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[Accepted] Toasterstrude's Dionaea Application

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BYOND Key: Toasterstrudes

Character Names:



Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Of course not



Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I've been yearning to try out some different races from the ones that I've played for the past few months, and feel that Dionaea with their unique differences and playstyles would be the next best race to try out. From the experiences I've had with other Dionaea characters, I feel that the chances I have to roleplay and play around with some different character gimmicks will be greatly enhanced.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Plant-based lifeforms that use biomass to duplicate and create more of itself, and then merge together to become a sort of hivemind, what isn't there different. There is very few things that are similar to Humans, and role-playing them is a major one. From my understanding, like IPCs, Dionaea do not really have a strict culture, their culture is whatever they were surrounded with, and the ambiguities, and unknown past/origin of them make it so that the player is able to set what they are.


Character Name: The Symbiosis Of Life And Metal

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

The week prior to the Invasion of the rogue fleet into Tau Ceti, A Dionaea met with a Synthetic on the NSS Exodus. The robot was in disrepair, missing its right arm from what they explained was a unprovoked attack of some ATLAS hoodlums. After the synthetic shared the story with them, the Dionaea hatched a plan to assist the robot until another arm was found. The Gestalt removed a couple of nymphs from their arm, and informed them to attach to the Robots missing limb, and to try and help them in any way that they could.

For about a week, the nymphs stayed attached to the IPC, listening to what it had wanted, and helping with the lifting and pulling of many engineering tools and objects, eventually picking up some knowledge itself. Turing the invasion, the Dionaea was kept in the home of the Robot and its owner for its safety while it trekked to work, in this time it collected Biomass from the foods and leftovers scattered around the robot owners messy house, and learning about culture through television. After the rogue invaders were driven out, the Robot had finally been able to receive a metallic arm, and was able to release the Dionaea to a local organization that could help them form their very own Gestalt, it was at the time of its formation that it would call itself 'The Symbiosis of Life and Metal', in honor of the time spent with its Synthetic friend.

What do you like about this character?

It finally closes up the vacant story line of that one round where a Dionaea player cut off its arm and grafted it onto my robot the week prior to the IPC Antag Contest!

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10 I could be better

Notes: Thank ya' for the consideration, feedback would be appreciated.


Beep boop

I really love the concept of this character. Not only is it's origins unique (and personally, touching), but it's also the continuation of a story- there was too much potential, and you didn't want that to go to waste.

But like [REDACTED]'s, there's some mildly important details missing. Because of this, I will shamelessly copy-paste the same questions I asked them for some clarification.

- What were their interests/passions? What did they want to learn the most about? For Dionae, experiences shape who they are.

- Did the other nymphs have the same interests? When you start your application with an individual Diona, you've actually got to handle up to five others (unless you don't mind them missing a limb or two).

- Where did they go to earn their degree, and what do they major in? Although they might be educated, they still have to prove it like everyone else and have to be tested on the knowledge to prove that they can back up their claims and apply said knowledge, especially for NT.

- What occupation have they applied for to work as aboard the Aurora, and why NT?

- What is their age? The game will ask you to apply an age, and it also contributes to how much knowledge they may have accumulated over the years. From what it sounds like, they'll be around a year old.

And like the other whitelistee, I'd like to see some feedback here from other players. Although I have interacted with you and your characters, I would like to hear a little of what others may have to say. But personally, I can see that you play synthetics well, and there's not too much of a difference between synthetic and Dionae personalities.

I would also like to see a little more on why you like this character. Is it their behavior? Their endeavors? The vision of a better future of ruling the universe as literally Glorsh 2.0's right-hand treeman??


Alrighty, ANSWER TIME, going to do this a bit out of order become some questions fit in well with others in terms of answers.


- Where did they go to earn their degree, and what do they major in? Although they might be educated, they still have to prove it like everyone else and have to be tested on the knowledge to prove that they can back up their claims and apply said knowledge, especially for NT.

- What occupation have they applied for to work as aboard the Aurora, and why NT?


I actually didn't mention NT in this for a reason, I'm actually really just using this character to show knowledge of the race. I don't feel that this character would really be a good fit in terms of a on-station character, and more-so something I can bring up with other characters that I play in passing. If I receive the whitelist, I plan on messing around with a few different character gimmicks and playstyles to see which works better with the station scene, but as mentioned in one of the other questions,


- What is their age? The game will ask you to apply an age, and it also contributes to how much knowledge they may have accumulated over the years. From what it sounds like, they'll be around a year old.

- What were their interests/passions? What did they want to learn the most about? For Dionae, experiences shape who they are.


The character would be only one, or not quite one yet, so they would probably lack a large amount of knowledge, Ideally, I have the character probably going into something small in the background, learning the basics from the [insertfoundationname] about social interaction and such, and then being pushed to seek employment in a small restaurant or as a super-slow moving cash register person at a super-mart.


- Did the other nymphs have the same interests? When you start your application with an individual Diona, you've actually got to handle up to five others (unless you don't mind them missing a limb or two).


Idealy speaking, yes, I'd believe the character would have a completely symbiotic-esque body, where all the different Diona agree with each other, (Though with that, I think it would be a fun gimmicky character to have a Diona where each body-part had a bit of a different way of handling something, and often disagreed with each other, #firstcharacterifthisgetspassed)


To be frankly honest, it would be a shame to not have this character played.

They have come from a Gestalt with a caring personality, transferring that personality to the nymph who opted to dutifully stick around and complete the Gestalt's wish, which became it's own. From there, it learned how to work with others different from itself and learned excellent teamwork and social skills in a symbiotic relationship between flesh and steel. After it's mission was complete, it finished it's growth with others of it's kind- and possibly very well being chosen as the "central node" because of it's ability to work with others so well. The others may very well miscommunicate with one another due to their rather young age as well, but your base nymph it might keep them together as a mediator.

I actually applied for an IPC whitelist for my character, R.I.P. Clav, who's actually two personalities in one chassis due to an incident: R. Clav, the base, and R.I.P. the alter. And like an alter does, although it may possess the same values as the base, it's as opposite as it could get from their positive counterpart. They work excellently as a team when they have a scalpel in their hands, but when they're not dealing with an urgent case, they may squabble about a few menial things between one another.

So, while we wait a little longer for the processing time to end and allow anyone else to give some feedback as I make a decision: if you had the whitelist, why not make them an incredibly social, helpful assistant? The nymphs would all be young and the Gestalt new, so they'd be able to explore the vast new world with their boundless curiosity, dabbling here and there and learning how to work with one another as well being educated until they decide on their place in the world? I'm not one to try and sway decisions, but it would make for an excellent, unique character with a large chance for equally unique RP with others. That sounds like a pretty good gimmic to me.


I'm not 100% against having this Diona become a character sometime in the future. One of the major reasons why I didn't really want this to be a character is because a majority of my characters are connected in some way, I feel like I could use a fresh start, but I saw this application as a chance to close up some loose ends of what happened to one of my characters, while also giving me a chance to start a fresh set of characters on a new race completely different to the others I play. Maybe someday I'll bring them onto the station as some sort of civ role.


I'm easy to please, I do like it. Its a nice tie in. And your reputation and RP ability is clearly not in question with me. +1

I guess if I had to give criticism, I would say use a different name. The name almost feels like the title of a book or something, rather than the whimsical poetic names that other dionae have. Consider giving it a rework. Maybe just change up the position of the words.


I'm easy to please, I do like it. Its a nice tie in. And your reputation and RP ability is clearly not in question with me. +1

I guess if I had to give criticism, I would say use a different name. The name almost feels like the title of a book or something, rather than the whimsical poetic names that other dionae have. Consider giving it a rework. Maybe just change up the position of the words.


Of course you'd +1 it

That aside, I see nothing wrong with the name in all honesty. Their names can be long and whimsical like a poem, but bits and pieces taken out from it or condensing it down into something short like a book title as an adaptation for ease of use by other species. And like a book, their names are more or less ways to hint at the knowledge inside. Some titles have mystique and are abstract, but others can have more scientific names, just like books.


I'm not 100% against having this Diona become a character sometime in the future. One of the major reasons why I didn't really want this to be a character is because a majority of my characters are connected in some way, I feel like I could use a fresh start, but I saw this application as a chance to close up some loose ends of what happened to one of my characters, while also giving me a chance to start a fresh set of characters on a new race completely different to the others I play. Maybe someday I'll bring them onto the station as some sort of civ role.


I can completely understand that. I was just curious because honestly it seemed like too good of an idea to resist.

The species itself doesn't have too much on it for now and can sometimes be simply summarized in a sentence or two, and the background you chose was a bit limiting because the origin of the nymph was a character that wasn't yours. Although there isn't too much information in this application that displays knowledge of their lore, there is just enough here to convince me that you did in fact read it. Additionally, I've had the pleasure on several occasions interact with you in-game, and lurk watch you RP in an Aurora-based RP Discord. As you've stated before, despite their origins and nature Dionaea and IPCs seem to share an odd resemblance to one another in several aspects, and with only a few minor adjustments made to make the shift from synthetic to organic, I believe that whichever character you choose to create first, I'm confident that you'll be able to play them as well as the rest of the gang.


Application Accepted.

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