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[Accepted] sdtwbaj CCIA application

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CCIA Staff Application


Basic Information

Byond key: sdtwbaj

Character names: Rhoda Marks, Wren'ishii Qual-tep, Linda Carnigan

Age: 17

Timezone: GMT-6

What times are you most available?: After 4PM during the week, most times on the weekends.


How long have you played SS13?: 2 years ish

How long have you played on Aurora?: >1 year

How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? some, very, very, respectively.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Yes, once for shooting a gun right before a restart, 3 days, and once for using a viscerator grenade at centcomm, 3 days.

Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: No,

Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: Not particularly.


Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I think it's a nice way to contribute to the server on the roleplay side, without all of the hubbub of becoming a mod and also I'd never become a mod. It also seems like it'd be one of the more laid-back teams on the server.

What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Patience, due diligence for investigation, and integrity to not support their metabuddies.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: To respond to faxes, announcements, or try to handle IR interviews.

What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: To handle IRs, and work with the lore team somewhat to expand on NT policy.

How do you handle stress?: by not getting stressed at 2d spessmans. I find it's easy to mask stress online, so I usually go with that.

How well do you work autonomously?: Fairly well.


Hello again, sdtwbaj!


I think it's a nice way to contribute to the server on the roleplay side, without all of the hubbub of becoming a mod and also I'd never become a mod. It also seems like it'd be one of the more laid-back teams on the server.


Your previous application was denied in part because it seemed as though you really wanted to join the moderation team, rather than this one. I see that you're not applying for moderator this time, but has anything changed in terms of what you'd like to be doing on staff? How do you see having a role in CCIA enabling you to especially contribute to server roleplay, when players are already encouraged to do that?


I ended up deciding that I'm probably not particularly suitable for the mod team, so I've more or less abandoned the idea of wanting to join the moderation team. As far as CCIA goes, I think it suits me much better because of the low maintenance of it. I do know that there'd be work to do, but it appears like a rather laid back team that woulds uit me. For contributing to roleplay, I'm not sure it would allow me to provide more to roleplay, considering I play Captain often, but rather provide in a different way. Working with the IRs, working with NT policy, helping out with faxes in-round and helping to guide the round with the various faxes CCOA get asking for advice. It's another medium to contribute.


Interview with the applicant:


[6:33 PM] Synnono: Alright, I'm ready to go whenever you are. Any questions this time around?

[6:33 PM] Ayrism: none that i can think of

[6:36 PM] Synnono: Okay. In that case, we'll get right to it. Answer these however you think is most appropriate, with the information the question provides.

[6:36 PM] Synnono: 1. During a round of Ninja, you are faxed by Station Command inquiring about an “inspector” who claims to have been sent by the company to evaluate each of the station's departments. How do you respond?

[6:38 PM] Ayrism: I quite like the way a lot of these faxes are responded to by the current CCIA, with the whole 'we didn't order it, but we'll check who did, assume it's legitimate' kind of thing, so I think I'd go with that.

[6:40 PM] Synnono: 2. During a round of Crossfire, you are faxed by Station Command about a team of mercenaries who have reported a band of pirates operating in the area. They wish to offer their services to the station as additional security. Command is asking you for your advice on the situation. How do you respond?

[6:42 PM] Ayrism: I would advise that the station consider operating under increased alert, and assess if extra help such as the mercenaries would be useful or necessary.

[6:44 PM] Synnono: What's your reasoning behind that response?

[6:47 PM] Ayrism: Well, the increased alert is because one way or another, there's probably some kind of threat around, and that part seems like something CCIA would say. Assessing the need is trying to leave it open ended for the antags, and help push the station to make the decision.

[6:48 PM] Synnono: 3. You receive an Emergency Broadcast System message from the station’s Artificial Intelligence. It claims that there is an emergency situation, and requests an immediate ERT deployment. How do you respond?

[6:51 PM] Ayrism: I think I'd first try sending a message or fax to the station, asking what's up that the AI is calling a team. If they don't respond fairly quickly, then I'd send out an an ERT.

[6:52 PM] Synnono: One more situational question.

[6:52 PM] Synnono: 4. You receive a fax from the Internal Affairs Agent, who claims that the Captain has been abusing his authority by removing all of the vending machines from the station and has demoted an engineer for littering. How do you respond?

[6:55 PM] Ayrism: I'd send a fax back that the Captain has the authority to remove vending machines, along with a bit of a reminder for the Captain that demotions should be reserved for rather egregious problems, instead of minor regulation breaches.

[6:57 PM] Synnono: Alrighty. Before we move on to the next set, for any/all of the situations above - what do you feel your priorities as a staff member should be when you receive a new message from the players?

[7:00 PM] Ayrism: I think my first priority should be to look at the message, see if it needs anything from me, and then decide how I can give them what they need while supporting the round.

[7:01 PM] Synnono: 5. In your opinion, how much of a role should Central Command play in the affairs of the station? When is it appropriate for them to directly intervene, and how much should they attempt to shape the round when they do?

[7:08 PM] Ayrism: For the most part, Central Command should be entirely hands off unless the station asks for something, and then intervention can be considered. When Central does descide to involve itself with the station, how far it should go depends on if antags are involved. If it's a thing solely about the station, like a Captain abusing their power, the involvement should try to be in favor of the majority--weighing the station crew that could be a victim of a bad captain over that captain's position. When antags are involved, Central should really try to keep as much as possible in the hands of the station, and only giving a bit here and there. An ambiguous response to dealing with random mercenaries, versus saying 'they're clearly evil get rid of them now'.

[7:10 PM] Synnono: 6. What do you believe is the purpose of the Incident Report system?

[7:13 PM] Ayrism: The IR system should be for people who're repeatedly doing things that'd be unnacceptable in the workplace, or being consistently incompetent at their job, or other extended issues, as opposed to one time things that can be done in-round. More recently, though, I think people have assumed that the purpose of it is to address every single little issue that happens, including ones that could've been, or were, dealt with in-round, which I tend to disagree with.

[7:15 PM] Synnono: Can you elaborate on that last thought? Whats sorts of reports do you feel shouldn't be submitted?

[7:20 PM] Ayrism: Well, to bring it to the IRs that've come up recently, the IR about a Cadet that was supposed to be demoted, the cadet decided to resist the demotion and fled, ended up arrested and suspended. The situation was, as far as I can tell, a single incident, relatively minor at that, that got entirely dealt with in-round--it shouldn't be necessary to tack an IR onto it as well. The reports should be reserved for either extreme incidents, or prolonged incidents that keep happening over many rounds.

[7:23 PM] Synnono: 7. When should a character receive significant disciplinary action (such as a demotion), as opposed to a lighter response such as a warning or retraining? Under what circumstances would you consider terminating a character's employment?

[7:27 PM] Ayrism: For things that have a significant impact on someone's playing, it needs to be considered if it's truly necessary. I would reserve it for cases where there's been large, prolonged issues. Engineers that consistent mess up the engine, security that consistently abuse prisoners or the crew, things of that nature. And then firing a character, that's the kind of thing that should be reserved for when there's been some good roleplay around a major lasting problem. The guy who formed a drug ring and kept it going for a couple of weeks on the station comes to mind.

[7:28 PM] Synnono: 8. After taking an IR of your own and completing your interviews, you find that an officer escalated to a forceful arrest when a crewmember resisted detainment. The original reason for the arrest is deemed invalid, however, the officer argues that in resisting arrest the crewman legitimized the detainment. What do you think would be the best way to resolve this case?

[7:31 PM] Ayrism: I think it would depend on the officer's thought process during the arrest--if it was clearly a bad arrest, or if it would be easy to conclude that there's something illegal going on. If it were the former, I'd have the officer take a day or two off for regulation training, while also reminding the crewmember that they should never resist arrest, and that issues can be settled by Command after the fact.

[7:34 PM] Synnono: Alright, neat. That's the end of the stuff on the list. I have just a couple extras.

What do you believe is the purpose of disciplinary action in IRs, from the standpoint of a staff member?

[7:36 PM] Ayrism: I think their purpose is about trying to push players toward improving their play on the station, and to help correct some of the errors that they're making IC.

[7:39 PM] Synnono: Alright. Lasty - in your new application you mentioned that you wanted, in part, to become a CCIA team member because you'd never become a mod. Why do you feel that way, and knowing that the duties between both teams are significantly different, what do you find most appealing about our team this time around?

[7:43 PM] Ayrism: Well, since my first bout of applications, I listened more to mods talking about modding, and realised that I'd rather not sully my experience on Aurora by dealing with the worst parts of the server. The trolls, the memers, people who insist that everything is admin abuse, I think it's more drama than I really care for. CCIA appears to be much more drama-free, and having a much more laid back atmosphere, which appeals to me quite a bit.

[7:45 PM] Synnono: Alright! I think that covers stuff. Thanks for your time, I know this ran for a while.

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