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[INACTIVE]Complaint on Nia Synder (Abendorth)
Abendroth replied to sonicgotnuked's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Alright, sorry it took so long to reply, but I have a job and don't get a chance to play often. Apologies for that, literally just found out this was an issue. Now then, to business. I'll keep this brief. How the Ninja got out before I detained them: The Ninja kept complaining about the power of his suit, so the Warden got the idea to simply put a battery into the thing. (Not sure how that works myself) and the Ninja was happy with the idea. The Warden supplied a crowbar as asked, then the Ninja asked for a screwdriver. The Warden agreed to get one, but the Ninja, having teleported into the brig lobby during all of this, made a run out the door towards the central hallways. I and another Officer (If I remember correctly) ran after him and found the Ninja in one of the tool storages. We were trying to coax him back into the Brig, but he kept trying to leave and go elsewhere. Why did I stun and cuff the Ninja?: He was repeatedly, REPEATEDLY told not to run by various people, including myself. Even when Beepsky showed up, we were happy to disable the little bot so it would stop chasing the Ninja, though for some reason it kept turning back on. We even instructed the Ninja on how to avoid Beepsky's wrath, but they kept spazzing out and trying to run away. Again while being told NOT to run. Then the Ninja straight up bolts down the hallway in the direction of the departures, and I gave chase. Not one to give 50th chances, I simply put the Ninja down and dragged them back to Security myself. I then assisted with the search effort as the Ninja escaped at Robotics, and promptly tried to murder the HoP. Now I admit radio chatter was a bit rapid, so I may have missed the no lethal order, I don't remember seeing an order to just detain. I then heard the Ninja was messing around with teleportation shenanigans, and assisted with trying to chase him through portals. Once we cornered him on the Bridge, I used my (Warden supplied) laser weapon to fire on the Ninja in lethal, since as far as I knew, it was still on the "kill" order. As far as I was concerned, we gave the Ninja way more chances than we should have, and it ended with the HoP nearly dying. Spend too much time being friendly and he backstabbed us in a very cruel way, when we tried to be nothing but polite to him. So once the kill order was given, I followed it to the letter. I didn't see an order to not kill the Ninja at the time, so if it was indeed given, I'm sorry. But I must add, can Security not do its job anymore without being complained about? Antag tries to murder someone (even if on accident) and gets killed for it. It's kind of expected, y'know? They're for one, trespassers on private property, and then they kill crew members. If given the order to kill, Security will in fact kill you. -
[Resolved] Player Complaint - Abendroth, RoderickGrey
Abendroth replied to Brayce's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
People seem to have this idea that I act without reason, without usually looking too deep into the issue. Sure, I'm going to admit there have been rounds where I have acted totally out of line, usually due to the situation getting out of hand IC and I just react. But I try to not abuse Security authority as much as possible. Most people also seem to forget the rounds where I have acted up as Nia, and gotten in trouble for it, do not happen every round. Most rounds when I play, I do my job as best I can, arrest people when needed and leave them to the Warden or some other Officer to deal with before returning to patrol, usually staying within the regulations Security requires. If I am Warden I keep my brig a fair place, and don't abuse prisoners as much as possible. However when antags get thrown into the mix, or someone like a specific HoS during a certain round becomes needlessly aggressive to the point of aiming a gun at me? Things can go fubar, and I try to act as a human would in a dangerous situation. Have I been shot at, beaten, cut, or burned to near death by an antag? Have they been actively trying to kill me and won't stop until I end up having to kill them? That's the kind of situation Nia seems to keep finding herself in, where she has been under attack from very dangerous people, and needs to keep herself alive. So after spending lets say, five to ten minutes in a life or death situation, and she finally manages to get the enemy down to the ground... Does she stop to think "Hm, should I arrest him" or does she think "I have ten bullet wounds in my chest, I've been stabbed repeatedly, I'm bleeding everywhere, and I'm pumped up on adrenaline. I'm going to keep hitting him until I know for a fact he won't get up"? People seem to forget humans are not always rational, and can go to extremes when pushed, in situations as I just gave. And I think that's something people need to remember more often. We're playing characters in a game, but they're supposed to be human. (excusing alien races, but you get the idea). That means they can never be perfect, and will fuck up on occasion, doing something their job or morals normally wouldn't allow. Nia, when treated like a piece of shit by her superiors, or nearly killed, gets mad like any normal person would. She feels and vents the rage that builds up in such a situation, once her composure breaks. If treated fairly by her superiors, and she handles an antag well? She's a good person to be around, willing to talk and joke with anyone, catch a drink or two. In my honest opinion, we shouldn't be punished so harshly for things going fubar, since most of the time it's not within our control to stop it. Do antags end up dead, or HoS's getting shot after treating Nia like shit and threatening her, restraining her and generally abusing her? Sure, shit happens, but at the end of the day it's just a game. I try my best to have fun while staying within the rules, but sometimes someone just ends up dead, by accident or not. I've had some pretty shit rounds where I've been killed for really bad reasons, tortured, publicly executed by antags, etc etc. Do I run to the nearest mod/admin/etc and complain about it and the players? No, I let it go and move onto the next round. I also get treated like shit a lot by people in game, but I also let that go on the next round. I see no reason why I should be treated like a villain OOC for having a few bad rounds. That was very long and kinda rambled on a bit, sorry about that. Just trying to put my thoughts into words. At the end of the day, we all just gotta let it go and have fun. -
[Resolved] Player Complaint - Abendroth, RoderickGrey
Abendroth replied to Brayce's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
So I literally found out about this a few minutes ago, and had to read through all three pages just to be sure I didn't miss anything. I'll keep my side of it short and sweet, since I don't have too much more to add. I'll just make a small list, actually. Why did I have my baton out?: So I could stun the vampire if he escaped his cuffs, and I only did this after he took on more beast-like features. A precaution, nothing more. Why was I aggressive/rude towards the CE?: At first I tried not to be, and simply ordered him to leave the area since it was not safe due to vampire shenanigans. He then distracted me, which let the Doctor get into the room, and allowed the prisoner to escape. I had also been dealing with the doctor shouting at me the entire time during the ritual, so naturally Nia was a wee bit pissed. Why did I rip up the papers?: Security was never given a chance to say their side to the captain when I got the first set of papers, so I considered them to be made on bias opinions and few facts of the situation. Was the torture/treatment a bad idea?: Most certainly, but it was better than just straight jacketing the poor guy and throwing him into a cell. It made for some good RP and gave the Chaplain something fun to do. Was Nia unprofessional?: Towards the CE? Most certainly, I was angry at the time due to the CE basically ruining everything and letting a very dangerous prisoner escape. Then he tried to throw his weight around and get me demoted/fired. Other than that? I didn't fight anyone, I didn't resist, I complied with the only Officer at the time who was still acting reasonable. Other than that? Eh, forgive and forget, no need for a player complaint. It's a game, have fun. I could have just killed the CE and dumped his body out of an airlock and nobody would have noticed except maybe the AI! Then that'd maybe be worth a complaint or two. But jokes aside, it's in the past, lets move on and keep playing this game because it's fun. Also this is why I never play Heads except the occasional Acting HoS. Too much responsibility, I would suck at it. -
[RESOLVED] Abendroth - Nia Snyder (A BIT LATE)
Abendroth replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Yeah but... Why? It literally doesn't matter anymore. -
[RESOLVED] Abendroth - Nia Snyder (A BIT LATE)
Abendroth replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
You completely missed the point of what I said. The book was being used as a connection as to WHY he had been helping them try to escape, and thus subject to suspicion. And we may have been code green, but that was because nobody updated the code while people were being killed. It's called understanding the situation as a human being instead of going "Code green? People are being actively murdered? Time for everyone to stop and write out paperwork before we save them!" And you may have thought you were not pressing any authority, but you were very much acting like it. Also the arrest was not questioned until you questioned it, as every officer there at the time was on the same page until you turned up with the HoS, having not paid attention to coms as previously mentioned as being what irked Nia. And when she repeated things to you anyway, you began being rather rude in general to her. But regardless, Dum vivimus, vivamus. Lets just move on, it's long since passed and I doubt anyone from the round actually cares anymore. -
[RESOLVED] Abendroth - Nia Snyder (A BIT LATE)
Abendroth replied to a topic in Complaints Boards Archive
AAAGGHH, I WROTE SO MUCH AND IT GOT EATEN BY SPACE CARP. Fuck it, re-typing from scratch. Hello, again, this is my second attempt. My last attempt was a lot more elegant, but now I've annoyed myself. So the situation with the book, the Cultists all had books and we knew they all had books. When the prisoner was claiming the Officer in question helped her escape, we were of course suspicious. When we asked him about it, and if he'd be willing to be searched as a sign of good faith, he went very defensive and tried to get out of it. Naturally Security are a suspicious lot, so we got him on the floor and took a gander through his bag. What we found was a Cultist book. Now, this was either one of two things: A book belonging to a Cultist (Still incognito as new religion) and was taken from evidence without permission, and thus was tampering with it. Or it belonged to the Officer, and it was a new copy. Now, at the time, I admit I was suspicious. So I began connecting the dots in my head as to why an Officer would help the prisoner, seemingly of their own free will, and have this book on them. The connection was he was a member of their religion, and was helping the prisoners try to escape out of religious ties. This is why I proclaimed the book as evidence regardless if it was already or not, because it was now. I had been explaining this over coms the entire time, which the IAA has access to. This is where the "Do you not listen?" thing comes in, because it irked Nia that her explaining was completely ignored and then she was asked to repeat it again anyway. Now, after Nia did try to explain everything again, the IAA in this situation began to act like he was the HoS himself. Even the HoS made a slight comment on this if I recall correctly, as the IAA began questioning my ability to do my job, and acted as if he were in complete control of the situation and knew everything regardless of not actually listening to Nia's earlier explanations. So yeah, Nia decided she didn't like this IAA. However she was quite happy to leave him alone, except for a few harsh words here and there. Now, later in the round where the comments posted in the spoiler are stated, the entire station was in a crisis. Madmen with robes were killing innocents, swords and cultists armour was abound, and we were in a lot of trouble. In this situation, we Officers were trying to contain the problem, negotiate if possible, and ultimately put a stop to this. But what was the little voice in our ear? The IAA demanding he have all of his paperwork all written out and tidy before we lifted a finger, while innocents were being killed that very instant. The general response by Security? "Fuck that, we're gonna save these people." Now that's where the first comment comes in, which prompted the threat of demotion, which the Borg at the time (who I mistook for the AI) agreed that this was a very stupid course of action considering the current crisis. Thus leading to the second comment. Now, was Nia perhaps out of line with her comments? Yes. But she was stressed and isn't a very nice person sometimes to people who annoy her, and is still very human regardless of her profession. (Dude, I've met some Security guards IRL, they were very rude people even during their jobs due to stress.) Now this stress is kind of doubled by the fact people are being killed, and this IAA catman is demanding she not do anything unless HE says she can? Yeah, not gonna fly with her in this situation, there are lives at risk. So what does she do? Make a few petty comments to help relieve a bit of that stress and get back to work. Now, if these comments offended the player of the IAA OOC? I'm very sorry, that was not intended, I was merely playing my character. However I must point out Nia is usually NICE to people, and if she is using insults it's more in a jokey manner for some good chuckles. She is by far not the worst personality on the station, which is filled with flirts, idiots at times, and over-serious assholes who'll fire you for looking at them wrong. Nia's not gonna change her ways very easily, hell I'd say she has improved over time, mellowed out a lot from when I first started playing her. She only ever really becomes an asshole when her life is on the line, people are being HUGE assholes to her in the first place, or she is heavily stressed by the situation. Being a dick at times is how some people deal with anger and stress, instead of whipping out the harm baton and caving in a few skulls. Anyway, sorry if I'm rambling. This is my second try time typing this out as I said before, and I've kind of neglected the round I'm currently in. Sorry it took a while to respond, but I only just learned about this, and I usually have a gap in my playtime due to my job and real life. I don't get on enough to keep up with this, and it annoys me. Thank you for reading my shitty second attempt, it's not as good as the first by far, but fuck it. -
Complaint - Abendroth - Approx. Jan 12th, 2016.
Abendroth replied to hivefleetchicken's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
When you are a Security Officer, who is readily equipped to handle such matters (Taser, flash, pepper spray, etc) fighting someone with lethals aimed at you is not out of the question. Also to respond to the other guy, you did still have your gun aimed at me. However I pepper sprayed you in the face once I walked close enough, which you allowed me to do without firing with your lock on, as you allowed me to walk. You don't normally fire your gun when you get pepper sprayed in the face, as you drop to the floor and therefore drop your weapon. That is how I managed to take it from you in the first place. -
Complaint - Abendroth - Approx. Jan 12th, 2016.
Abendroth replied to hivefleetchicken's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Sorry it took me so long to even address this, but I had been away for a while, and was not even aware of this complaint. I'll correct the first mistaken fact in that I tried to use lethals during the event as described. Every piece of equipment I used were set to stun or had stunning properties, with no lethal damage. I attempted to flee due to the fact my boss was pointing a gun at me and refused to stop doing so, even when I was actually going to abandon my gear in the security break room and head to the HoP's myself. I only responded with violence when he refused to stop aiming a gun at me, which at the time I was not sure if it was set to lethals or not. I knew by the sprite it was not a taser, but his actual laser pistol/carbine, and found out as such when I picked it up after disabling him. Keeping it on the stun setting, I downed him and attempted to cuff him so I could flee, but was stopped by the presence of other Security members. Now then, onto the whole "ignoring Fear RP" business, you clearly do not understand Nia's personality type. When faced with fear, she becomes confrontational, and actively tries to cover up her own fears by mocking others and trying to act as if she were not afraid at all. Inside she is panicking, and I will state this now, the killing of Cargo during that Rev round was out of line, but at the time it was the option I chose. I was informed Cargo was smuggling weapons/armour/etc and due to the continuous problems we were facing on the station I took matters into my own hands. True I did it poorly, but there were no OOC intentions towards anyone in cargo at that time. I didn't even now who you were at the time. As for the log displayed, I admit I was a bit salty at the time and I do apologize for it. I did however find it funny since I was originally trying to do such things in sign language to amuse myself, but found that being gagged somehow blocks one's ability to perform sign language. So I resorted to /me'ing it for giggles. But again, that was out of line, and while it was funny at the time I am sorry for it. I hope you can accept my apology. Not much else I can really say on the matter, since it's a long time gone and I honestly forgot this was even a thing before a mod brought it up to me when I joined the game after my time of absence. Your faithful Security Officer, Nia Snyder/Abendroth. Edit: A quick thing, I did try to get some petty revenge at the round end. I did try to murder the HoS out of spite as I was mad at the time, and I apologize for that too. Forgot to mention that, but the first encounter was entirely performed with stun. -
I absolutely love this. Nia's already having some fun adventures by the looks of it. New relationship, moved in, moved out again, got her own place, then a puppy! Shame she has not made many friends yet, but I can tell it's just going to get better and better from here on!
Thought I might as well add my character to the mix. Name: Nia Snyder Looks and outstanding features: Long red hair, facial scars (if possible), generally a tall and muscular body build, dark eyes (black-ish or something, don't remember Sim colours), clothes would mostly be casual-looking, even her formal wear would be casual-ish. Like a hoodie and jeans or something with a pair of boots for her every day wear. Job: Any job is fine, but I'd rather she work as a police officer, in the military, or something along those lines if possible. Traits: Brave, Family Orientated, Flirty, Hot Headed, Friendly. I don't mind who she lives with, she can be room mates with people or live alone, up to you.
Hello, I was banned today. I would like to request that I be unbanned, and I shall explain why now. I was playing Roboticist, and played my role fairly well. I made Ripleys, I made Borgs, I committed zero crimes except assault. Assault that I feel was entirely justified given my situation. I was in the process of attempting to perform surgery to remove the brain of a player, so she could willingly be Borged, after all the correct paperwork had been made and signed by the correct people. But on my operating table, there was another player, one I could not fix. The player had both arms removed, and was not a proper Borg, so I could not repair his arms due to the fact I lacked the proper surgery tools. I had attempted multiple times to peacefully remove him from my operating table, but he refused to stay moved and kept climbing onto the table, to the point he would push others down to get on there. I repeatedly told him I could not fix him here, due to the lack of surgical tools, but he would keep wordlessly refusing and resisting all attempts to get him to medbay and off my table. Now, getting rightly annoyed by this both IC and OCC, I hit him with a crowbar to knock him out. I then tried to drag him to medbay, so he could get new arms, but he woke up and ran straight back to my office to get back on the table. I repeated this attempt a few times, even after getting my hands on a stun baton to stun him a number of times. Each time he kept running back to my office, purely to antagonize everyone in Robotics and lay on that table. So, rage filling my character, my character beat him over the head repeatedly until his head came off. Now the TrialMod suethecake contacted me a second time, the first being to ask why I knocked out said player to begin with, and asked why I killed this player. After explaining the situation, he asked if I had read the rules due to being a non-antag. Now while I was attempting to post a multi-post explanation of my character's reasons as to why and how it came to the boiling point and- I was banned, before I could finish explaining myself fully for my actions. I feel this was unfair, as I did not have an adequate time to explain much of anything. And that finishes why I request to be unbanned. Thank you for taking the time to read this somewhat ranting request. My character is Nia Snyder, by the way.