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Everything posted by rankdiRty

  1. Lol I understand your reluctance, thank you for your feedback regardless.
  2. Byond key: RankdiRty Discord key: rankdirty#4095 Item name: Librarian Action Figure (The one in the game already, I just want to spawn with one) Item function(s): None Item description: An action figure of a librarian Item appearance: An action figure of a librarian Why is your character bringing this item to work? The figure has sentimental value, and makes the hard shifts more bearable. How did your character obtain this item (1 paragraph or more please): On the first shift I played as this character, Roland Sigurdson, he was a mere lab assistant at age 42. Late on his career, due to the loss of family members, and brand new to the station, he struggled with the aloof nature of the Research and Development team that shift. He felt like he didn't have a friend in the whole world. Fortunately, he met a young security officer, Amy Driskin, in the hallway. Although it was a short exchange, she was kind to him, and took the time. Roland discovered a librarian action figure sitting on the R&D counter. He knew it was from Amy. The action figure was a small gesture of kindness in a cold shift. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell? The action figure is a reminder of a small kindness shown to a lonely old dog who was down and out. That little librarian is like being at a new workplace, and one person is kind enough to give you their phone number and introduce themselves. Roland lost his wife suddenly, and is separated from his son, so he doesn't have much. This action figure is representative of the only small connection he has here on the station. (I know you wanted two paragraphs, but there isn't a whole lot to be said. Pretty simple concept.) How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? The action figure is a reminder of where Roland started on this station. He is a fresh character, and no matter how many friends he eventually makes, he'll always have the little plastic librarian to remind him who his first friend was. Sprites: Just the default librarian action figure, nothing new. Additional Comments: I'm not asking for a new item, I just want the librarian action figure in his load out, as if he comes to work with it.
  3. I can attest to the latter scenario mentioned here, as I was the woman Blaine was arresting. Sakaei was under the impression that I murdered his friend, but I don't think that excuses his actions. A professional officer would do what Blaine was doing, which was make the arrest and permabrig or borg me. A farcry from opening fire in the security lobby.
  4. I have only had the chance to interact with one of Resilynn's character's that being Ellie Shoshanna. She was a generous QM that paid some special attention to my department, so we launched Operation Sprinkles where we covertly obtained a cake to surprise her with. All around memorable and pleasant exchange, I think it was even in a hall of fame post. Long story short I thoroughly enjoyed my contact with Shoshanna, and am happy to see that character around. I think they understand the game and roleplay well enough to play command staff. +1
  5. Yeah, the way you described it, Seshka would despise that kind of aristocracy, and probably would have just left (only to be blindsided by human bureaucracy lol). The way I see Seshka, I think it would have been torment to remain in his mother culture any longer, and he would have gone for the "grass is greener" route whether he knew it to be true or not. On another note, I do understand that they are not barbarians too simple to understand their intellectuals, but are a society that values a rather homogeneous skill set that is slow to accept outliers. I read through the descriptions of the universities you linked, and he would likely have been attracted to the Lunar University, as the Sol System is about as far from Unathi anything one can get, and it excels in both human and xeno surgery. He definitely would have struggled with the language barrier, perhaps this would give reason to add Sol Common as one of his spoken languages. Guess he's going to catch a lot of humans talking shit about him thinking he doesn't understand lmao.
  6. If it means anything, my answer to the admin was a simple apology and accepting of my mistake so. Live and learn right? Also I didn't disobey you, I finished talking to the captain and then came to your office to give you your gear back. Plus, the IC in OOC, I was not the first to talk about that, and was simply defending someone accused of validhunting. I would also like to add that our encounter only lasted maybe 45 seconds, so I feel that you haven't had enough time to truly know me as a character or a player.
  7. Ah I see. I suppose I didn't consider that. I mean, he definitely doesn't consider his own kind to be the smartest bunch, but I'll be honest, I didn't really think of that. Is it something you'd like me to change?
  8. My dream has come true, I'm in a hall of fame post :'^)
  9. BYOND key: rankdiRty Character names: Cliff Donovicci, Fleance "Interim Mad Scotsman" MacBride, Vra'ik Seshka How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Used to play here a while ago, just started getting back into this style of SS13 a few days ago. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I played interim HoS several times and quite enjoyed it. Why did you come to Aurora?: A more interesting RP experience and pace than something like Paradise or Colonial Marines Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is taking on the conscience and identity of a created person, acting as they would based on their character traits, and interacting with others to expand your character's depth. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: To organize and guide their department, resolve internal conflicts between its members, and make sure their department is running at maximum efficiency. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: To be professional leaders who their subordinates can trust to guide them through situations where they may lack the same experience or capability. I have seen many command staff on this server behave with no sense of professionalism or respect to their fellow employees, and I find it frankly unrealistic and annoying. I strive to be a more civilized and professional leader. Character name: Fleance MacBride Character age: 43 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): He is a Scotsman born in the Sol System, serving fifteen years as an infantryman in the Sol Alliance military and being honorably discharged after an encounter with Vox pirates that resulted in the loss of his right leg. After leaving the military, he had a prosthetic installed, and signed a contract to work security for Nanotrasen, where he has been for almost 10 years. What do you like about this character?: He's a seasoned veteran, getting up there in years, but also in experience. He's not one to put up with bureaucratic bullshit, more one to see to it that the good guys live, and the bad guys are in the dirt. While he is a hard man though, he does have the capacity to be understanding and agreeable with people. What do you dislike about this character?: He can be stubborn when he doesn't see the logic in things, which often gets him in trouble with superiors decades younger than him. He has a long fuse, but the temper at the end of it can be wild. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He's been interim Head of Security on multiple occasions, one of which he risked life and limb, charging into a phoron leak to extract a handicapped captain. Additionally, his combat skills are more than adequate. When boarded by Vox pirates, he hunted down and neutralized the threat, even after being wounded by the enemy. Aside from his exploits in the field, he also is a mediator. One shift as interim, a security member felt discriminated against for not being allowed to speak Sol Common on comms. Instead of suspending her and tossing her out the airlock, he invited her to his office to talk over it. Explained to her that he too was a Sol native and that the reasons for this were merely regulation and important regulation at that. They reached an understanding and the officer kept her badge. I think this ability to talk things through instead of being a tyrant makes him an outstanding candidate for this position. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Very good as a result of my experience as a DM and player of tabletop games like D&D and World of Darkness. Notes: I've served I think 7 shifts as interim HoS already.
  10. BYOND Key: rankdiRty Character Names: Cliff Donovicci, Fleance MacBride Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Dark Green Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Why do you wish to play this specific race: I admire the warrior culture of the Unathi, I think it's interesting that such a culture could survive in an age like this where wars are fought in spaceships rather then face to face. Beyond that I just think they have interesting morphology, in simpler terms, they're snakemen and that's cool as fuck. I also have experience playing Unathi on other servers so it's something familiar to me. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Your mannerisms are different than a human's. To show that someone is testing your patience you wouldn't glare, you might quietly hiss or start thumping your tail on the ground. You also have wildly different values; a human might be appalled by the violence an Unathi would revel in and consider honorable. Unathi also have a different view of women that would be considered old fashioned to most humans, but is sacred practice to Unathi (i.e. arranged marriage), which could create tension in a work environment. Character Name: Vra'ik Seshka Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Vra'ik Seshka is a curious man originally from the Unathi homeworld of Moghes. In his youth he was always more of an intellectual than a warrior, with an immense curiosity in medicine and how lives could be saved rather than taken. He grew up in starvation and fear of the wasteland slowly consuming his home, knowing that his people had done this to themselves; he simply had lost his taste for fighting. While the other young of his clan were out boxing and wrestling with each other, Vra'ik stayed inside pouring over books and tomes of ancient wisdom in the arts of healing, tales of Unathi shamans and their herbal remedies. This made him an outcast with few friends, looked down upon by his father and forgotten by his peers. As he grew into adulthood he became frustrated with the limitations of his people's knowledge, as well as his culture's inability to accept his talents and aspirations. Determined to become a doctor and do great things, he left his wartorn home to study with the humans in the art of medicine. While still a nonviolent person, growing up Unathi meant he could stomach quite a bit of gore, so he found his niche with surgery. He found that he could wield a blade and shed blood as his brothers did, but not to harm. With the same cut a warrior would make to kill, he could grant a thousand lives. What do you like about this character? He's an oddity among his people, he doesn't fit in. He had to travel lightyears to find his place in the universe, and with that comes experience and a broadened perspective. Vra'ik Seshka is strong in a way that is unconventional to his people, which makes him unique. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I have a good deal of roleplaying experience from not only SS13 and Gmod heavy RPs, but also tabletop RPGs like D&D and World of Darkness, for which I have been both player and GM. So I would consider myself to be a very competent roleplayer.
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