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    The Smirking Islands

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  • Byond CKey

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  1. I've been playing a lot of Xenobotany lately, and have noticed there are a few useful things to Xenobotany that don't spawn in the lab. I would like to suggest the addition of these items. Hand Labeler: In Xenobotany, you tend to make a lot of preloaded genome disks for designing your plants. However, you have to no labeler to label what each one does, so you're kind of forced to go bother the good folks at robotics for theirs. Blender: There really should be one so you can grind your glowshrooms into liquid radium so you don't have to bother R&D to grind your glowshrooms. If you don't want to add a blender, what about adding a door connecting xenoflora to the chemlab? A few more data disks to start with: I feel with 12 total genomes, four isn't quite enough disks to start with. I know you can ask R&D to produce more, but what if nobody is in R&D? I propose having the Xenobotany lab spawn with 6-8 disks. Two packets of strange seeds: The most fun part of playing Xenobotany is the strange plants. But you have to order them from cargo. What if there is no cargo? You're stuck just mutating regular old plants with the same old reagants and same old mutations. Two pakcets of seeds spawning would at least give you the chance of making some botanical abomination. Those are my propositions. Take them as you will. Thanks for listening.
  2. BYOND Key: Smirking_kirk Character name: Paul Bird Item name: Tinfoil Station Bounced Radio (and if that name is too long, just use Tinfoil Radio) Why is your character carrying said item to work? Paul Bird the Third is a journalist and the host of the station's conspiracy theory and paranormal radio show, 148.9: The Bird Nest. His immense fear of a secret society that doesn't really exist has led him to bring his own station bounced radio from home that he has encased in tinfoil, which he believes will prevent them from finding the location of his broadcasts. As a radio host, having a broadcasting radio is vital to his job. Item function(s): Your standard station bounced radio, only wrapped in tinfoil. Item description: With this radio, you can expose the truth without THEM being able to locate where you're broadcasting from! It appears to be wrapped in tinfoil. Item appearance: Your standard station bounced radio, only wrapped in tinfoil. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? The radio will of course be used to broadcast Bird's radio show, which features segments where listeners can call into the show and discuss the various paranormal topics Bird covers. The call-in segments of the show generates RP for those listening and calling into the show. Additional comments:
  3. I do have avast, but I've had it forever and SS13 was running flawlessly a few weeks ago. Some examples of online games I've been playing recently are TFC, Terraria, Minecraft, SR3
  4. I am on the current version of BYOND. My connectivity issues is as stated above- I will drop out of the game multiple times during a round. And when I am not getting dropped, I lock up in place for several seconds before I'm on the other side of the screen (as I stated above).
  5. A few weeks ago something weird has started occurring for me in ss13: CONSTANT LAGGING IN AND OUT, and LAG IN GENERAL. I want to know if this is happening for anyone else. It seems to be client-side. It's gotten so bad that the game is almost unplayable for me now (and it's ONLY ss13 that does this, none of my other online games do this). I'll constantly lock in place, and a few seconds later be at the end of the hallway, or completely lag out of the game and back in repeatedly (I've counted this happen up to THIRTEEN TIMES one round). It's really getting under my skin and I would hate to have to leave because of this. I just wanted to know if this is happening to anyone else and if so, did you fix it at all?
  6. Whoa I didn't notice this thread until now Boy am I late to the party But thanks Thundy
  7. Happy new year nerds
  8. So how do you fix this on Windows 10 which has Microsoft Edge?
  9. I got windows 10 like a month ago, and had no issues. I see the dream seeker issue in the other thread, but why my client completely locks up after updating it is a mystery to me.
  10. So I tried to join the server, and I got Dream Seeker is not responding, and it goes through the whole crash process (it also does this for any server), so I went and updated BYOND and now it just locks up when I try to join a server. Is this only happening to me?
  11. Is this what everyone imagines Vicky to look like?
  12. Hello, Kirk here. I am now going to teach you how to make all your books look pretty. Step 1: Paste this onto a sheet of paper [center][b]BOOK TITLE GOES HERE[/b][/center] [center][i]By AUTHOR NAME GOES HERE[/i][/center] [hr] [small]BOOK CONTENTS GO HERE[/small] Step 2: You're done Now go and bind that brand spankin' new pretty book
  13. i remember going past this as a ghost and saying in LOOC "what eggsactly is going on here?"
  14. i remember going past this as a ghost and saying in LOOC "what eggsactly is going on here?"
  15. that sax is sexy as hell tbh
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