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  1. You're right there, almost as if I did with a reason. Not to just say "Haha but you see, I did it on purpose so your argument is invalid!" but I do genuinely enjoy getting a rise out those who frequent just HRP servers. I did the same thing on the discord's political chat before I was asked to specifically trigger Celeste, then I got bored and left. I'll probably get bored and leave here eventually, but certain players, qausi-enjoyable staff, and interesting game play mechanic I'm still learning about make me come back. Also, if you were offended by the term "fuckerino", please seek help. Don't worry man, it takes quite a lot to offend me. I haven't seen you LIE at all like some people do to save their hides, so I honestly salute that. However your tone is pretty brash, and you act like you're a le master troll running around triggering people. This is not a good way to defend your case as it makes you give off the impression that your virtue is ticking people off. That said it's up to you how to convey how you want others to see you. I still don't see how your response invalidates or rebuts anything that I accused you of. I am glad you enjoy a portion of our staff (I also only enjoy a small portion of them lol) but I would repeat that I think you can learn a couple tricks about losing to your enemies and making it still fun RP for yourself. I play a character named Shas'kala Sakaei. I will admit, he is hyped up to be pretty badass when it's needed, and a lot of things I do support that claim. I don't tend to get caught with my back turned by antags and if a guy draws a gun on me, I will usually still draw mine and get the first shot in. I get shit for that just as much you also are getting shit right now for not letting anyone else get the drop on you. It happens all the time, for all players trying to play a rough guy. We need to somehow defy the odds and let the stuttering nurse with a drill astonishingly kill us every once in a while. It's just fair. While I don't want to jeopardize my character's reputation by having a cultist or traitor keep me hostage and cut my hands and dick off and torture me while I scream and cry over the radio all round, since that's really not the reason I play that character, it is still important to lose some of the time. I can get in some cool last words over the radio, have a cool mexican standoff that I know I'm not walking away from, anything that ensures I don't compromise character but still don't compromise everyone else's fun. Powergaming is only fun for you, and it's healthy to let yourself lose. And if you think your character is just too badass to lose to anyone, just make another character and alternate every now and then! That's what I want to do when there's cult, I join as a weak-willed character who would more easily submit to Nar-sie than my warden who will just end up spamming the resist button until he dies because I can't envision him being a brainwashed cultist. Or maybe this will all go right over your fuckin head lol either way check out my food unboxing and taste review channel on youtube You actually have a youtube for that? Yeah that's pretty neat where's the link?
  2. Nooooope, that round in specific I kept having connection issues due to bad weather as I have subpar satellite internet. (Also why my responses to this are so delayed, barring that I just found out about this complaint? thing.)
  3. Uh...? What? Screenshots please? However you uploaded that image isn't working for me.
  4. For some context, I escaped then went myself to speak to the Captain, but yeah glad to see my hard work payed off, if only on a forum.
  5. I was the AI in this round, and was actually present for this 'gives the captain the book of doom' scene. Playing devil's advocate here, It was my assumption at the time that the wizard in question did not know the book did that. 'Everyone' does not know that the book sets you on fire. I did not know myself until I accidentally husked myself several months ago with a book the wizard left lying around in the hall. It is a relatively new piece of code that, as far as I am aware, is unique to this server. It was fairly uncommon for wizards to let their book be taken or lost prior to this code change. It was definitely valid for you to attack him after he did it, but assuming he knew exactly what he was doing when he handed the book over seems flawed to me. He actually seemed rather confused to me, given that he didn't cackle and flee instantly/attempt to further murder everyone, and attempted to ask you to stop attacking him. That being said, my limited experience with Jacob Stover in other rounds is that he tends to be kind of aggressive in behavior, insistently asking for things like armory access to get more guns during a crisis situation. That isn't necessarily bad, though, since as a member of security (I think?) he sort of needed them to deal with said crisis. You're right there, I am overly aggressive, almost like I'm playing a character. I'd also like to point out I have almost all antag roles on and frequent the darker side of things, so more often then not I play the good boy for the guns to aid my fellow revolutionaries and exploit my status as security. But thank you for defending me, never liked echo chambers.
  6. Hey look at that, another incident handled by staff! By looking at the screenshot I no longer have access to as I didn't think I needed it, I was standing in the corner of the bar, not within the view range to see they were in fact complying, and due to misinformation breached and cleared. While the end result was a jovial spree of lol's in LOOC, it was handled, but yes, I did in fact attempt to arrest and non-lethally subdue four unknown and undocumented visitors with lethal weapons. As for that staff complaint, please check that time stamp riiiiiiiiiiiiight there and see how long ago that was, and see how I stopped responding to it when the admin involved cleared up the situation for me. Let's go point to all the other staff complaints players made, and devalue their arguments with unrelated information or outdated information.
  7. Haha, but you see, that was not me! But really, to cite that specific incident that just occurred last night, I went AFK, and came back to leave on the transfer shuttle with a little green dot next to the warden insignia detonated by my SECHUD overlay. I only /noticed/ after you made a remark about it. But yes you're right, I waltzed into the armory after arriving to chaos, grabbed a neat toy then went AFK due to my BBQ chicken nuggets being ready, walked down to the elevator and the shuttle dock, then walked back to put it away when you told me, missing the shuttle.
  8. You're right there, almost as if I did with a reason. Not to just say "Haha but you see, I did it on purpose so your argument is invalid!" but I do genuinely enjoy getting a rise out those who frequent just HRP servers. I did the same thing on the discord's political chat before I was asked to specifically trigger Celeste, then I got bored and left. I'll probably get bored and leave here eventually, but certain players, qausi-enjoyable staff, and interesting game play mechanic I'm still learning about make me come back. Also, if you were offended by the term "fuckerino", please seek help.
  9. [mention]driecg36[/mention] Hiya, Yacobpo157 here. Let me start off with the fact I had no idea Aurora was a CM salt mine. But I digress. Issue one, first time as a thrall, like I specifically said in LOOC to you. Not only was I spoken to, but staff dealt with it. Who would've thought? Second issue, I never /shot/ the HoP, that there is a lie. Speaking of lies, as I spoke with staff, my statement regarding "Hey we can just clone him" was a distraction to the Ninja, as they've already spoken about morals blah blah blah muh feels, and in order to give time for my boss to tell me what to do, an ethical quandary was the best thing to keep the HoP and the unknown hostile talking, because you're not shooting if you're talking. Of course the Captain flanked and forced the bad guy's hand, so they teleported away. Again, admin staff spoke to me, resolved the issue. For your third issue, if you're that RD that keeps trying to order security around, until you are the acting Captain as the highest ranking head, or if the HoS gives you explicit permission to, you're not allowed to command us around. You don't see the CMO giving security combat directives when repelling boarders, do you? But hey, that's just my two cents. LET THE SALTS FLOW.
  10. I only had a talk to him about the interaction between him and ninja, nothing else. Oh okay, then it's just you not liking how easily the space ninja was taken down so you gave him a second try, even though he was ICly warned and had to the face the consequences of his actions.
  11. I never told the wizard to change how he was playing or his motivations, I don't know where you are taking this from. Also, I don't know why you are so worried about things being fair or a side having an advantage, the main purpose is not for x to defeat y or catch all traitors, but, to roleplay and drive a narration. Well after you spoke to him something must've been said to make him stop, as he never again referenced it for the duration of the round I was still present for before I was given the 12 hour ban, which is why I think it was what you or maybe other staff said to him.
  12. My issue there is, the wizard DID interact with the space ninja, we both warned him before the wizard fired the change bolt. And I gave that exact same explanation as to why I was, justifiably, muted from LOOC/OOC, as well as I'm not saying shameonturle was wrong for banning me for insulting staff, like I was repeatedly mind you, but that was the final straw was a misunderstanding he didn't give myself and doesn't give others the chance to explain. My issue with you is that you not only gave the wizard an unfair advantage while not balancing the scales by helping security out at all, but you effectively forced an antag's backstory, the wizard's, by forcing him to cut out the wizard federation part and did it purely because you are an admin and didn't like the play style in your opinion. I have nothing against you personally or your character, or shameonturtle's person or character, it's just the way you do things. And to reiterate, I just wanted someone to look at this, whose opinion actually matters, to say something on this, as when talking to people on discords for other servers as well as servers still in development, negative staff is the major thing they don't like about the server. I'm not here to appeal a ban I mostly I deserved, I'm here to shed some light on occurrences that are harmful to a server I found and am enjoying, as well as trying to make what I think is a positive change. Later!
  13. BYOND Key: Yacobpo157 Staff BYOND Key: shameonturtles & Alberyk Game ID: bPB-ahWj or an i I can't tell. Reason for complaint: During the round, wiz+space ninja, the space ninja stole a laser rifle from the armory as well as the captain's ID, me being the only security at all, a security officer, I asked them nicely to give it back, they refused, I attempted to use non-lethals, and they weren't phased. I then attempted to use lethal weapons, and they weren't phased. Because of this, I elected the help of the friendly weird guy dressed in blue (wizard) to help me. The guy uses a staff of change, I then use this opportunity to secure the advanced looking hostile's hardsuit and stolen items, at which they salt in LOOC and ahelp. I leave with the items, and apparently the wizard it talked to by admins and asks us ICly because of this to give the gear back. I rationalize that since the hardsuit guy would just these tools to harm others and/or steal from the station, I say no, wizard understands, and leaves after the new Warden ignores me informing him how helpful the visitor was and attempted to arrest him. At first he asks me in LOOC to pause so he can speak to staff, I do, and he just waltzes off, and I interpreted that as staff telling him to since he didn't say a word. I find him later, and speak to the man telling him I'm about to arrest him, I ahelp to make sure I can when Alberyk says he is handling it, guess we have different understandings of that word. Later on, in the armory putting the laser rifle back and the hardsuit in a secure locker after using the captain's ID to add some security access to my ID to better deal with any new threats that may arise, learning my lesson, when the space ninja magically has his hardsuit back, spawned in by an admin, and the wizard also teleports in. I curse both of them out, and salt in LOOC the same way the space ninja did, when I am then muted, so I ahelp the issue after arguing with staff in LOOC which helped to earn/warrant my OOC muting. Alberyk then says he has the final decision on all things, and wanted to give the space a ninja a second chance, ignoring the IC occurrences and the hard work of other players and how the SM already blew, there were no heads on, and the crew were lucky to have defeated the space ninja, and disregarded any form of fair play and gave the antag an unfair advantage. Because of this, after Albery says he will not be changing his decision, I insult him some in my ahelps, and the space ninja leaves the armory without a word, I get pissed, thus leading to the next issue. In short for this segment of my issue with staff, Alveryk's flagrant disregard for what we accomplished IC and putting what a single player wanted over what others wanted is my issue, but he was also calm, cool, and collected when I was being expecially rude in LOOC and in my ahelps to him, so props to that. As for shameonturtles, before I begin here, he was also restrained and what you could call neutral during my salt in my ahelps towards him as well, and at this in speaking to him I was being pretty rude as I was taking out a bad day on the admin staff, which is neither an excuse nor a valid reason to do so. Anyways, in the armory, wizard pops in, and at this point my character is having a mental break down after being being forced to come to conclusion that he couldn't fight the enemy and protect his friends and that magic existed, at which point I began a laborious monologue on public comms insulting the engineering crew for letting the SM delaminate as well ass insulting the guy with the brand spanking new hardsuit I thought I took even though I was holding it in my hands. With the realization that my world was shattered, I was uselsss, and all attempts to stop the hostile parties was useless and that since they could just teleport and fight any ERT since the laser rifle didn't phase them and non-lethals didn't make them flinch, I gave up on the world and shot myself. I also salted twice in dchat when asked what happened, using my saltmining abilities as the answer to dchat's questions. I was warned and stopped there. Then, shameonturtles PM's me using the signature "Hey got a moment?" of all admin staff using baycode for some reason, and asked why I shot myself, arguing my points as to why I killed myself. I, still feeling justified, argued the point until I became heated and took vented that anger on shameonturtles, at which point he gave me a warning for committing suicide and arguing with staff as well as insulting staff, let me tell you on several occasions admittedly. And half of that warning is fine, I'll still argue that the suicide was justified until the sun sets but me insulting staff is very true and extremely valid. When the popup occurred saying you had been warned there was a button that said "Acknowledge Warning", and when I went to click off of the page to ask shameonturtles what that does for staff, I closed it by mistake, so of course I'd now really like to know if there are negative consequences since I closed the panel and ahelped, his response saying that I should stop insulting staff and that it does effectively nothing on there end and that he would now ban me until I can "cool off", even though I had legitimately said to him have a nice day when finished speaking to him. However, as I had previously used that same remark in a snarky manner, I could understand how he thought I was being snarky again, so that's fine. So, when I explain that I was, "I litteraly just asked a question about the mechanic my man." he didn't give me a chance to defend myself, I said two more sentences in my defense I got the ban, and there in lies my issue with shameonturtles, he not allowing me to defend myself and banning me after I had finished insulting staff after he had just given me a warning. If he was going to ban me, then do so, but also giving a warning seems overkill and really grinded my gears. Evidence/logs/etc: https://yacobpo157.imgbb.com/ (Trash account with all images uploaded, to give context, some images were uploaded out of order by mistake, will clarify upon request.) Additional remarks: I"m not trying to write a hit piece on either of these guys, nor am I gunning to have them removed. I just want someone whose opinion actually matters to talk to them so Alberyk doesn't abuse his powers again and so that shameonturtles gives people a moment to speak before he bans them so they can explain themselves. Anyways, that's all folks. Have a good one!
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