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[Accepted] Engineers Dream's Dionaea Application

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BYOND Key: EngineersDream

Character Names: Aileen Petersson, Cassidy Smith, Kaylee King, Fae McDonald, Abigail Adams, Chiara Papor, Affinity

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Excempt

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I find the Dionaea extremely fascinating as they are much more alien than most of the other races. Their different biology is interesting, but the really fascinating part is their potential to be so different on a psychological level, due to the idea of collective intelligence and the interesting implications regarding individualism and personality that spring from that. It gives me plenty of ideas and questions that I hope to get a sort of insight into during play, both by interacting with characters of other races and interactions with other Dionaea, as Sea of Rocks grew up in a mostly human community and may lack certain social understanding that other Dionaea, who were in deeper contact with their kind in their early days, may have. Furthermore I find the Dionaea to be interesting on an aesthetical level and have loved them since I first started playing Space Station 13.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

First, the Dionaea are extremely different on a mechanical level. Them being able to sustain themselves on light, heat and radiation, them getting into trouble when said things are not available, them not needing a breathable atmosphere or suitable pressure to survive and their slow movement differentiate them from humans. And while these are interesting, I believe the biggest part lays in the emotional and psychological aspects that I already cut into the paragraph above. The Dionaea not being individuals in the classical, human sense, but rather a collection of beings banded together to form a greater form and the implications that arise from that as well as the potential difference in their emotional states and social behaviour.



Character Name: Sea of Rocks

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

It is not known which space-bound gestalt ejected the bunch of seeds which eventually gave birth to Sea of Rocks, but carried by solar winds a clump of spores drifted through space for quite a while before finaly entering the Uueoa-Esa-System and being caught by the thin atmosphere of Tret. Most of the seeds died quickly, or remain within seemingly endless hibernation, without any nutrition on the barren planet's surface. However, some few lucky seeds found themselves in more or less protected pockets between the rocks, where some nurishment could be found and from one of those few seeds Sea of Rocks emerged as a nymph. Wandering the barren lands the nymph could barely find any food, surviving mostly on light and whatever it could draw from the thin atmosphere. That was until it came across a mining NanoTrasen outpost.

The skeleton crew of the outpost was somewhat hostile to the nymph at first, treating it as vermin, chasing it away with whatever was on hand at the time. However, due to the miners wearing heavy suits the nymph was able to keep its distance and as it watched the workers from a safe distance. Eventually the people of the outpost came to like the observant nymph and offered it small bits of food and the occasional pet. As time went by the nymph became more and more accepted into the small community and was eventually allowed inside the buildings, with the foreman of the installation taking it in as a pet of the outpost. Slowly but steadily, the nymph grew, learning the language and social behaviour, even assigning itself a gender, female, despite being asexual by nature, to fit in with the social construct of the human miners, eventually taking on the name "Sea of Rocks", inspired by the endless plane of rocky terrain which was the first thing it saw in its life. As Sea of Rocks grew into its working form it took over some mining duties, mostly carrying crates due to its lack of education. After a few years the Dionae left the planet, applied for citizenship in the Sol System, and enlisted at the Lunar University of Medical Science for a bachelor and master in psychiatry.

During Sea of Rock's studies it took fondly to the concept of music and language, so it took on a few secondary courses in linguistics and musical theory, less on a professional level and more out of personal interest. It is no surprise that the Dionae implemented both music and precise language into its psychiatric practice, and being quite succesful with it, despite its personal removal from the psychological nature of its patients. Sea of Rocks believes that music can have a profound effect on the psychological state of most races and can help healing even severe trauma. It also believes that music is a natural evolution of language, citing its native language, Rootsong, and its melodic and rhythmic tendencies as a basis of the hypothesis, going as far as believing that most races will eventually take on a similar musical language in due time.

After getting its masters of psychiatry Sea of Rocks applied to NanoTrasen as a psychiatrist, got accepted and has been moved around from assignment to assignment until it was sent to the Odin and Aurora as its current assignment.

What do you like about this character?

Sea of Rocks is a character that is driven by curiosity and patience in its quest to learn about the other races of the universe. Being driven by certain attributes is something that I really enjoy about characters, be they my own or those of others. Furthermore I like that Sea of Rocks has a history with other races that is neither overwhelmingly negative nor reduced to the two just existing in parallel. I also like Sea of Rocks' search for identity, which is something that has been part of my personal life for a long time and probably won't go away any time soon, so having a character with similar issues, without them being a self-insert, is something that I hope to learn from while playing, as playing confronts me as the player with scenarios that I probably wouldn't have thought about otherwise, and this potential of personal growth due to roleplaying is something that is very near to my heart.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 6-7/10. I'd say that I'm a decent roleplay, I certainly get into my characters quite heavily, sometimes even leaving me with a bad feeling throughout the day when I fucked up my job in-game, but I sometimes have trouble throwing myself into the thick of it. I've been trying to get into roles that allow and force me to be more social in-game and have been quite succesful doing so, but there are still many things for me to learn, especially when it comes to really showing the basic ideas behind my characters in play and through the limited tools that the game provides. It's a challenge, sure, but I feel like I'm getting better.


Notes: English isn't my native language, and even though I read through this post a few times I am certain that I overlooked a few mistakes. If I did, let me know and please don't hold it against me.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! You have a good application and I like the concept of a diona psychiatrist that uses their species' native style of language and applying it to non-diona. It's pretty interesting. Application accepted!

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