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Everything posted by maurleur

  1. Really simple suggestion, really. R&D can already make an advanced light replacer. So why not make better cleaning equipment as well? It could be something like a motorized brush, which would relatively simple research levels, perhaps 2-3 in materials and 1 in power or something. It would function like a normal mop. But clean tiles much faster. And as an endgame research item you should be able to make a janicart attachment, that automatically cleans the floors underneath it (TG station actually has something like that already). Hell, I'd even be able to sprite the motorized brush, if someone wants to. Thoughts, suggestions?
  2. Even though I'm not exactly a huge fan of the 'tough, war veteran types of characters'. It isn't written too badly. So I'd say I would mostly approve it. The only thing I'm curious about is how she would act on the space station as a normal civilian. And what sort of roles do you think she would fill?
  3. Thanks for both of your feedback. My application is indeed bare-bones at the moment . But that's why I submitted it here, to get feeback and see how other people would contribute to it .So I'm going to re-write it a bit, and see if I can flesh it out.
  4. BYOND Key: Maurleur Character Names: Grier Eutychus, Castigar(powered by Graham Henry’s MMI) Species you are applying to play: Vaucra What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): (RGB 51, 0, 0) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yeah, and it’s as vivid as one of their VR experiences. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Out of all the xeno species, they seem to be the most fascinating to observe at. Their physiological, cultural and behavioral differences are so enormous compared to the other races, it truly feels like being ‘an alien’. I’ve always been a human player when it came to SS13. So I would like to try something completely different. More information below: Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: They have so many differences, I don’t even know where to begin. Perhaps I could start with their society. Which despite being hyper-advanced, still uses an ancient caste system: Which means each Vaurcra’s life is pre-destined before they are even born. Their culture is completely different to ours as well. Where unbound Vaucra have mastered the realm of the VR, and are using this massive web to indulge in all the knowledge and information gathered by the hive mind. So a Vaucra that is detached from the VR and made to work on a space station will experience quite a culture shock. In terms of language and behaviour, being from a completely different background opens an interesting opportunity for conversations: Such as not being a native speaker and speaking in pidgin basic. Or being relatively fluent, but still letting your conversation be influenced by Vaucrae language, such as not being able to pick up on subtle human ques like sarcasm. And there’s obviously their biological makeup. Being essentially prawn-cyborgs, it would be quite interesting to explore the way their bodies work. And how they would interact on a date to day basis. Character Name: Ka’Akaix’Ceatsan’Zo'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs UPDATED: Ceatsan’s story begins in space, on the Zo’ra hive-ship Titan Prime. The ship was way into its interstellar journey, when he was born in one of the incubator units, as a result of replenishing the on-board population. After the initial inspection, he was identified as a “Type A unbound worker” and given the moniker of 'Ceatsan' as part of the numbering scheme . After which he was taken to a nursery to let him mature further. After six months, they finally installed a neural socket and hooked him up to the hive network. This is when he started to experience things. As he integrated into the Virtual Reality network, information started slowly pouring into him. Starting with the basic information about his very own body and life functions, to essential cognitive awareness. He them moved onto learning the basics of language and scientific knowledge. With that complete, he was initiated into the worker training programme, where was taught how to fill any of the relevant worker roles that may be assigned into. After all of the basic training was complete. He was given an opportunity to explore the VR independently. Where his mind was allowed to roam freely. He was exploring the history and culture of his own species, engaging in different virtual realities – from bizarre cosmic worlds, to his home planet Sedantis. Time was passing by quickly, as he was reaching maturation state. Blissfully unaware that it all will be coming to an end. Just as his maturation period was coming to an end, and he was prepared to be unhooked from the VR experience. However, Titan Prime has finally reached its destination. It has reached the Tau Ceti. After the events on the NSS Aurora have conspired, and evacuations started proceeding. It is then when the mature Vaucra specimen were prepared for evacuation. Ceatsan’s awakening was a rude one. After being unhooked from the VR network, he was completely dazed, still being stuck between a state of reality and cyberspace. But he didn’t have any time to properly recover, as he was quickly loaded onto one of the evacuation vessels heading for New Gibson. After enduring a crowded ride to the planet, he was dropped into one of the refugee camps designated for him. The camp is sort of a combination of a shanty town and ‘the hoods’. The drones were assigned to the basic, ramshackle structures which only provide basic cover against the elements. The unbound workers and breeders were assigned rooms in basic apartment blocks. Having at least some amenities similar to what a normal citizen would have. So, after getting is own(horribly crowded) home, Caetsan became a denizen of this planet. His early days were not easy. Still suffering form VR withdrawal, subjected to crowded and stressful conditions and having to live in poor living conditions, he was struggling to make ends meet. After around a week, the ‘naturalization scheme’ was initiated. Where him and other Vaucra were taken to ‘naturalisation facilities’ - essentially giant education centres. Where was taught the basics of Sol Common and tested for his working abilities. Being someone who’s eager to learn, he tried his best to adapt to the new language. After completing his review, he was given a residency permit and work qualifications. However, skilled labour was hard to find, especially for a migrant like him. So he had to roam the streets asking for any sort of menial labour jobs. During his time on the planet he worked in work sites, factories and even fast food joints and shops. All in the name of paying off his hive’s debt. Most of the time, he spent working with is own kin in designated work groups. While working there, he witnessed the unfair treatment of his brethren. Where he would see them being subject to verbal and physical abuse for not filling the quotas or just for being Vaucra workers. Being from a society where hostility is frowned upon, it left a bad impression on him. However, he soon learned that humanity is much more multi-faceted than he initially observed. Getting the chance to speak to people like overseers, to other low-ranking citizens during his time here helped him broaden his view on human society and values. A particularly memorable episode was when he managed to damage his carapace, when unloading some goods from a truck and a nearby person came to help stem his bleeding. It left a deep impression on him. As time passed by, his life slowly became a routine of working, going home and either spending his time watching Vaucra affairs on the news, or reminiscing about his past times in the VR. But that was soon to be changed when he received word from the government that an intern vacancy was available on the NSS Exodus. He’d gladly accept such opportunity, as it would actually allow him to use the skills he acquired in the VR, and help pay the hive’s debt. After receiving the blessing from his lesser queen, he embarked onto the station… What do you like about this character? I just like the potential this character has. And the completely different RP style it offers. My main character is a bit of a dunce, who usually acts on a whim and is rather unpredictable. He’s also kind of a blank slate, and is mostly used as a semi self-insert character. Playing this character would actually allow me to play someone with a concrete backstory, and would actually allow me to roleplay as someone else. Also, I just love the idea of a migrant worker coming to this station, being completely unfamiliar with what’s going on. How would you rate your role-playing ability? If you were to define role-playing as the ability to remain ‘in character’. I would rate it pretty decently. But I presume you mean the ability to create interesting scenarios given the medium. For this character, it would probably start out weak. But I would get better, as I get accustomed to role-playing as him. Notes: I’m not entirely sure if I missed a point in the Vaucra wiki article. But do you need to be a warrior to play a security role? Or can workers do it as well?
  5. Welcome! So, you decided to take on the incredibly tedious and straining task of mining for the sake of your team? Congratulations on being a b̶i̶t̶c̶ a productive and important member of this station. Let me preface this by saying, that I won't be talking much about the things you're going to do once you're done with your materials. A forum member called "Duck" wrote a decent tutorial about that, which can be found here http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=281 . All clear? Then let's begin! Preparations Being a robust miner manifests itself before the game even starts. I would suggest buying your character a simple webbing from the character creation menu. The reason for that will be explained later. Round Start So, if you selected miner and you got your selected role(which I wouldn't be surprised about), you will spawn in the mining quarters in the cargo office. First thing you need to do is gear up, by grabbing a drill and meson goggles from the mining closet(and a lantern if you want to wear a hard-suit). Next you need to go to the cargo office and get yourself the cargo tug. Either by begging the cargo tech/QM or asking the AI for one. The cargo tug is essential for robust mining. Grab the tug, and fly to the mining asteroid. Selecting your Gear Mining comes equipped with 3 standard Voidsuits and a single Rig suit. Both suits are a viable option. I prefer taking the Rig suit if I am a solo Miner and Voidsuit if there's someone mining with me. Let's assume you go with the Rig Suit option. First things first, your Rig suit has an internal airtank built into it. So you don't need an external oxygen tank. Use a crowbar, and then a wrench on it. And the tank will pop out. Refill it to the max with an oxygen canister, and set the pressure to a breathable 101 and pop it back in, and crowbar it shut. Next, this is where your webbing comes in. With a hardsuit, you cannot hold a backpack. And you need somewhere to keep your three essential tools in: Crowbar, Wrench and Screwdriver. Luckily, the webbing has exactly 3 slots, and it can be accessed on the move. A toolbelt can be used as well, but I feel it's a bit too cumbersome. Grab a mining satchel, and wrap it around your belt, and put a lantern in your pocket. On the asteroid Once you are done with your gear preparation, you are ready to go into space. A small tip, take out the ore box in the right mining external access, before you try to park your cargo tug in there, will save you a lot of embarrassment. Cycle to the external airlock...and you're ready to go! It's important to note. The asteroids on aurora station are incredibly poor in surface minerals, so most of the mining will be done using the drills. So make sure those are set up first! First things first, you need to take your tug, and load a set of mining drills onto it: So the 2 drill braces, and the main Drill itself. Once that is done, start riding around the asteroid on your cargo tug, and scan the nearby minerals with your rig mounted or handheld RCD. For clarity sake, imagine the underground resources as nodes which spread across certain areas. You want to come across the juiciest of spots, obviously. Here's a simple approximation on how a mineral node works http://imgur.com/a/OIigs Just so you are aware: Here is what each of the scanning readings mean: Surface Minerals - Carbon, Hematite, Sand Precious Metals - Gold, Silver, Platinum Nuclear Fuel - Pitchblende, Hydrogen, Phoron Exotic Matter - Usually Diamonds Most of the asteroid has at least some surface minerals in it. So pick a location depending on what you need. Fuel if you need phoron/uranium, precious minerals if you need gold/silver/plat, exotic matter if you're hurting for diamonds. Once you found a decent spot. Unload the drill bits, and wrench them into place. Go back to the mining outpost, load up another drill and repeat the whole process.. Can I actually mine now, please? Yes you can! Once you've set up the two mining drills. Put a mineral box in the front compartment of your tug, and start mining away with your exosuit drill. By this time, you may have noticed that the cargo tug completely counters your suit's slow moving speed, and you don't need to carry around a box with you. This is how awesome it is. Remember that you can mine several times at once(assuming you don't use the rig mining drill or plasma cutter). Keep mining until you have a decent haul, or until the drills are completely full. Once you see a drill full(indicated by a red light). Unload a ore box next to it, and empty the contents in there. Refining the metals Unload the box into the ore loader, and get the smelter ready. You have to activate the smelter, here are the options for each mineral: Pitchblende: Smelt it for uranium Hematite: Smelt it for useless Iron. Alloy it with carbon for steel and with carbon and platinum for platesteel. Impure Silicates: Smelt it for glass, compress for sandstone Gold: Smelt it Silver: Smelt it Phoron: Compress it for phoron sheets Diamond: Compress for diamonds Coal: Smelt for plastic, alloy with hematite for steel Platinum: Smelt for platinum ignots, compress for useless osmium, alloy for platesteel Hydrogen: Compress for wafers, smelt for useless tritium Mining Endgame Congratulations! if your order was shipped off successfully, you can now reap the fruits of your hard labour. You can either go to the bar and get drunk, or you can got and pester science for upgrades. Here are some ways to improve your mining power: Better mining equipment: Bug R&D for a better mining equipment Drill Upgrades: just like any machine, drills can be upgraded. If you take apart a drill, it contains a capacitor, laser and matter bin. Better capacitors means the drill is more energy efficient. Better lasers increase mining speed. Bigger matter bins mean the drill can run for a longer time. Bigger batteries means longer running time. You can bug R&D for those components. Better mining vessel: I mean you can always use the good old cargo tug. But there are several upgrades. First of all, you can order a hoverpod from cargo itself. It can hold 4 items simultaneously, it's space manoeuvrable and it has a passenger compartment for your buddy. It's my favourite. You can ask robotics to build you a ripley. But to be perfectly honest, ripleys kind of suck. As mentioned previously, the asteroids are incredibly mineral poor, and it's not very effective at carrying around the drill bits since it's so slow. Final Words After reading this guide, I hope mining will be a bit easier for you to understand, and I will see less miners bringing back 5 bars of of iron and 10 plasma back to the base. And maybe people will stop asking why I need a goddamned cargo tug.
  6. Yeah, Hunter's an alright dude. Always fun to tag along with him. Not sure how he would do as a HoS. But he's definitely HoP/RD material.
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