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[Accepted] Loneguyfly - Integrated Positronic Chassis Application

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BYOND Key:Loneguyfly

Character Names:Sand, Velocity King, Urban Bates, Joseph Tanner

Species you are applying to play:Integrated Positronic Chassis [iPC!]

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A, friend!

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes!

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: Honestly, I just really enjoy roleplaying as a machine. It’s part of the reason that I play AI much more than I play my other characters (Sand), and it’s why I’m making this application in general. I find that being a machine opens many new avenues for roleplay, and I honestly just find myself enjoying playing them much more than a baseline human. The experience of being a programmed entity rather than a natural byproduct of natural selection is fun, for me!

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Being a machine allows you to see the world in an entirely different perspective than a human. A machine can look at the world and see things in a fashion that isn’t distorted by emotions or greed, but instead in a simple and rather logical fashion. Even if your machine has emotions, you can decide on exactly how stilted they are. I think, in some way, I do enjoy playing the part of the “uncanny valley,” and a mobile positronic really assists with that more than an AI can, and potentially more than a cyborg.


Character Name: Rim (Name not final!)

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Rim was built, primarily, to function as a security model within the confines of a vessel that required a high degree of flexibility to maneuver outside of the relatively sparse “crew sections,” for the company Xavier Live Requisitions. The vessel in question was built to transport live animals between planets, and many of these animals tended to attempt to escape from confinement. After a period of discussion between the members of the crew, they opted to purchase a mobility frame from Zeng-Hu for their unit's chassis, due to the high degree of flexibility and speed that it boasts.

While Rim’s main function during the beginning portions of its existence was to handle animal-related escape attempts and tomfoolery, Rim did have some minor interaction with more “criminal” elements, as it was also in charge of detaining rowdy crew, most often after a bar crawl. Rim’s programming resulted in its focus on attempting to contain and handle threats with as minimal an amount of force as is possible, due to its original focus on handling animal product.

Three years and two months after its initial activation and job-duty assignment, Rim was loaned out to NanoTrasen. This was a result of the company coming under some financial burdens as the colonies they had been supplying stopped purchasing orders for the animals they transported, for a variety of reasons.

Rim’s contract, while being accepted, has yet to be fully finalized. As such, it has yet to be assigned to any specific installation within the Tau Ceti system. The unit has not expressed any degree of dissatisfaction with this, opting to give a confused beep when questioned on the topic.

What do you like about this character? Rim’s overall personality will be somewhat based on an unyielding loyalty to its contract holder, and an overall tendency to lean towards least-lethal methods of containing threats. I believe that will be an enjoyable character to play within the bounds of security, especially if whomever is currently leading the station should end up being a touch antagonistic. On antagonism, Rim’s antagonism will likely be based much more on being malfunctioning or having its system start to develop beyond its means, which I believe will be more enjoyable than simply being a “shoot bangs” antagonist.

I also, in general, quite enjoy playing synthetics in this setting. I’ve done quite a lot of AI play, and I think that in general a synthetic has some quite rich lore to explore and examine, within the confines of this setting. Playing an entity with questionable sentience that is one hundred percent owned just seems like fun, to me.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I don’t really have a good answer for this! I think I’m probably alright, at least, but I’ve not received much positive or negative feedback in recent months on my ability. I am a hobbyist novelist (attempting to move into producing literature for actual monetary compensation, but it’s hard!) IRL, and that’s probably helped my overall ability to create and play a character to at least somewhat acceptable standards. This is coupled with me having had experience with roleplaying for roughly eleven years now, beginning way back in WarCraft 3.

So, if I must give a rough estimate, I assume that I’m at least somewhat above the average roleplayer.

Notes: I don’t have anything to add, here!

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