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Everything posted by kingmatt9
Yeah, I saw this on Youtube on some low-key channels. It looks pretty fun, but I have no job, and no money. I would totes man the weapons.
I remember playing Jakob Drengr. I killed the Greasers. I got my dick shot off by Heinrich Krauss. I miss Heinrich Krauss. Bring back Heinrich Krauss. Pls.
Yeah, so, this thread is to showcase all the books that you have read and liked. Try to put in a link to the books in your post. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GCICW6O?redirect=true&ref_=kinw_myk_ro_title http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006DLRBH0?redirect=true&ref_=kinw_myk_ro_title http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006N52WVQ?redirect=true&ref_=kinw_myk_ro_title http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006MLKZAG?redirect=true&ref_=kinw_myk_ro_title All of these books are fiction, and are the first books I ever purchased from Amazon. Really good ones.
Alright, considering he isn't going to be in a job that requires sight, I'll give this a +1. Jboy is a purdy good rper.
JBOY, can you tell me what occupation your character will be taking?
Why would a research company hire a blind employee? That is just so illogical.
YouJustGotOwened's Dionaea species application
kingmatt9 replied to Owen's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I can't endorse this, solely because most of my interactions with Augotta have been filled with un-needed hostility. -
SilverTalismens Unathi Application
kingmatt9 replied to SilverTalismen's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I really like Roots, and he is RPed really good. I've never seen any of your other characters, but Roots is rly good. -
Kingmatt9- Living in the heart of the bible-belt, and racism, Georgia, the state, not the country, because fuck Stalin.
BYOND key: Kingmatt9 Character names: Jotun Khardawihn, Jotazirr Khardawihn, Apophis Quihtzin, Jakob Drengr How long have you been playing on Aurora?: More than a year. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I have been noticing a lack of heads at certain times, and I wanted to try out the position. Why did you come to Aurora?: I went to Hypatia for a while, then switched servers because of staff and players. Also, CoolFool came here, so, yeah. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yep. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think role-play is, and should be about: Role-play is making the round fun for everyone, and not just yourself. You shouldn't just hang with your friends in-game, and leave others out. It should be making the workplace simulator that SS13 is, into something awesome. Though, role-play is mainly meant for having fun and whatnot, you should not try to create FUN, and ruin the round for others because you want to have some FUN with welder-bombs or SMG's. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: They lead and coordinate their departments with intelligence and do not choose favorites. They should be helping new players, and not impeding their progress and ruining their experience of the game. They should be showing an example of what to do, and what not to do, when in a role-playing situation. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: They are kind of like leaders, in-game or otherwise, as they are looked up to as a senior figure in the ranks of players. They are considered some of the best role-players, and should act like it. Heads should not be argumentative over OOC, as this can poison others' ideas about the role, or the server as a whole. They should be bringing in players, and not harming the server's reputation. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Jotazirr Khardawihn Character age: 41 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Jotazirr was born on Moghes, but quickly moved at a young age to Biesel. His mother raised him, and he was heavily influenced by the mixed races of the Biesel apartments. This kept him from being discriminate against other races, and keeping an open mind about nearly anything. At the age of twenty, he went to the Biesel Institute for Medical Sciences. After nearly thirteen years, he got his medical license and began to work on-planet for a number of years. During this time, he also got a degree in Accounting. He submitted a resume to Nanotrasen, hoping for a job aboard one of the newer space stations. He already had a wife and child, and needed more money to take care of them. His application was quickly accepted, as more and more doctors aboard the Aurora were becoming incompetent. He welcomed the new environment with open arms. What do you like about this character?: I like that he is never violent, or rash in his decisions. What do you dislike about this character?: He never takes risks that are too high, and will likely leave a crew member to die if he is liable to die also. Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff?: Yes. Why?: He is one of my best characters that I have ever made. After my previous attempts at making serious characters, it never worked out. But Jotazirr has been the one, and I love him for it. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Honestly, I would rate myself 7/10, but my ability to role-play coherently changes as the day wanes. Extra notes: We need more Unathi heads. Dick-lizard will be missed, but we need new blood.
Wer6 - Alien Whitelist - Unathi
kingmatt9 replied to Wer6's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Wer has shown he's a pretty good RPer over the time he's played on Aurora. Plus, with this new influx of Unathi, we can have a gang. Coolio. +1 -
The few times that I've played with PoZe he's been a cool cat. Good RP, even if his english isn't the best. +1 brah. May he force be with you. Kick some ass.
Prospekt's Unathi Application.
kingmatt9 replied to Prospekt's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Yo, we need more Unathi. Based on the many times that I've played with/RPed with Prospekt, he's shown he is a cable RPer. Plus, leezurd master race. -
I was Dragon that round, and me and Doomberg /tried/ to keep the team together via RP and whatnot. I also attempted to keep TechnoKat from lopping heads off via fireaxe. All in all, it was a pretty shit round. Bad Arpee on Nuke op's side.
Why, exactly, are you using american laws to justify your actions? The game is run by a fictional set of space-laws.
+1 because you arpee good, and we need some more Leezurd around.
I distinctly remember him having a Nuke op's headset, and saying his arm was hurt and that he needed to clean.
Umm, I just noticed this thread now. /This/ round I was very tired, and an officer frequently doing bad things made me angry, I probably should have gotten off before I did something bad. I'm sorry for my behavior.
A screen buzzes onto your monitor, with average quality, mrowling is heard in the background. A red-scaled Unathi appears, "Greetingsss, I am Apophisss Quihtzin....Buthaynah wanted me to do thisss....wasssste of time....assssk away." A tajaran youngster pokes it's head into the shot, mrowling away.
BYOND Key: Kingmatt9 Player Byond Key: Jboy2000000 Reason for complaint: During the changeling round on Sunday 12/28/14, Jboy was a security officer by the name of Elizabeth Keener. Elizabeth found my character dead in the maintenance tunnel, with another character hovering over my body. Talia Pascal, was her name if I recall correctly. Security had a changeling in permabrig already, Charlie Dove, who was admittedly in there for bogus charges, which Elizabeth had lifted upon her. Talia Pascal was over my character's body, John Matthew, grabbing him aggresively. She immediately tazed Talia, and put her in cuffs. It was all well, until Elizabeth put the charge on Charlie Dove, another changeling, who was already in perma-brig for killing PROTOHUMANS. She immediately uncuffed Talia, letting her go. Another officer was in shock just from seeing her uncuff a woman that was grabbing a dead husk's neck.
Edit: The Jacket does not have an armour rating. So yeah.
BYOND Key: Kingmatt9 Character name: Apophis Quihtzin Item name: Thick Jacket Why is your character carrying said item to work? Apophis, when he gets off work, goes straight to Adhomai to do his /other/ job, which is protecting some of the Jawdats' property. Item function(s): The jacket would be in the armor slot, and if able, would have minor armor rating. Item description: A brown leather trenchcoat-like jacket, it smells of snow. Item appearance: Basically a copy of the armored trenchcoat, but a dull brown color. Additional comments: I'm not very good at these things, this was spur of the moment stuff.
~@CharmanderinSoulandBody~ Just woke up next to a fine ass female, still haven't sent a dowry in to her brother. lol. #bane #justunathiproblems -Apophis Quihtzin
Unathi Application - Covert0ddity
kingmatt9 replied to Covert0ddity's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
+1 cause covvies is a great RPer, and I think he's competent enough to doit. #basedcovert4lyf -
BYOND Key: Kingmatt9 Character Names: Jakob Drengr, Asmund Balder, Jackson Frost How long have you been playing on Aurora: Almost a year now Species you are applying to play: Unathi Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I would like to play this species because they seem interesting to roleplay with. They are one of the least-used species, and, as such I'd like to see how players react to my attempts to RP as one. The Unathi just seem like a good first attempt into Alien roleplaying, they seem like an easier species to RP, unlike Skrell and Tajaran. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: First off, their social interactions are much more different. They use body language to express how they feel, and are physically imposing. Also, they remind me of the Lizard-man from Star-Trek, shit was tight. The social-fauxes in Unathi Culture also seem interesting to implement into my roleplay. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? It doesn't hold too much interest, it just feels like the right species to start with. It matches my usual character makeup; tall, strong, and intelligient. Plus, hopefully, I can seduce a young female with my scaliness. Character Name: Veezara Tanaka Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Veezara sighs, dropping the pneumatic cannon he was currently working on. He looked outside the window of his simple sandstone house, watching as one his hatchlings played with the pet Threshbeast. His small village, located in the polar region of Moghes, was quaint, and happy. Veezara stood, walking outside, observing some Unathi working on their small gardens. Suddenly, saw a red-suited man jump out of a blue portal, tossing a small Unathi child out of the way.A female quickly ran over to the Hatchling, snatching the child into a house. Veezara spoke, his voice laced with anger, "Who are you, and what are you doing in our village?" The red suited man replied, "I am Beruschugo, and I am here to collect payment." Veezara sighed, swaying side to side. He stealthily moved a hand to a hidden holster located on his side, a knife flashed, gliding towards Beruschugo. Suddenly, more suited men poured out of the portal, inspecting their quickly bleeding cohort. Veezara tensed, jumping backwards, crashing through a wooden door. Shots rang out, the firearms in the possession of the Redsuits flinging bullets into homes. Veezara could only watch as one of his Hatch-mates fell to a spray of gun-fire. He scrambled to his office, hiding his child in a cubby. A laser pistol was soon in his grip, the dust falling off the weapon as he sneaked towards his ruined front door. Veezara was soon firing bolts of energy towards the attackers, managing to snag a few of them, but his unfamilarity with the weapon caused his aim to be off. A round slammed into his shoulder, he reeled back, another round into his leg. His body fell back, smashing through a crude wooden table. He didn't know how long he waited, it felt like years, but men finally came, their arms lifting him onto a stretcher, carrying him away.. He woke up in a white room, a nurse looking him over. He asked hoarsely, "Where am I?" The woman looked startled, but replied, "You are inside one of the Second Red Cross's medical buildings, how are you feeling?" Veezara sighed, "Horrible, but I'll live....where are my children?" The nurse looked shifty, "Your children, they were found....deceased, I am sorry." He weeped. What do you like about this character? I'm not even sure, considering, I've never played as him. I don't usually play as characters with tragic backstories, but I'd like to try it out with this species. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Honestly, I'd rate myself a good 7/10 on a good day, but it can shift up and down when I'm tired. Notes: Thanks for reading my thingie, and I'll probably beg you for a +1 later. Bai. ((Gojira for laif.))