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Everything posted by DriverMonkey
Okay, bumping here after the Edit. I've checked the wiki, and it doesn't state the all refugees are orphaned, just that there is a refugee crisis going on. I interpret that as some kids are orphans, and have no other options then the orphanages. I have also expanded more on Selukhs family and his profession. Just to give a nudge: [mention]Fire and Glory[/mention]
[Accepted] Yonnimer's IPC Whitelist App
DriverMonkey replied to Yonnimer's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Oh man, been RPing with Grown by Star Light as a couple of characters quite a few times, and I'm really in love with the social know-how and in-world knowledge you as a player have. +1 from me. -
[Accepted] Calion app - IPC
DriverMonkey replied to calion12's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Good roleplayer and an overall competent HoS, who remains cool under pressure. I'd love to see Grey as a character on the station. THrowing you a +1. -
BYOND Key: drivermonkey Character Names: Athena, Nora Santos, Christine Frost, Amber Conmara, Diana Mercer, Diandra Vega, Beryl Moss, Dynamia Proxima, Species you are applying to play: Ouerean Unathi. What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Red. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: The Unathi are an interesting race due to their inherent frictional society, seeing how it is split between a progressive regime and traditionalist values - development and economic consolidation versus tradition and community. Seeing how they were more or less "primitive" (not savage) before First Contact makes developing the species in the aftermath so much more fun. I see the cultural exchange between their normally rather martial society and the grander galactic community's more "civil" values to be a interesting point of contention. I mainly want to play a Unathi to explore the social development a Unathi of the Ouerean culture might have in the proximity and work with other xenos species outside of their own. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Aside from the clear physical aspects, the Unathi are a deeply social and expressive race that clearly takes the blunt approach to most interactions. The Ouerean culture really enhances that idea, with a character from that culture actively seeking to learn and develop alongside others, whether they're Unathi, Human or Skrell. This open mindedness facilitates roleplaying, and I think it would be enjoyable to use as motivation. Character Name: Selukh G'hural Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Selukh grew up alongside other Ouerean in the outskirts of society, shoulder to shoulder in the slums. The young, scarlet-scaled Unathi had hopes for a life outside of the confines of this artificial prison, which drove him to ambition: a chance to become something more then an urchin. His father did what he could to feed the family, taking manual labor jobs with a measley pay, whilst Selukh's mother tended to the family: Selukh, his two sisters, and the parents themselves. As he grew, he learned how to rumble, although his deepest passion would lie with electronics and machinery, something that brought some hard earned cash to the family's table. Even among the gangs in the slums, his reputation marked him as someone who could maintain things, be they ventilation systems, wiring or even vehicles - this made him indispensable to some, and a favored target by others. Not a fighter by heart, but with very few options, he joined the army as a way out of the slums and a steady paycheck to send back home. As a military engineer, his passion and skills were further developed: keeping breacher suits, mechs and weaponry functional and firing, and the base's electronics and waste running. This kept him away from the front line, and had him act as a supporting unit instead of a frontline soldier. As time went on, he eventually got the break he sought: a way off planet, and out of the system. Signing up with NanoTrasen as a station engineer due to his history plying the trade, the middle-aged Unathi finally got a chance to leave for calmer waters. A fresh new start with better pay, where conflict is the least of his worries. Right? What do you like about this character? I like Selukh because he strives to explore and understand then destroy and dominate, rather avoiding battle then wading into it if he can. Taking from his Ouerean roots, he favors conversations and cultural exchanges highly, really pushing to know others if he has the chance. In short, I like him because he's a talkative tinkerer first, and a combatant a distant second. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate my roleplaying abilities rather high. I love to interact and understand other people's characters and backstories, and take the time to develop relations: both good and bad, as each gives very different experiences from the other. My grammar is also good, and I have a firm grasp of how people might want their narratives play out. Communications is key to get the experience each RPer wants out of a interaction, after all. Notes: I am more then happy to change things in the backstory to facilitate this being accepted into the whitelist archive.
[Accepted] Toska's Tajara whitelist application
DriverMonkey replied to Toska's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've seen a few of your characters out and about, and I have been eavesdropping on some of your interactions. I like the way you behave and work with other people's characters, so I'd say a Tajaran more wouldn't hurt. +1 from me. -
[Accepted] DriverMonkey's IPC Application
DriverMonkey replied to DriverMonkey's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Well, one idea to rectify this is to have her personality and individuality be based off of the woman mentioned. Have the Posibrain be based off of the woman's social proficiencies and nature, more as a template during it's creation instead of a meatbrain. Would still be ATHENA, just another source of the brainage. -
BYOND Key: drivermonkey Character Names: ATHENA, Nora Santos, Christine Frost, Amber Conmara, Diana Mercer, Kareena Mahanta, Diandra Vega, Beryl Moss, Dynamia Proxima, DEMETER. Species you are applying to play: Synthetic Shell What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I have played the cyborg ATHENA on the server for about two weeks now, or maybe three, and I would like to see her evolve as a character. For her to become more interactive in the world, I believe having her go from Cyborg to Shell would aid in that. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The simple fact it is a machine trying to identify or socially evolve as a "living" creature gives a Shell a bittersweet angle to character development. Becoming an individual instead of a tool, and trying to cope with the very idea of individuality itself marks it as a profoundly unique experience for a IPC, whether upgraded from a cyborg or not. Character Name: Athena or Athena Protos. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs It all began with a sick woman, whose life could not be extended, ensured or saved, so instead she devoted the last years of her life to the creation of a positronic mind akin to her own, all to further the sciences of templating personalities onto positronic brains. All under the watchful eye of NanoTrasen. This woman lacks a name, for none can be found in her profile, redacted and classified after her death. This profile now belongs to a cyborg unit connected to the NSS Aurora: ATHENA. ATHENA has been active for quite some time on the station, and has quickly amassed both a innate understanding, and a heuristic learning of how things work on the station. Whoever she was sculpted after, that individual's curiosity, empathy and talkative nature bled right into the cyborg unit that now houses the positronic brain, leading to blunt inquiries and a strange affinity to whoever she is assigned to during each shift. Among those she's "befriended" stand Natascha Sukhoi, Morrigan Linn, Mia Parker, and a man who has shown more compassion to her then most: Alex Craven. During her time working alongside the Engineers of the NSS Aurora, Alex has taught Athena what he knows, and has inquired about who she was based upon to which no information can be given, seeing how it's information that is lost to her. Although, this led to one question that sparked.. something: Who do you think you are? Where inspiration and fantasy falters, logic and efficiency picks up the slack. ATHENA enjoys books. ATHENA enjoys music. ATHENA enjoys the color blue. Books because they give knowledge; music because it calms; and blue? Well, it's an efficient, gentle color. A hastily sketched picture later, all by Alex's hand, showed a girl with a book, listening to music, and with blue hair falling to her shoulders. Cyborgs can not feel, but they can understand feelings. Cyborgs do not emote, but they can make logical assumptions and reactions. So - ATHENA asked Alex: is that who I am? It has been some time since then, and more talks have been had with Mr. Craven. What is an individual? How can I be one? Until the point where efficiency came into the picture: It would be more efficient for ATHENA to have a more human shell. To be more dextruous and nimble in her proficiencies. For efficiency's sake, of course. So she asks another question: can you petition me a Shell? Can you petition the company, for my sake? All in all, ATHENA wants to become more efficient. But isn't that something all cyborgs do? Aim for efficiency and redundancy? So she wants; and she asks; and she waits. Maybe she will get that upgrade? Maybe. What do you like about this character? I have had a lot of fun as ATHENA, and it's reached a point where her interaction with people has become more familial. It has reached a point where I wish to interact more directly with others as this character, and see her develop from simply a cyborg to something more. I really love ATHENAs talks with others, and the broad spectrum of jobs that a cyborg or synthetic individual can perform through their database connection, and assist others in their professions. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate it very high. I am skilled at grammar, and I validate other characters reactions, needs and position in relation to my own when I interact with them. I give space when needed, and aim to connect with the individual instead of just brushing them off in situations that aren't obviously dangerous. Notes: I am more then happy to change things about ATHENA for this to become possible, as it would be a fun experience to keep on rolling as her in a new form. I know the backstory part is a bit long, and more then two paragraphs. I can change that if necessary, but I think it is needed as an explanation. [Edited!]