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Steel on the Horizon Event 1


   (2 reviews)
Event Calendar

Event details

Event Type: Canon Event

Event Intensity: Medium

Assigned Admin: ReadThisNamePlz

OOC Event Description: The first event of a mini arc.

Who knows about it: Nobody.

Host: Triogenix 

Notes: Have fun!

Edited by Triogenix

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   3 of 3 members found this review helpful 3 / 3 members

Solid event, I liked the ship to ship fight. Shame we didn't get to see some combat on the Horizon or the pirates didn't more heavily damage it. I feel like they had a decent chance of really blowing the hell out of the Horizon in a way that would have made the round more interesting - and more dangerous.

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Hi, I was the captain of the opposing vessel. There isn't a lot to talk about on my end (it was a lot of "quick, load this, shoot them, murder these fuckers!!") but that's to be expected. I had a lot of fun roleplaying in a command position as an opposing ship without going too overboard or being too antagonistic, and firing the guns alongside helping our 4-man was incredibly dynamic, with our roles shifting to the needs of what was going on.

I'll split this into what I think are the most important categories:

Gameplay - By this I mean direct mechanics, the fun produced by clicking and doing stuff instead of talking and thinking stuff. 

The gameplay was very dynamic and our 4-man swapped out as needed, communicated clearly and efficiently, and our pilot (Stev III) was fucking phenomenal. We got told to sandbag a lot, and I have to offer my thanks to our gunners (eddymakaveli and hollyhock) and pilot (again, Stev) because they were just amazing at both staying in-character and giving the Horizon hell. I know that last bit should probably go into the roleplay section, but it's worth mentioning here because it didn't impede gameplay. I think the most fun part of the gameplay was getting told by ReadThisNamePls to "Obliterate the chapel" and "no religion allowed today".

Roleplay - Talking and thinking stuff.

Honestly, decent enough roleplay despite our whole "just shoot them" thing. It was fun speaking with the Horizon on hailing like "yeah sure just hold on a minute" while we locked onto them and engaged combat, and the after-action RP wasn't too bad either. Not a lot to report on this front, but that's fine. Again, I'm the off-ship conflict-starter, there's not a lot of RP that's going to be happening on my end.

General Satisfaction - A myriad of ways to describe why I had fun, final thoughts.

I had a lot of fun with this event. From shouting Spanish over hailing comms and pissing the Horizon off, to shooting our Longbow and the rest of our guns like no tomorrow, to hearing the old nuke ops stinger when we got turned into antagonists at the start. I loved every second of it, honestly.

A huge improvement from the event before this one (Starship Troopers) and compounded by the fact that it's canon. Hooray, conflict!

5/5 Stars

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