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Everything posted by TheSmiley

  1. So Nursie told me to draw a Tajara meeting/petting a cat. It was so fun to draw it. Please tell me if there's anything I could change, or to do better there. ~Smiley~ <3
  2. and two sentences later you write; I understood you were talking about the follower after reading through the paragraph a couple of times but it still came as a mess. Generally your story seems rushed and it feels like you don't care for what you typed here overall, I don't know how Tajara work that much as i feel like they are more there for furries to enjoy (I have roleplayed with Tajara and i find them interesting and enjoyable to roleplay with, i'm just giving my thoughts here) Anyway that's my thoughts on your application, thank you for reading my feedback. -Sebbe Heyo, I respect your answer, thanks! My English is a mess indeed. I just want a clear a point about that second sentence. I didnt mean it was the mom who died, but the Rebel who adopted her as she had seen her as a mom. Maybe I was not clear there.
  3. BYOND Key: TheSmiley Character Names: Willow Young, Lorin Coss, Freya Chunley, KIRBY, Isabella Owen Species you are applying to play: Tajaran What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Wheat (RGB 205, 186, 150) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Of course. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I believe the Tajaran has a really interesting lore, which can bring up a great RP. Following that, the tajara community currently has a very interesting development and I would love to be a part of it. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The Tajara is more tolerated to cold, than humans because they came from Adhomai. They have a big coat of fur, and claws that can deal more damage than usual human hands. Their vision is better than humans vision in darker situations. They like hot and heavy foods, and talk in a third person aspect. Most of the Tajaran has more than one language to speak too. Character Name: Njadra'sanukii Al-Shirani Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Njadra'sanukii, was born of a noble family, M’sai, her dad was a head general in the military before the uprising, which made him get good money and establishment. She was born right in the middle of the uprisings, the revolution. Her parents and her family who fought for the nobles, were brutally murdered by the force of the rebels when she was 5 years old. One of the rebels who was a big follower and worked under the service of Al'Mari Hadii, have noticed her as a kid, and raised her. And passed it's thoughts to the child. As she was living with her rebels, her mom worked in the goverment together with Hadii. Njadra was home schooled, learning the basics of what all the other Tajaran learned in the academy, but in addition she also was taught about the current era's politics and about communism, not to forget, to worship the great god S'rand'marr. They were a big believers of him, and so did Njadra. In addition to that, her adopting mom taught her everything she knows about combat, and the history of how she fought in the war. Finishing her studies, around the age of 20, the woman who adopted her told her everything about the day she was moved to live with them. It was a big trauma for her, and it made her question her life with her "family." When she turned 23, she decided to run away from the people she thoughts are her family. She ran away to an isolated neutral village, where a male Tajara she met, named Al-Shnkaihi'r, introduced her to the NanoTransen's research stations. She decided to take the chance, to explore the universe as she was curious about it, and see what it has to offer. What do you like about this character? I like in her that although the big changes in her life, downwards and upwards, she still gained her independence as a normal Tajaran, learning how to get along in the world. She calm, swift, and knows how to act in action, yet inexperienced and eager to learn about life. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I can't actually rate myself. I've gotten in to role playing not long ago, around half an year ago, but I'd say I'm doing pretty good. I enjoy roleplaying a lot. Notes: ))
  4. Jukebox.
  5. aklasklasksrsxsars' i ish argeeksx'
  6. Your thoughts? I will be happy for comments
  7. Freya Chunley: Lorin Coss:
  8. I always do that. And after my last appeal I stopped SSDing randomly, stopped cryoing with my gear, I did everything right except that one time I couldn't function.
  9. BYOND Key: TheSmiley Total Ban Length: A week. Banning staff member's Key: SonicGotNuked Reason of Ban: Banned from Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Forensic Technician, Security Officer, Security Cadet - Repeated SSDing as a officer and you also just cryoed with your gear. Take this week ban from security to learn, if you continue to do this you will be perminantly banned from playing security roles. We have given you many chances. If you need to cryo, put all your gear that you didn't spawn with inside your locker and go to cryo. If you are unable, ahelp and we will cryo you for you. Reason for Appeal: I am well awared that I can't cryo with my gear. I couldn't move, my screen was black except few tiles. I have screenshots if you wish, my ping was 19 seconds. I tried multiple times to reconnect and to change my internet settings but nothing helped, so I had nothing left to do but to get into Cryo.
  10. I agree to what you wrote in the following. I totally do- not even as a player but as someone who plays the game and doesn't want AFK people in it. My apologies, didn't mean to cause trouble~
  11. BYOND Key: (This is your Byond login/Ckey) TheSmiley Total Ban Length: Permanent. *noting that this is a job ban* Banning staff member's Key: DatBerry Reason of Ban: You have the habit of going afk for a prolonged period of time and even not coming back when playing as an Officer. Reason for Appeal: Hi. First of all, I wasn't warned before getting banned. Atleast I did not even get to acknowledge or knew I did something wrong before getting banned. This is actually kind of my first *real* job on Aurora. Or to be honest SS13. I am a pretty new player. I didn't know this was forbidden going AFK. I havn't recieved the warning until the job ban. So, I would have stopped doing that immediately if I knew. So please excuse me, and I will not do that again. (please I will not live normally again if i won't be able to play as Chunley . )
  12. I support the shit out of this man. He's doing a great job, 100% sure Hughes will be a great Head of Staff.
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