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Everything posted by AlternativeAlias

  1. As someone who plays a chemist with two characters, I disagree about chemistry. I find it quite a fun job to do! That said, it's good to have MD or Residency in your character employment history too, as you can then at least also involved yourself in basic tasks such as using health analysers on new patients, scanning them, administering non-surgical treatments etc. It lets you get involved in little jobs around Medical without taking the piss. But your experience may vary. Personally, I like the general changes to Medical. I've altered one of my characters to better fit these new guidelines, and I think it's help me take a more focused approach to what I want my character to aim towards in their career. I *like* the fact that the new guidelines limit what characters can do. Having "jack of all trades" medical characters who can do almost every single job is so meta and powergamey, and this helps to prevent it.
  2. Interacted with Greg on a few shifts now. Fun interaction, and having another medical person who is not NT's biggest fan has meant I can play that part of my character background a bit more, which has been good. Very good surgeon, seems to have a reasonable knowledge of other areas of medical. Would make a good CMO. +1
  3. +1 I like RPing with Tedrow, and I reckon this character would be a great one for ya.
  4. +1 from me. Seems to know the department well, is a good RPer, and I think would make a great candidate for CMO.
  5. Love PocketBuddy and ASSIST so much, especially when I'm also playing a borg. Always pleased to see ASSIST is on shift when I've logged in as BILLY! Not only a good character, but also willing to help both ICly and in LOOC when someone is unsure on how to do something. I think that's a top quality for a head of staff.
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