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  1. Before this all gets way too salty - Can we even easily make a custom PAI chassis? Edit: Also, I think this request would have gone a lot better, as others have said, without saying the whole "As animu as..." thing. Because then it gets the people who watch anime mad, and it gets the people who hate anime mad. You could have literally said a small, cute human-looking robot or something. While I do agree, I personally find the idea a little silly, you keep talking about it like it's a sexual request, undermining the request overall by attaching derogatory terms like 'fetish' to it. Even if it's not your cup of tea, someone else might enjoy it and thinks it contributes to their roleplay.
  2. This is literally doing god's work. Please don't give up, like others have said, I might actually make an IPC application after this.
  3. Jboy, The excuse "I can powergame because they weren't roleplaying" is old, and is part of the reason we even have this issue. Next time, those cult players are going to go, "Well, last time I was an antag, the HOS attacked us from the DISPOSALS, so screw roleplaying," And on, and on. Direwolf is supposed to be setting an example as a head of staff and a whitelisted player both, neither of which he seems to be doing. The Asian caricature aside, we had a man who Ic'ly launched himself into a dangerous industrial pipeline, singlehandedly facing an entire group of possibly unknown antagonists. Oocly, we have someone who launched themselves down disposals in a blatant attempt to powergame and, as said above, rambo the cult. And this isn't the first time Direwolf's really done something like this... I see at least three complaints in the past few months relating to this very same issue, powerplaying or metagaming against antags as a head.
  4. I agree with Jackboot's idea here. Thrashing about a man in chains because he said "lol ur mom" isn't very honorable, you'd think that a culture that thinks and or knows themselves to be strong and warlike would be above some smaller, weaker human who has ALREADY LIKELY LOST to them in a physical confrontation would be a bit beneath them. Of course we would have the unathis that do go apeshit and start reading the poor sap's last will and testament for him because they ARE very overzealous, but those should be the exception, and from what I see and hear, they're really not. And on a different note, I do think this is a good point to kinda bring up the fact of adding stats/attributes. As of now, Unathi are universally 'better' than human characters. While you can say the buffs and benefits aren't THAT beneficial, they are still benefits over having a human player. I think we need to incorporate things like size, weight, strength, etc, into actual hard-coded character attributes, so a taller and heavier human could likely have a very effective edge over a smaller unathi. But, that's really hypothetical, as it'd be a PITA to code.
  5. Not an admin, but I agree with Hycinth and Techno. While I can see why the admins did choose to ban, (Because at first I saw two borgs making sparks and a third bring in a welder, and I was definitely thinking 'someone's going to get banned for EoR') but from what I've read and actually saw it really did look like it didn't impede on anybody's roleplay, and apparently caused no damage otherwise. Just 2-3 players trying out a stupid feature they had just discovered. I side in favor of the appeal, imho.
  6. Personally, I liked Phoebe. I still like her, but sometimes I think her original kinda bitchy attitude has sort of spiraled out of proportion over time, and more often than not, she ends up as the centre of a lot of drama more due to the fact that she's one of the more easily recognized faces on the Aurora. Of course, I don't have a lot of experience interacting with her, so I might have it completely wrong. And I'm not familiar with any other characters here except for Haruspex, who is easily the most robust and trolliest IPC I've ever seen. Haruspex remains the only one I've seen to be able to take down nearly the entire security team using just a bar of soap. I found him hilarious as a spectator, but I can see how these antics can get very, very irritating to other players after a while. Also, as for mine, let's see how much people hate Emilie Alberg.
  7. I had meant ramboing in the sense that the entire team was running around yakkety sax with no real objective other than end the game as quick as possible. And, well, Frank did pretty much order the entire rest of the team to stay on the ship and guard the bomb while he assaulted the station by himself? He didn't really coordinate past "Bring bomb here" once a few things had blown up. And IMHO, I'm not an experience nuke op (or even security for that matter) but while randomly stunning isn't as bad as randomly lasering, it's still not as enjoyable for all parties as trying to convince the other party to surrender. I think that an initial effort should honestly be made to have some kind of interaction beyond pointing and shooting, and I applaud Meowy for this, actually kinda reacting realistically rather than running away as soon as they saw us and alerting the whole station to the big mean nasties outside.
  8. Going off what Frances said, Nuke Ops were super disorganized the entire round, while Frank mostly did his own thing, and nobody really communicated well at all. So miscommunication did have something to do with it, but when we first saw Meowy we 'tried' to take him prisoner. If Frank had no idea that we had even captured or even encountered him in the past then you'd expect him to try and disarm or otherwise disable first, instead of shooting to kill. And in addition, I never saw Frank give any sort of warning on the comms, and chances are if I didn't notice, I wouldn't have expected others to notice either. Kinda feels like I'm ganging up on Frankster here, as it's really the entire team's fault for this with the lack of communication and ramboing, but... still. @Vanagandr He wasn't handcuffed. Nobody had any.
  9. This is about my second time playing nukeops in about 5 months, so admittedly I'm pretty bad. Likely unrelated to the complaint, but I had kinda insisted on doing something rather than blowing up armory and plopping a bomb in captains office, which is more or less what happened. I actually personally only saw 3 crewmembers and spent a grand total of like 15 minutes on the station before the game was over. I was the one that said I'd try and 'secure' M'rychny, btw, but as literally nobody had cable coils or cuffs, I was at a bit of a loss at what to do, whether to go and help in the firefight that apparently happened or keep him from running away, which is likely what caused all of this. Sorry, Tuiee.
  10. This looks like fun, I'm in. Emilie Alberg. Blonde hair, ponytail. Freckled, broken nose. Rather tall. Red tanktop and some jeans if possible. I've never played Sims, so something like the Sim's equivalent of Robotics for a job? I don't know. Traits are Vehicle Enthusiast, Easily Impressed, Handy, Good Sense of Humor, Coward.
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