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Everything posted by eragong

  1. +1, I don't play often, but I have had nothing but good interactions with Nacho's characters. From my interactions with him outside SS13 he is honest and fair, he would make a good RD.
  2. Nut walked slowly towards his tent, and beckoned his squire over; "find the timings for my next bout, I wish to know when I will be called upon again" with that he strode into his tent as his squire rushed off
  3. Nut looked down at Harwin's crumpled form, his shoulders slumped. he looked towards Harwin's distraught wife "My lady, this was not my intention, I padded my mace against such an outcome, however it is for the king to decide the repercussion of this " he looked back towards Harwin " crime". Nut knelt on the ground facing King Robert " My fate falls to you my Lord, though I wish this Lady justice, whatever the outcome she and her children are to call on house Tarth should their need be great" With those words, Nut lowered his head to face the ground.
  4. (written by Gollee for me) Nut watched his opponent, Ser Harwin enter the jousting field; the young man looked startled by the sheer mass of his opponent. Silently, Nut brought his lance into the striking stance, holding the long wooden rod steady as he waited for the bugler's call. Once the call came, the two knights thundered down the field, Nut’s destrier vastly outweighing the smaller mare of his opponent. The first impact was swift and deafening, both lances shattering against the other’s shields. Ser Harwin barely managed to keep his seat as the momentum of the charging warrior struck him through the lance; but he swiftly regained his balance, circling around the jousting field, snatching up a second lance from his squire. Nut did the same. The second collision was more eventful, Ser Harwin, already staggered from the first impact was thrown from his horse in a hail of splinters, while his lance shattered harmlessly against the heavy set form of the Tarth knight. With his opponent aground, Nut slowly dismounted, his large form ungraceful when it came to the more delicate motions of horse riding. By the time he was on foot, with mace in hand, Ser Harwin had regained his feet, raising his sword in a defensive stance as he circled Nut. Nut swung his mace several times around his head before beginning to step forwards, letting the momentum of the mace pull him around the field as he brought it down to chest height, spinning it with great force. As Nut approached Harwin, the ill-prepared knight darted in under the swing of the mace, slashing at the armour of his larger opponent, but the blows simply slid off of the thick plate. Nut, noting now that his opponent was within his reach, brought his mace around,colliding with the side of Harwin’s torso with a dull thud, sending him spinning to the ground. Immediately, Nut walked up to him, planting his foot on the chest of the winded knight. “Yield.”
  5. After donning his armor Nut strode out of his tent and mounted his destrier, and once mounted on the vast horse he took his lance and rode out onto the tourney field.
  6. Nut strode towards his arming tent and brushed through the flaps; beyond his squire had begun preparing his armor. " Ready?" Nut asked quietly, " yes ser" the young boy said hurrying over with a huge breastplate. Nut knelt down and allowed the squire to affix the armor to his chest followed by the backplate and spaulders. Nut the stood up and the squire attached his greaves and boots. "well fitted squire" Nut said as he walked from the tent the his lance over his shoulder and the mace, still wrapped, on his back.
  7. Nut let loose one final swing at the target; smashing it off of its base. He shouldered the swaddled mace and made his way towards the stands to wait for the melee to begin; eyeing the other competitors as he approached, watching the mountain cautiously. As he walked he passed several people, a squire preparing armor, a knight of the Kingsguard and several Lords and Lordlings.
  8. Ser Nathaniel ducked through the doorway into the training yard, the Mace of Tarth over his shoulder with its head wrapped with cloth. He glanced over at the talking lords and ladies, gave a perfunctory wave and a short greeting; he then moved over to the sparring targets, readied his stance and drew his mace. After adjusting his stance Nathaniel stepped forward and struck the target a resounding blow that sounded through the courtyard and causing the target to sway backwards. Grinning he began to swing his mace around in preparation for his second strike.
  9. Nut Looks up in mild interest as the Red fort towers above him, he dismounts and grabs his bag "Alaric, see to the horses and find the kitchens, then bring us a meal to my quarters" he called to his squire
  10. The Evenstar grumbled as he opened the scroll; he pointed to a servant "You, fetch Ser Nu- Nathaniel, now please" as the servant hurried off he turned his attention back to the scroll, picked up a quill and began scribbling on the parchment, muttering to himself "Archery? ha! no, the Joust? maybe" he made a mark on the paper "the Melee? That could do" he looked up as the large Ser Nathaniel ducked in. "Father? why have you called for me?" he asked looking toward the Evenstar, " You are going to the King's Tourney Nut, We need to send at least one Knight to represent us but you'll have to go without Brienne, she is heading south to Renly's Court with a missive" Nut nodded and turned to begin his preparations.
  11. House Name: House Tarth House Ranking: Major House House Ruler: Selwyn Tarth Liege of house: Renly Baratheon House Holdings: Tarth (The Sapphire isle) (Mace of Tarth, Flanged longmace with Valarian steel flangs) House Members: Lord Selwyn Tarth 53, Lord of Evenfall Hall, The Evenstar Lady Brienne of Tarth, 18, Heir Ser Nathanial of Tarth, 16, Nathanial the Stalwart, (7'3" wields the Mace of Tarth) House sigil: House words: "The Evenstar Rises" House History: Ancestors of House Tarth were once kings, and the head of the family is known as "the Evenstar", which they claim dates back to the dawn of days. The island of Tarth came under the dominion of the House Durrandon when the Storm King Durran the Fair married the daughter of Tarth's king, Edwyn Evenstar. Tarth was the first region of the stormlands conquered during the Andal invasion, but peace between the Andals and First Men was eventually achieved when the Storm Kings and their bannermen intermarried with the Andals. The Tarths have Andal ancestry and have ties with Houses Durrandon, Baratheon, and Targaryen.
  12. The method behind a warp drive is that the object within remain stationary, but the drive compresses space-time in front of the object and expands it behind it; this causes an effect similar to a wave in space-time, upon which the object rides but remains stationary in relation to space surrounding it. This is akin to a surfer on a wave, because whilst they are in the water they have a maximum speed, but when they are atop it and riding on the uppermost water molecules as far as the water is concerned they are stationary, but from an observer they are travelling faster than it would be possible swimming.
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