Reporting Personnel: Ali Walters
Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Investigator
Game ID: chJ-bNfr
Personnel Involved:
Kylie Robinson - Bridge Crew
Valary Ossen - Bridge Crew
Secondary Witnesses: (Name, Job Title: Short description of what they witnessed) -
Jones Masters - Engineering Apprentice
Masar Yadama - Engineering Apprentice
Amari Linzenge - Bartender
Trhofiim R'odion - Cook
Time of Incident: (If unable to provide, leave blank)
Real Time: 13:00 2nd May 2022 appox
Location of Incident: Bridge
Nature of Incident:
[ ] - Workplace Hazard
[ ] - Accident/Injury
[ ] - Destruction of Property
[ ] - Neglect of Duty
[ ] - Harassment
[ ] - Assault
[X ] - Misconduct
[ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)
Overview of the Incident:
The Bridge Crew engaged in maneuvers without command present, nor did they receive confirmation from Engineering - Masters and Yadama. Of which were overcoming access issues to get the engines power.
During maneuvers, the Bridge crew lost power to the bridge of which they requested engineering to send power.
Bridge crew have claimed to have learned their lesson, with Valaray stating the path was clear either way.
Submitted Evidence: Witness testimonies
Would you like to be personally interviewed?:
[X ] - Yes
[ ] - No
Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? No command present
Actions taken: Incident resolved in the sense of risk was actually done, I didn’t make an arrest as I wanted this to be investigated my CCIAA
Additional Notes: