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Detective (7/37)

  1. So much technical stuffs
  2. So its been down since the 20th?
  3. Could it at all be available for me? I really want this appearance. :/
  4. BYOND Key: Andrewroo Character name: ADEPT Item name: Drone Why is your character carrying said item to work? It is a sprite and sprites help us look good Item function(s): Its a good looking sprite so has no purpose but to look good Item description: Just like the many cyborg sprites we have on the server this one hovers and looks pretty cool and realistic for something so far into the future as Aurora is based. Item appearance: A drone! Additional comments: I have been on the server which uses this sprite and I have asked them about this sprite and I have been told that the sprite is available on baycode. I mostly want this sprite available for everyone but I have no idea where to apply for that.
  5. Overpowered....... its anything but that.... Why would an antag release the singularity in the first place. Thats against the rules anyway. Plus its a custom item so what suggests that it can't be DNA locked. Use your brain and you can make it antag proof
  6. The problem with it is. When I add the code to the server and compile and execute with no errors it doesn't actually work..?
  7. def Initialize() { $words = vector( "assistant", "Assnt", "captain", "Capt", "head of personnel", "HoP", "bartender", "Bar", "chef", "Chef", "botanist", "Hydro", "quartermaster", "QM", "cargo technician", "Cargo", "shaft miner", "Miner", "clown", "Clown", "mime", "Mime", "janitor", "Jan-r", "librarian", "Lib-n", "lawyer", "Law", "chaplain", "Chapl", "chief engineer", "CE", "station engineer", "Engi", "atmospheric technician", "Atmos", "chief medical officer", "CMO", "medical doctor", "MD", "chemist", "Chem", "geneticist", "G-tic", "virologist", "Viro", "research director", "RD", "scientist", "Sci", "roboticist", "Robo", "head of security", "HoS", "warden", "Ward", "detective", "D-tiv", "security officer", "Sec", "ai", "AI", "cyborg", "Borg", "personal ai", "pAI", ); $index = 1; while($index <= length($words)) { $key = at($words, $index); $val = at($words, $index+1); mem($key, $val); $index += 2; } } if(mem("initialized") != 1) { Initialize(); mem("initialized", 1); } $foo = ""; $joblow = lower($job); if(mem($joblow)) { $foo = mem($joblow); } else { $foo = substr($job, 1, 6); } if (!find($source, "Unknown") && $job != "No id" && !find($source, " (as ")) { $source = $source + " (" + $foo + ")"; } This is the code I found on another site ad I added it to the common server but it doesnt seem to work....it compiles and executes but nothing happens?
  8. BYOND Key: Andrewroo Character name: Andrew Coetzee Item name: Remote Field Containment Operator. Why is your character carrying said item to work? It is a genious item that makes setting up the engine so much easier! He has released the singulairty in his past life many, many times and he became sick of always being suspended from work for incompetent engineering. So his solution... he saved up money to buy this device. So he can just interface with the emitters and field generators and avoid mistakes that would land him in heaps of trouble. Item function(s): It is designed to interface with the containment field generators and emitters and turn them on from a distance without the hassle of manual labour. Item description: A flashy electronic device with an antenna inbuilt that can connect wirelessly with the emitters and field generators. Item appearance: Additional comments: Its okay if this is too much or is not worth it or whatever.
  9. Like I said.. I was the one who stood at the door and asked him what he wanted... Ill just let you all know... He only said he wanted to detain us. Our response was to tell him to basically GTFO and leave. He probably didnt like our response of not wanting to negotiate and so he stunned me multipe times to ensure I woudnt get up....... and then begins the attack on the other Vox. We werent at all violent towards him in anyway. He had no reason to assume we were violent either... He knew we branded ourselves as traders.
  10. Ill also add. We negotiated with the officer previously in the round to give up por weapons to him so we werent a threat to the station... that was infact very successful. He didnt attempt negotiations aboard the vox ship.
  11. I was the first to stand up against him in the ship and I asked him multiple times what he wants on our ship... of course he said to detain us... then he decided to stun me and fire st the others... I was the guy in the stealth suit incase the other Vox players wanna know
  12. Dea knew about the issues I was having too....
  13. Lol I ahelped this and an Admin helped me on this... It was a mistake as since the map is different to what I have worked on in the past so calm down...
  14. Thats great thanks! And im not sure whats happening with it...
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