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Posts posted by Jennalele

  1. Direct rip from another site:

    I research learning and memory. We essentially look at memory as recollection of learning. People are touching on memory being a series of interconnections but the actual 'learning' part of that memory occurs through manipulations of these connections. As we learn, there are molecular and anatomical changes. This has been thought to occur exclusively in the synapse (connection between neurons), through insertion of proteins such as AMPA receptors that can strengthen signaling between the cells. We are starting to discover that it isn't really that simple though. New research suggests that many molecules are involved, and learning doesn't just occur at the level of the synapse. In fact, cells called glial cells which were originally thought to just be support cells for neurons, have been shown to potentially be involved as well. TLDR: It's very complicated and we are still trying to figure it out. 

    Basically, no. Memories are a lot more than electricity, and this was the best way I could find to communicate that effectively, as I'm bad with words.

  2. One: 2534f7dac1c0885b5252622955a67372.png


    It definitely did generate logs. There they are, dear.

    Two, you've had a history of pretty shaky roleplay. You've had multiple warnings, notes, conversations, yet you continue to struggle with very simple rules. When you logged out on me during contact, you broke yet another rule, and given your history? Yes, you were most definitely banned. You are expected to play a sane, well-rounded character here. Said sane, well-rounded character isn't going to start stabbing a pen into their chest because they've been sitting in a cell for ~10 minutes. They aren't going to stab themselves if they were in there for an hour. Two hours. You're at work, for cripes sakes, its not like its a thirty year sentence for homicide. Not to mention, your explanation was all over the place. First, you tried to tell me that it didn't even do any harm, so it should be allowed. A minute later, you told me that "Someone would be watching the crew monitoring computer, and realize someone was hurt, then come looking," which contradicts "lol, it does no damage." ...Not to mention, you straight up shouldn't be stabbing yourself at work because you got in trouble, mate.

  3. BYOND Name: Jennalele/AimlessAnalyst

    Name: Nas'im Al-Sa'iib

    Location in the Mo'Taki family tree: Somewhere in the Nejem branch of the family. He's 36 years old, and probably related to Dawud somehow. A distant relative still in contact with them, but no longer under the same name. He's half-Zhan, half-Hharar, but appearance-wise, definitely takes after his Zhan heritage.

    Character Age: 36

    Already have Tajara Whitelist? Yeees.

    Job position you'll be applying for?: He be a Surgeon.


    From a scale of 1-10, how much of a troublemaker are you? 1=flawless angel, 10=NukeOp ~3ish. He's a good guy that just wants to do his job, but he can be a smartass if he really wants to be. Not physically violent for reasons I can state heeeere.

    Character personality (1 paragraph, short summary) Diligent and driven, Nas'im tends to be pretty quiet and serious, and some people may think he has a stick up his ass at first glance. This isn't quite true, however, and he's quite able to let loose when around friends and family- Especially family. He values life, and dislikes conflict, having worked with aid corps since he was old enough to volunteer. Chronic pain issues limit his mobility and speed, and some days he must walk with a cane. He's harshly afraid of failure due to his line of work, and seems to harbor a sense of inadequacy.

    Any medical, security, etc. notes?

    NAME: Nas'im Al-Sa'iib M.D.

    DATE OF BIRTH: Aug 16, 2421

    AGE: 36

    SPECIES: Tajaran

    SEX: Male


    CLEARANCE LEVEL: Staff ( Surgeon, Paramedic )

    EMPLOYED AS: Surgeon

    HEIGHT: 173 cm (5'8")

    WEIGHT: 68.95 kg (152 lb)

    FUR: Dark grey

    DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Silvery-tipped ears, hands, tail, etc

    EYES: Black


    • Suffers from mild chronic pain due to illness.




    • Emergency Response/Medical/Crisis: 16 years
    • Surgery: 6 years



    • 2440: Volunteer work and internship at Baltor Regional Hospital, on Adhomai
    • 2444: Part-time Paramedic at Baltor Regional Hospital, on Adhomai
    • 2450: Degree completed. Surgeon at Baltor Regional Hospital, on Adhomai.



    • 2440 Enrolled in Baltor Regional Hospital medical program, with goals of a career in surgery.
    • 2444 Completed Paramedic program at BRH to help fund surgeon tuitions
    • 2450 Full degree earned with honors, qualified medical surgeon.



    • 2452: Contract signed. Surgeon



    • Anatomy
    • Medicine
    • Chemistry ( Enough to understand administration and usage, able to synthesize the most basic of chemicals )
    • Biology



    • Dislikes physical contact, however will not react violently. He is a markedly calm individual whom will likely come compliantly, as he holds a high value of life and does not like causing injury to himself or others.






    • 2445: Admitted for generalized muscle and joint pain that had gotten worse over time. Testing and diagnosis reveals early-onset signs of a T. Sapiens-specific form of Dermatomyositis, for which medication was prescribed and administered.



    • Suffers from dermatomyositis- On regular medications to combat its progression. Though the medication prevents the condition from deteriorating further, some symptoms, like general fatigue and mild muscular pain are still notable. A mild Paracetamol prescription has been prescribed to him, and may be filled at any time. If it is not working, he is allowed to speak to a pharmacist about upping the dosage to Tramadol temporarily, though it should not become a regular occurrence.



    • Although he appears incredibly calm and stable, Nas'im has refused all voluntary evaluations, and has not warranted an involuntary investigation as of yet. He is, for all intents and purposes, perfectly stable, but has been observed to harbor a sense of inadequacy.



    • 10u Paracetamol (If pain complaints continue after an hour of use, please up to 5u Tramadol)


    Short history of your character, 2 paragraphs minimum: Nas'im was born at the end of the first revolution, into a region that was fairly ripe with conflict beforehand. As such, the area was poor and war-torn. Though he didn't live through it, he suffered many of the effects, as it took many years for the region to recover from the damage and destruction. Fighting, struggling and general region poverty continued for the next decade, and at age 11, his parents sent him to live with extended family in Kal'Tiv- Assumedly, the rest of the Mo'Taki family. He took a keen interest in medical fields here, and as soon as he was old enough, took up a part-time job to be able to give back to the Mo'Takis, as well as save up small amounts himself to be able to pay his way through medical school.

    He was 20 when the second revolution started. He finally had enough to pay for medical school, but within his first month, the land was thrown into turmoil yet again, and he was cut off from all contact with his family, extended and immediate. By the end of his first year, he began to volunteer alongside his studies in the field, to try and assist refugees, wounded, working relief and aid for the rest of the duration of his degree. In 2445, after severe complaints of pain, he was diagnosed with a T. Sapiens-specific form of Dermatomyositis. This halted his field career, and he had to resign himself to stationary aid as a surgeon instead.

    He did not come back into contact with the rest of the Mo'Takis until 2451, when he moved to Biesel and re-established contact with Karima, and then the rest of the clan. By 2452, he had secured a steady job, and began to give back to the rest of the clan once more.

  4. Name: NYZSHIA

    Type of Donation:[]Monetary []Property []Clothing and Misc []Equipment Repair/Tools [X]Other

    Is the donation monetary? []Yes [N]No

    If yes, please list amount: N/A

    If no, please list current market value of donation: The continued existence of your organization and the improved network safety thereof. The cyberthreat has been neutralized. ...I will watch to ensure this network remains that way. My donation is your operational freedom.

    Contact Information: I wouldn't suggest that if I were you.

  5. Name: Decanus

    Occupation: Security Officer, Warden, NSS Aurora/Exodus Employ

    Would you like to volunteer service?: Yes.

    If yes, what service can you provide?: Protection, escorting and retrieval; Ensuring those aided can get to that aid safely and reasonably.

    Contact Information: [A link to a holonet mail account as well as a personal contact device are displayed.]

    Name: Prophet, who Speaks for Machine

    Occupation: Roboticist, Counselor, Other Science Fields

    Would you like to volunteer service?: Yes.

    If yes, what service can you provide?: Repairs and Construction

    Contact Information: [A mail address is supplied, as well as a personal PDA code.]

    Name: Augur & Artifact

    Occupation: Medical Doctor & Scientists

    Would you like to volunteer service?: Yes and Yes!

    If yes, what service can you provide?: We would like to jointly organize events and meetups! The hikes sound lovely, as well, and we'd love to participate! Artifact can repair any synthetic mishaps, of course, and I can help patch up any non-synthetics that have joined us for the ride.

    Contact Information: [A joint PDA uplink is presented.]

    Name: Drabardi Family (Basil, Aurel, Szilvia, Felix)

    Occupation: Roboticists, medical doctors, mechanical engineers.

    Would you like to volunteer service?: Yes.

    If yes, what service can you provide?: As a family, we can provide a place at our home for meetings, halls, emergencies or other events to be held. Basil and Szilvia are both talented roboticists capable of in-depth repair and maintenance. Felix, an IPC himself, would gladly assist the Unity movement. We can also, if it is ever required, offer a safe place for anyone who requires it, whether it be an hour, a night, or an indefinite situation. We're all in this together.

    Contact Information: [There is a dump of links, numbers and hashcodes for each of them, respectively.]

    (( I have too many synth rights supporters, this isn't even all of them.... Uh, discord n' Skype if you need an OOC contact method work best. <3 ))

  6. I find gripes in that...

    A: Your keyboard-mash of a cyborg has a habit of 'quitting' if it can't get along with the AI. This is just..stupid, and a no go. I can recall one VERY clear incident where he requested a second AI be installed expressly for the purpose of being re-shackled to that one, instead.

    B: I'm sorry, but Faqua is a snowflake amongst snowflakes. Yer a fuckin blizzard, harry. Not only are all his records plastered with more [REDACTED] stamps than other characters combined, but I've seen him in like. Every department, knowing exactly what he's doing. Engineering. Atmos. Surgery. Warden. It's worrying, and he's a very sub-par character as a whole that I find very difficult to work with from an IC standpoint.

    I'm going with -1. I'm not confident enough in your RP as a human or a station-bound synth to trust you within ten feet of an IPC character. You have a long way to go, but don't be afraid to ask staff and players for tips if you want to improve.

  7. I'm going with a hard -1.

    I have a tip for you.

    If you want people to trust you, you need to stop playing characters that are complete assholes, regularly breach the regulations of their jobs, stir trouble with the station, et cetera. Because at this rate, you're going nowhere fast.

    Demonstrate to people you can change and shape up. Make a character that's a decent human being for once, and show the playerbase that you do not simply play characters to stir shit and give Security a round-long headache.

  8. YAAAAS. +1.

    Now on to why.

    Nursie is, frankly, one of the most pleasant RPers I've interacted with in my time on Aurora. And that's saying a lot. Everyone'll jump on the Phoebe bandwagon here and that's great and all, but honestly, I'd like to commend her on all her characters, namely, Kazuo Kurosawa, whom I've worked with before in engineering. I have many, many fond memories of the days when Engineering was mained by players like Vincent Capriello, Acel Delrico, Oliver Stefan and Ananda Santana, and of course, Kazuo.

    I'm seriously looking forwards to the RP that this can create, the debates, situations, conflict, and all that sweet, sweet RP. Nursie almost never takes an IC issue out of character, and I can definitely trust that she'll be a very responsible, mature person about any conflict stirred up by this traitorous scum respectfully different Skrellian individual. Nursie is capable of creating incredibly well-rounded and 3D characters, and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that she'd make a great warbler. This has all my endorsement.

  9. I'm curious, but the answer falls under your classified clause, I understand. Do the IPC Echo units run on specific, custom chassii? More specifically, are their parts custom-tailored to their design? If so, how feasible are full on-station repairs, or would a unit have to be sent back should it become too heavily damaged?

    - Dr. K. Ver'teili

  10. I fixed my post, dw about it.

    "frankly pretty stupid things, and argue them for hours without really hearing the other side of the argument."

    One thing that comes to mind in particular is the breacher chassis argument, as well as a more inane one regarding the depth in which the Chemistry wiki should be done to (IE: Whether or not to spoon-feed people the best way to minmax every recipe.)

    There are a lot more, but I'm sleep deprived ATM and can't place them directly. I'll let you know when I recall the exact incidents.

  11. He convinced Nanako Weiss to stab herself with a really sciencey knife, and then claimed it was a suicide attempt. She ended up going to a psych and everything.

    That was a really fun experience to be honest. Convince her to stab herself with more things in future, weiss is really gullible.



    .... If anything, that should be a -1 for that sort of behaviour. But this doesn't really tell anyone something qualitative about the player in question.

  12. NanakoAC/(Nanako Herzreich): account is 66 days old

    That's barely over 2 months for one. But onto the actual application... No. I'm sorry. I find the idea of all the Nanakos to be absolutely absurd and borderline immersion breaking- It was poor form explained with a poorer gimmick. They're basically W40 Primarchs. To allow all of them into command would only make things worse.

    Furthermore... I acknowledge that you have an incredible drive of enthusiasm. I can respect that. But unfortunately, your enthusiasm kicks in long before your brain does, and you can say and do some frankly pretty stupid things, and argue them for hours without really hearing the other side of the argument. This carries over into IC on all your nanako clones. You just... Get set on a certain idea or concept, and don't let go of it. In the bad way. For instance, I've seen Magojiro harass a janitor for an hour straight to come clean the medbay IMMEDIATELY because it is of the UTMOST PRIORITY, and clearly, the bottle of space cleaner will not suffice to clean the one spot of blood present on the floors, and she MUST prevent said janitor from cleaning the literal buckets of blood up at security to deal with this.

    I'm an EMT. I've worked in hospitals before. If something that menial needs doing, we can do it ourselves. Shit, the intern sneezed on the monitor? Spray some windex and disinfectant on it and move on with your bloody day. You don't need to turn every little point into your hill to die on.

    TL;DR, you need to be more flexible and less argumentative if you want this to go through.

    I'm giving this a hard, definite -1.

  13. he blackmailed me into doing this, help!

    [Player PM]Bedshaped/(Bedshaped)(?): I won't make a staff complaint and get you kicked off the team as long as you +1 my Dionaea app: http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=5991


    ...Yeeeah. This actually happened. I was there.

    Anyways. Personally? -1. You struggle with concepts of what is and is not acceptable ICly as a human character. You have gone after security or their effects for no valid reason several times as a non-antagonist. You've shot up departures for the lulz, and generally been pretty headachey to deal with. This isn't the kind of behaviour I want to see in a whitelisted player.

  14. I'm going with a VERY HEAVY MINUS ONE here.

    Tom Albright is the kind of person that thinks he knows absolutely everything, both ICly and OOCly, and is a straight dick, bluntly put, to anyone who may even remotely question this. He is stubborn, rude, standoffish and often refuses help or guidance from his coworkers in favour of his own (often absolutely inane) methods. It's a type of behaviour I hate with researchers to begin with, and I would not want to ever see this in an RD.

    In a more polite way. He'll say one thing, someone else will say another. Instead of talking it out, he immediately jumps for the rude, standoffish insults and attacks, gets very defensive and hostile, and absolutely refuses to see anything any other way except his own.

    For the love of all that is holy.


  15. He'd get along great with Evelyn Mersdottir. ...Also, I had an amazeballs round with him as my dionea RD a few days ago when he was a 'ling.

    I'd suggest that you tone down the sting spam, because some people find it chucklefuckey, but generally I ain't got issues with you.

  16. One. Buchanan didn't go "lol, I'm an atheist." He's an implanted Head of Security that was on the case of shit sort of kind of exploding violently at arrivals. That takes priority over "I'VE SHOWN YOU GHOSTS JOIN MY CULT NOW PLS". He didn't tell you to fuck off, he said he'd talk to you after he was done investigating the breach, because he was definitely intrigued by the situation, but there were more pressing internal security matters at the time that he'd already dedicated to, and he wasn't just going to bloody drop it as a LI'd command member to go "hey cool look, ghosts." Again. Potential Bomb Detonation > Possibly Paranormal Spooky Sensational Things.

    But anyways. The end of the round is not the time to finally decide to go loud as the cult. From my perspective, here's what happened, ICly speaking.

    Come to escape with Wyatt after processing some evidence. Hear Wyatt yell "He's armed! Commander, get in here!" Enter the shuttle, get bumrushed by cultists with various weapons like hatchets. There's a shade there too, and it starts sucking off our life. Defend ourselves minimally to be able to cut a path to hide in the Bridge because we have no goddamn clue what's going on, but we're both pursued by that shade that managed to come through the door, and the rest of the cult immediately bursts in from the other side. An EMP goes off, RIP Buchanan. Rest of the cultists rush Wyatt, RIP Wyatt.

    Now on to the OOC.

    I'm of a mind to leave this ban in place, because again. The very end of the round when the shuttle's here is NOT the time to suddenly start decapitating people and bumrushing the officers that got onto the shuttle because you failed to block them off. Especially when there was, from our perspective, zero escalation. It went from "Oh hey, cool, shuttle's here, lets get to escape" to "There's a hatchet in my face and I can't feel my legs, what the fuck."

    TL;DR: If the cult has been quiet and peaceful the entire round, the escape lounge when we're transferring is NOT the time or place to go loud and start killing. You, especially should know this.

  17. We found out afterwards that you had briefly been on the mapping team. I quote, from FFrances: "Well, the full story behind that is that our original layout (which idk where it's from) was remapped by Mocheeze, which ended up being a complete failure. (Like, there were five AI holopads in one area, rooms shaped like curse words, a L-shaped table in the middle of the main hallway, and the chemistry's scrubbers weren't connected to anything.) "

    ...So we can all see where that went.

    But the fact remains that you should not have been on server without appealing your ban. To do so otherwise is ban evasion, which is what got you here in the first place.

    If I may ask, what is the original CKey you were banned on?

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