(written by Gollee for me)
Nut watched his opponent, Ser Harwin enter the jousting field; the young man looked startled by the sheer mass of his opponent. Silently, Nut brought his lance into the striking stance, holding the long wooden rod steady as he waited for the bugler's call.
Once the call came, the two knights thundered down the field, Nut’s destrier vastly outweighing the smaller mare of his opponent.
The first impact was swift and deafening, both lances shattering against the other’s shields. Ser Harwin barely managed to keep his seat as the momentum of the charging warrior struck him through the lance; but he swiftly regained his balance, circling around the jousting field, snatching up a second lance from his squire. Nut did the same.
The second collision was more eventful, Ser Harwin, already staggered from the first impact was thrown from his horse in a hail of splinters, while his lance shattered harmlessly against the heavy set form of the Tarth knight.
With his opponent aground, Nut slowly dismounted, his large form ungraceful when it came to the more delicate motions of horse riding. By the time he was on foot, with mace in hand, Ser Harwin had regained his feet, raising his sword in a defensive stance as he circled Nut.
Nut swung his mace several times around his head before beginning to step forwards, letting the momentum of the mace pull him around the field as he brought it down to chest height, spinning it with great force. As Nut approached Harwin, the ill-prepared knight darted in under the swing of the mace, slashing at the armour of his larger opponent, but the blows simply slid off of the thick plate. Nut, noting now that his opponent was within his reach, brought his mace around,colliding with the side of Harwin’s torso with a dull thud, sending him spinning to the ground. Immediately, Nut walked up to him, planting his foot on the chest of the winded knight. “Yield.”