he will stop at nothing to complete his end goal. Synthetics are supposed to work hard, but this one takes it to the next level. I also love to work hard, and this one embodies me. Just a work machine.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

6/10 IGN I have okay grammar and I can explain and reason with others and about my actions. I also know how to act like robot, but expressing and fleshing out my character can be hard at times.



I have read up pretty well on the guides and Aurora station. I find it fascinating to read through ss13 lore. Though I can fix things where I am wrong.


Hello. I apologize for the delays on your application.

Unfortunately, I have decided to fail your application for a few reasons. The first being that I do not believe you have spent enough time on the server for me to be convinced that you are in a comfortable (but still new) place in the server's universe and theme (first seen date 2017-12-18, last seen 2017-12-29 - less than two weeks as of this reply). Another reason being that you do not really seem invested in your wanting to obtain a new playable species. "I'm tired of playing [x] species, time for something new!" Please show me that you actually want it. You also seem to be hung on mechanical changes/differences, and advantages, between IPCs and biological species. Focus on the role-play differences. I already know that IPCs have all of these fancy immunities and mechanics. What about its behavior? How is it role-playing differently from a human?

Lastly, your character's backstory strikes me as forced, and while it is interesting as a concept, perhaps it's the way it's portrayed. I encourage you to play a while longer on the server and gain a better feel for things, and afterwards, I would be delighted if you submitted another application with the criticism I have given you here in mind.

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