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Everything posted by Kira

  1. You’re neat.
  2. I like ling thematically but not in current gameplay, I think these ideas are really good and I hope you can impliment them. Looking forward to it. But I do agree with some other sentiments that I enjoy the Horror form sprite and the spooks it gives a lot, but I can support that horror form ability in its current state sucks and its removal might be justified. I would like to see the horror sprite still used somehow else, does that make sense? Maybe if it was activated a different way instead of something you purchase. All the other ideas are great though and I have no complaints. I hope it’s the start of a more comprehensive rework. Body horror fun. Do you have plans for features beyond this? Perhaps with abilities or reworking stings? I also like the idea of decapitations causing headspiders that someone above mentioned.
  3. I think it would be fun for an event or a shot period just to feel what it’s like, might be fun. Just to test the waters.
  4. I like to just play random characters, but I am not sure how you’re supposed to combat this besides getting a lot more strict ooc’ly?
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