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Everything posted by MrGabol100
May I see where it says that my right to contest a decision is limited? I've been accused of taking part in illegal activities, which is a rather preposterous claim. I'd rather you not silence me without addressing my arguments. It would seem to me that you're trying to avoid refuting them objectively out of stubborness. I know you're never going to concede no matter how much I argument my defense, but you could at least try to hide the fact that you don't have a case against me instead of shutting me out.
Furthermore, here's a few articles regarding actual law and not videogame forum law regarding my defense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_threat https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/232775142.pdf https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/394/705/
If people did doxx and try to SWAT him, I was never involved with those actions. I have never brought up what Apophis has or hasn't done because I genuinely don't care. I was indeed banned for supposedly belonging to a group that according to you (Unlike you claim, at no point have I singled out a member of the staff regarding the ban decision, and my "you"s are a generalization of the Aurora staff against which I hold no ill-will) planned or attempted to carry out a SWATting action against him. As for the point that my argument changed, I started my ban appeal with the hazy memory that I joked about this subject and that I didn't at any point involvement with actual illegal actions. I haven't backed out, I have ommitted information that I knew you had not to take a step in false because I did not have the screenshots and logs that you had, and as such I addressed each picture as it came up, which you tried to use against me to somehow prove that I belonged to a "group" involved with illegal actions. This was never the case, as there was no such group. These pictures were from a public discord and the people I spoke with were just other random people from the SS13 community who were equally disgruntled with Apophis' actions. Yet there was never an organized threat against Apophis that I know of and all my statements were purely made in jest. You're trying to strongly push what my intent and my thoughts was at the time, with being a third person to this joke that I made, as such, you wouldn't have context nor the understanding that I had as I wrote it. There was NEVER action taken or the INTENT of taking action through illegal means, which is to say I was never involved. If you do so strong-heartedly believe that I've done something illegal in the past I invite you to pursue legal action against me. In the case that you do understand that this wouldn't possibly hold in court as 1. It didn't take place and 2. There was never an intent, I suggest that you drop my ban as it originally was applied as a cross-ban for taking part in illegal activities, which you cannot prove the intent of. My argument hasn't changed, the thing that has changed from your part was my ban motive. As multiple times you've half-ackowledged the fact that I was at no point making a threat yet you've gone off to say how I should stay banned for making a distateful joke (in a different server). While the original ban reason was for suppossed illegal actions. Keeping me banned would mean that you still genuinely believe I have participated in illegal actions, which I deny. And if you don't believe I have, yet you still wish to keep me banned then you would be actively changing the reasoning behind the ban as to lock me out. If you can't prove that I've done anything illegal, then I suggest you retract your claims.
BYOND Key: MrGabol100 Staff BYOND Key: Skull132 Game ID: null Reason for complaint: Complaint closed without a chance to address new points brought forward. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks: While the original post was made so I can atone for past mistakes, apologise and return to the community as a changed member, cross-banning someone over a joke is not only egregious but also without foundation (There are no physical rules that strictly outlaw jokes about breaking a rule, just as there are no punishments for thinking about crime in real life). Besides that, I feel like Garnascus' outburst further reinforces the belief I have that this is a personal matter rather than an intervention of actual rule-breaking. https://aurorastation.org/rules.html Here is a list of your own rules, please read them and point out to me where it says that JOKING about a rulebreak is a bannable offense, if an offense at all. While at it, I would like to request previous bans that relate to players being banned over joking about breaking rules. I don't believe there is current ruling from past bans, and therefore I don't see why it's so harshly enforced upon me, as I don't find that this is a case from a pure administrative standard but more so from personal belief in the matter. As provided, and as I have previously stated upon the matter, that the outburst purely enforces completely in my belief that I be unjustly targeted for a joke I made quite awhile ago, along with the extended period of time that I have spent awhile from the server. This is clearly an attack on my person along with the fact that this ban was applied three years ago.
I would like to bring to attention Garnascus' inflamatory post which breaks multiple sub-forum rules, as it now stands deleted. Seems to me rather inappropriate and unbecoming of the Head Admin to post something like this.
Deflecting and telling me to go play elsewhere is a rather shitty thing to say and you're being rather rude. I don't believe I was ever rude to you. Besides I would like to remind you of the sub-forum rules. It doesn't matter who I am or how I am. Why are you attacking me personally? The fact of the matter is that I was banned for supposed illegal activities, which never happened. Not only did they not happen but there was no intention towards them happening. Could you please not evade the argument and attack my person?
There was never a swatting threat, it was a joke as I was rather obviously joking in case you haven't actually read through the messages you're using as supposed proof. Do you think Vova is a real person? Or Dimitri? Or that I have offshore accounts in Russia? And pay them in cigarettes? I'm sorry if you've misinterpreted it, but there was never an actual attempt of a SWATting happening nor was there ever an intent to SWAT anyone. I'll say again. I never made a threat to SWAT the subject, I never SWATted him, nor had I ever an intent to do either. It seems to me that you're absolutely opposed to unbanning me while having no solid argument or evidence as to why I should stay banned. The fact of the matter is that this WAS a shitty joke no matter how you look at it and nothing ever came out of it because it wasn't serious. Someone decided to take pictures of it and present it in a server completely unrelated to the event and I catch flak for supposed illegal activities? Tell me, what illegal thing have I done?
Why would that be? Is there an actual argument against me? Proof that I participated in a SWATting action (Which didn't take place)? This is ridiculous. I am banned for suppossedly participating in illegal activities, this never happened, therefore I am unjustly banned. I believe it is rather straight-forward.
I'm sorry if I'm trying to get back to play on the server and believe I was unjustly banned for something I genuinely didn't do, while having to jump through hoops in order to defend myself for a shitty joke I made 3 years ago.
BYOND Key: MrGabol100 Staff BYOND Key: Garnascus Game ID: null Reason for complaint: I had a staff complaint closed on the grounds that "my defense was thin" without having a chance to argue. Evidence/logs/etc: As I would like to believe the Head Administrator is not free from criticism and I'd be rather dissapointed if I were to be banned from the forums for attempting to defend myself. The original reason for the ban is that I made a Swatting Threat, which factually never happened, nor had I the intent for it to take place. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intention_(criminal_law) As I, at no point made a threat to SWAT the subject in question I believe that the original reason for the ban ought to be void. It was acknowledged that there was no intent to make a SWATting attempt, nor did it take place. Therefore I demand an explanation as to why I have an "absurdly thin defense". After which the thread was promptly locked without me having a chance to say anything back.
>Tell vova to quit fucking aroud or I'll cut his cigarette rations. Yes, it is still the same joke. As I say, it might have been in very poor taste. I can't speak up for anyone else or what they said. It was long ago and I don't remember what Leviathan said, but from his messages in that picture it might seem to some as if he were actually serious. I don't believe he ever did anything, I honestly don't know. But at least on my part there was never a threat or intent and I do not consider myself affiliated to this person. And yet again I have never participated in an illegal activity related to swatting nor do I advocate it.
I believe that there is a very large difference between making a joke about swatting and swatting someone "as a joke", which might get people killed. First of all, I do not defend the actual act of swatting "as a joke". Like you said people might get killed, this is why I would never do it. I get your point that joking about it would make the subject matter to be perceived less seriously and therefore increase the chances that someone might do it, and that is something to think about. Yet I do not advocate or participate in swatting and never have. Nowadays I wouldn't joke about these things anymore, but I do believe that it never warranted the ban I've received, for I've participated in no illegal activities, which is what I've been banned in the first place, correct? The joke was in poor taste, yes. I admit to that. But if we are all now on the same page, I stand banned for making a joke in poor taste in a server unrelated to this one, over two years ago.
Yes. That is me and I did post that. Now, it was meant to be a joke and I find it extremely perplexing that anyone would take that seriously. If you don't find it humorous to joke about such topics I understand, yet at the moment I deemed it appropiate to joke about it. There was never absolutely anything done against him nor was this a threat. It was pure shitposting. Someone thought it wasn't funny or thought it was real and this is how this got started. That isn't a threat nor did it ever take place. I could say "I'm killing the president of the United States of America RIGHT NOW" and that isn't illegal as far as I'm aware. "With our team of russian hackers". Come on now. I understand you might not find it funny, but I don't understand how anyone could take it at its face value. It was meant as a joke. It wasn't meant as a threat. Nothing ever happened, because it wasn't meant seriously. The intent of the posts is rather clear and most importantly, at no point was anything illegal done.
I had nothing to do with the unrelated post that popped up. I reported it as I saw it. I don't have anything to say about Apophis, only that I never have done anything illegal as was claimed. I never attempted to SWAT him nor was I affiliated with or know anyone who did such. The ban was made on the assumption that I did do such things which is factually false.
BYOND Key: MrGabol100 Staff BYOND Key: aboshedab Game ID: null Reason for complaint: I was made to post a staff complaint regarding a contested ban. I don't really have anything to say about aboshedab as a member of the staff. This ban was made without any game interactions taking place at a time when I was inactive in this server. Evidence/logs/etc: null Additional remarks: I would like to ask: Why do you assume that I was ever affiliated with a swatting attempt against apophis? What evidence do you have that this actually took place? Why does this affect my standing in this server and why am I disallowed to play here? I'm ready to answer any questions regarding the incident, but I would like to make clear that I was never "directly affiliated with a swatting attempt".
BYOND Key: MrGabol100 Total Ban Length: Permanent. Banning staff member's Key: aboshehab Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: Back in 2018 there was some drama regarding Colonial Marines' Host "Apophis". I'd rather not go into the details regarding this drama, but the fact of the matter is that some pictures were taken out of context and I was accused of attempting to SWAT him? This never truly happened, and it steems from false accussations levied against me in "the host chat" discord which led to this ban. I never made an attempt to SWAT this subject nor am I affiliated with anyone who attempted to SWAT him. Besides, how would this even be related to this server?
If you're a dev then you can do it yourself And not directly, because our save system deviates from it. + we use MySQL for storing the data, not savefiles. Which makes things a little more complicated. I may look into this next cycle, but I don't plan on adding it before Nümap releases as the save system is already too buggy for my liking. Well, it is just an improvement to save time if you were to have different loadouts, but it is not completely essential, what would be rather more lovely would be to update the UI and the list of hairstyles.
hnrg. I'm dying at the SQL lifting required here. Me dev too thanks. Can't we just port these things from baystation rather easily?
This is our current Menu UI and Loadout: This the current Baystation's Menu UI and Loadout. It would be a really good improvement if we could move from the archaic Bay12 white and wonky "link" like lowercase lettering UI. The loadout system itself could also use the addition of the multiple custom loadout slots and the increase of the number of points to expend, it isn't as if we had anything actually utilitarian like communicators, computers or tablets on the custom loadout, even if so, there would be no harm in increasing the number of points, it's mostly fashion related items with some webbings thrown in. It would also be lovely to see the not so new hairstyles from baystation, which are already standard to most SS13 servers yet Aurora seems to dismiss. I'm talking about all of these: And all of these facial hair styles: They are all avaiable from baystation, and are really quite common place everywhere else. It would be very nice to see Aurora update these things. On a sidenote, not to make a whole suggestion just for this, it would be a quality of life improvement to be able to use the Page Up and Page Down keys to be able to move through Z-Levels as a ghost, or to be able to peek up a Z-level in game.
[Accepted]Tequila Joe's Head of Staff Application
MrGabol100 replied to Tequilajoe's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
TequilaJoe is a good roleplayer, I do not know this character of his, but I am pretty sure he could perfectly pull off a head of staff role if given the chance. You go, boy, follow your dreams. -
If the cargo technician gossips, then he's the source of the leak. Until we get paper shredders then disposals remains the only way for the masses to dispose of unwanted paperwork, since not everyone wants to burn paper in the office. But it gives that nice feeling of 30s America wall street.
The article in question requires proof that the tech read them. So basically, he needs to be stupid about it, and, for example, read them out in public. If he just sees them as medical records, and then has plausible deniability on reading them, he's fine. Reading them out loud, FTFY?
So why are Cargo techs charged with i118 if punishment goes to the source of the leak? Hem.
Pretty sure I saw it more than once.
The Ash posert is already there. You could get Biesel themed posters. Uhm, Anti-Pro Vaurca and Synth posters, political shit. Reference posters are always nice. Subtle snowflake character posters like Ash's, but without really specifying the character :^)