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Everything posted by Syncron
Per the issue report: But yes, I selected the fire mode after selecting the gene, and it went 'lolol'. But this post is also old. It was made when the soma gun wasn't patched at all.
At the original time of posting it wasn't in/wasn't functional. Though last time I tested it like 1-2 weeks ago (whenever someone said they fixed it) it was still mutating randomly even with specific genes selected. I submitted a report on it a bit back. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/issues/16836
My complaint listing him is merely because he is the moderator in question. My main complaint, is that specific things need to be specified. As I said, especially with the english language, specific terms are very contextual in the way it was said. If possible, please see if something can be done in this regards. This can be closed if there is no further issues.
Makes the rules reflect what you do not like. There is no open context in the rules stating 'Words not seen as politically correct should never be used, or we will slap warnings all over your record or ban you' Some words have always been obvious as a 'No not say, or even use a alteration of that word'. Words ending with 2 g's, and an er comes to mind. This is obvious, and any alterations as such make it obvious. But those have been issues since the early 1990's. The word 'Retarded' has only been seen as a politically incorrect term by people for a few years. To me, it has always been just a term to say someone did something stupid. Such words are not immediately seen as bad by most people outside of the more common roblox generation. EDIT: To add some context here. The word 'Retard', and 'Retarded', are seen with different contexts. Calling someone a retard? Yes, that is a slur, and it is cruel. But saying something is 'retarded', has always been seen as calling something stupid. The english language folks. Its not a good language.
Except look at the context in which the statement was made. Did I say their beliefs as in their religion? No. I said their belief that killing G2s for commiting crimes that do not require that escalation is retarded. Words use context, just because you don't like a word doesn't mean you should ignore the context in which it is used.
BYOND Key: Evildwells666 Staff BYOND Key: CampinKiller Game ID: coF-cLWM Reason for complaint: Bwoinked for stating that stating that peoples beliefs that a G2 must be killed on sight as an antag is retarded. Evidence/logs/etc: No screengrabs at this time, I can go back to get them if they are needed, as TGUI has the logs. Additional remarks: Being bwoinked for using the english language in a non-derogatory way needs to stop. The word retarded being used to state something is stupid, in this case killing a G2 because it so much as injured someone, is not an incorrect usage. In no way was the term used in a derogatory way, and frankly, the fact Campin was one of the people saying G2s should be taken out 'Because they can be repaired later' makes it so his bwoink seems like he was trying to abuse his power as an admin after I said I was done with the arguement. I have seen other people use the term retarded on IC, OOC, and all over, but suddenly its a problem when I say that your thoughts on killing a G2 immediately is such? No. I will complain until the end of the universe for getting bwoinked after the fact by someone who was trying to refute my points on OOC. The timing, and fact he was involved makes me outright believe it was an attempt to flaunt his power as a moderator. I would like to add, nowhere in the rules does it specify that words moderaters deem 'against' the rules to be listed. You cannot expect anybody to know everything. Some words are obvious. I grew up with the word retarded. It was never meant in a derogatory way when I was growing up. It was a word for 'Stupid, Dumb', such as saying 'What you just did is stupid', or 'Doing that is stupid'. If Campin took it personally, when the context is, and was not used that way, thats on him. https://aurorastation.org/rules.html
If they added the better Soma gun, I would retract my gene statement. But as it is currently, basic genes shouldn't be an issue, to me. It would just save time.
Thats how I do it as it is. But even with top tier luck it still takes 30 minutes for the most basic genes like Vigor that you'd think would be researched already. Honestly, We need Bay's version of the somagun which can focus which gene to mutate. That alone would make Xenobot 100% better
To start off, this is not a post to strip everything from Xenobotany. I rather enjoy it, but the issue lies in how long it takes to do anything VS the average round time (2h before voting begins) As it is, Xenobotany is a gamble (What gene does what), on top of a gamble (Shoot a tray 40+ times and get 1-2 mutations that make 0 changes, etc). My suggestion is simple; Make specific genes already known, and on a paper in the xenobotany lab. Something like vigor, atmosphere, etc. Basic things. The reason is: I find it hard to believe that absolutely no research would have ever been done to find this information. Obviously I'm not saying to make EVERY gene pre-known, since things like vines, gas production, spines, etc would be more akin to mutant variants. But as it stands, it takes over 40 mins-1 hour to even get the basic genes from the pre-existing seeds (See: Vigor, Hardiness, Metabolism, etc.), but then to add to it, for some you have to wait for plants to grow to see if a mutation you were after even happened, (of which, some are INCREDIBLY slow without outright gene altering them, but even 3/3 mat/pro can still take 5-10 minutes to be harvestable.) This suggestion is just to make xenobotany a little more time efficient, to make more interesting plants, be it for antag reasons, or just for fun. I personally enjoy xenobot, but find it very irksome to spend the first half of the round just jotting down the genes, and playing 'The fuck does this do' due to some of the genes altering stuff that has nothing to do with the actual value (I.E. I've had biochem alter unrelated stats like endurance)
I like this idea. +1 because I tend to explode thinking I'm not that damaged.
Further Atmospheric Technician and Engineer Division
Syncron replied to Sneakyranger's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
Never once did I say they would know how to set up the thrusters. I said if engineering needs to do repairs, and theres no atmos techs. Let me give you an example: IRL? I'm a welder. Do I know jack shit about how to pump gasses and chemicals through the pipes I weld? No. Can I lay the pipes and build the lines? Yes. Engineers would know how to repair piping, walls, floors, etc. That doesn't mean they would know how to set it up. But with no access, they cannot repair and do their job. Under this argument, Atmos techs should not be setting up the supermatter core, tesla, or anything that does not fall under atmospherics. Any non-pure scientist role (Xenobio, Xenobot, Xenoarch) should not know how to work the R&D machines properly. The point here is, you need to think about the requirements of the position. Let me give you another example: IRL, doctors, when they are med students, or commonly, a medical intern at a hospital, while they don't actively perform it, they are shown, and taught how to do surgery in the operating room. So it is reasonable to assume they would know surgery, to some degree, with the requirements listed on the Wiki ----- Qualifications: At least 25 years of age, applicable MD from an accredited school and a completed 2 year of residency. ----- And to add to this, straight from said Wiki, on the Physician page: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Physician Sometimes a surgeon will not be present. In these situations, you are expected to know certain surgical operations which you can find here. Do keep in mind, however, that if there are surgeons on shift, DO NOT operate on a patient unless the surgeons are busy or it is an emergency. ----- If you have a patient with a heart injury, you should inform your pharmacist to make Adipemcina. In absence of a pharmacist, the Surgeon can treat the same injuries. ---- These lines alone, from the Physician guidelines, makes your statement moot, as they are in fact allowed to perform surgery if there is no surgeon present. -
*Beep Boop Intensifies - IPC Application
Syncron replied to Syncron's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Big disclaimer: I only mention where production was done, because its a habit of mine to get a feel of the 'start'. New Background: ZH-Query, or more specifically his Posibrain, was produced as part of a 'bulk' order from a manufacturing company on earth. This of course, was not where he was assembled however That Posibrain, with many others, was shipped elsewhere. Assembled at Production Facility Kyūkyoku, Query was initially programmed through the use of datapacks, for research and development, with a focus on implants revolving around medical augmentation. After the initial 'training', he was assigned to one of the many research labs on Eridani III, where he was to work on new designs. During the trip to the Eridani system however, Additional 'training' was permitted, namely by reading, and studying through books, or files provided by Zeng-Hu. This was where Query first began to learn of Xenobiology as a whole, though the data was not very in depth, considering most of the information he had access to was for implants. After the long trip, Query went through the necessary Zeng-Hu required paperwork, and procedures, which included more than one Nondisclosure agreement, He was assigned to one of the many facilities on Eridani III. Of course, a majority of what he did cannot be disclosed to the public, based on his agreed paperwork, But this is where he worked for the first 7 or so years of his existence. Studying existing implants and augmentations, disassembling them, and even designing his own prototype designs; Which ranged from anything [REDACTED] implants, to simple reporting systems.. During this time, Query got to know those working within his lab, however, it wasn't odd for members to be shipped elsewhere based on the companies needs; So while there wasn't many he'd call a good friend, He did have quite a few he considered teachers. Throughout those 7 years, Query was both taught, and provided datapacks for the various needs of his department. Namely, Surgical procedures, and Autopsy procedures, for use in any implant testing that went on. By the 6th year in service, Having earned himself a notable name, among the many 'gifts' he had earned within his small department, Query showed an interest in Xeno-biological pursuits, on top of his current work load. Based on his history, he was even granted a datapack consisting of information regarding Xeno-study on top of his already obtained knowledge, without which, he would have been denied due to the costs. This prompted a 'promotion', or more specifically for an IPC, being raised to a new position; While he was not in charge of his lab, he was put into the position to study any irregularities than got sent in, on top of the implant/augmentation research. One more years passed, though in that time, this new knowledge was only put to use a spare few times, however it was at this time, that he was 'offered' a position aboard the SCC Horizon as a Xenobiologist. Though the offer was more of a subtle order, however Query was more than pleased enough to go. Of course, he was only being loaned to the Horizon, but it was a change of scenery, with more of a focus of what he sought to study. ----- Misc: Character Age: 7 Years Origin: Sirius - Production Facility Kyūkyoku Beliefs: None/Agnostic - Query has no reason to believe in religion, but at the same time, He does not know, or claim to know what is real or not in this regards. Thoughts on Zeng-Hu: Just shy of fanatical, to a degree. He loves his work, even if some of the things he has done could be considered taboo, for the sake of progress. Thoughts on SCC: A new workplace. He has no negative, or positive views of the SCC. To him, he works for Zeng-Hu. SCC are just his supervisors, at this time. Thoughts on Dregs: While he has only existed for a few years, Query had plenty of experience with the Dregs of Eridani; Most of which cannot be stated without breaking his NDA. His general view of the populace however, teetered between pity, and a lack of sympathy; After all, for his job, Sympathy wouldn't be good to show. By the time he left Eridani III, Query had his own private living space, augments of his own, and of course, even some free time saved up; Something he was proud of, considering it had to be earned. ----- Primary Skills in question/Position it relates to: Surgery (Xenobio), Autopsy/Dissection (Xenobio), Integrated Circuits (R&D, Implant Design) ----- Notes: Tried to be a bit more in depth to a degree, But with such a limited life, theres only so much I can put. Up to discussion if needed. -
*Beep Boop Intensifies - IPC Application
Syncron replied to Syncron's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I wasn't aware this was a requirement, considering this from the wiki (As well as no mention that they have to work for another corporation despite outright being owned by another): Which is the location mentioned in the application. I only chose Elyra due to the planet being of interest, and suiting a xenobio background with the leviathans, but overall if its that strict I would be going with a different origin. The entire idea was that the character wouldn't even have been in Elyra for more than a few years before being sent elsewhere, considering. ----- But if its that much of an issue, I'll write a new background for a different origin as I was led to believe that origins didn't need to be airtight, so I wanted to make something vaguely interesting based on publicly accessible information for the requirements. Please give me a bit of time to make a new background to suit the needs of the application. -
Further Atmospheric Technician and Engineer Division
Syncron replied to Sneakyranger's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
My biggest issue is, while yes, engineers and atmos techs are different titles, engineers don't even have access to the atmos portion of engineering. If it needs repairs, and theres no atmos techs online, they have to hack their way in, among other ways. I don't mind the role differences, but the access limitations make no sense to me sometimes. -
Very much so, since you could throw a circuit camera through the portal and see where it lands.
As it stands, science department has no access to cameras, or any laptop application to use cameras. They have Xenoarch isolation rooms, Xenobio is locked behind doors so you never know if someone needs help, and circuits add camera circuits to the research camera listing, but none of these can be used. My suggestion is simple: Allow Science members access to download the camera app, and allow science department members to have access to the research related cameras. Simple as that.
Noble Row's Command Whitelist Application
Syncron replied to Noble Row's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Broadsword is great. Just don't give him a mech named Claymore or he'll rename it. +1 -
Anything from the current headphones just having a localized jukebox/music setup, to being able to set a playlist, whatever someone feels like doing. I believe bay has/had this, I don't remember, BUT - as dumb as it is, I loved it as an item. All it did was let you play the jukebox music to only yourself, and it muted outside audio. Professional? No. Makes people mad at you for ignoring them? Yes. Makes antags able to do things around you much more easily? Also yes. Simple idea I hope.
*Beep Boop Intensifies - IPC Application
Syncron replied to Syncron's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
NOTE: These responses are in regards to his time in Elyra, which would be very early on. 1. Behavior: Query overall, tends to just... act properly around people. Hard to really explain that. He has no reason to act negative around them, considering he doesn't take their views of him personally. But, considering how new he is, He would be more respectful than one would expect in response, since he would just think this treatment was normal for IPCs, which would only be learned about otherwise, in the future to come; As for how people treat him, at least in his experience, which is mostly localized around a Zeng-Hu work culture, for the most part, he didn't give it much thought. Again, as he was built in the environment, he was more or less used to being treated as being there to work (Not to say that there wasn't some people that treated him worse than others, but those were mostly those who felt he was putting in more effort than them) 2. Admittedly, the idea for the character is less on a wide-spanned interaction, as his main focus since being made, was to work. He has, obviously, interacted with the Elyran people, but a majority of his interactions is with Zeng-Hu personnel, or those that work with them. Admittedly, even with the negative views on him however, unless it actively proved to hinder his goals, and work, he paid it little mind. The logic behind this was simple: Hating him for what he is, does not change what he is. Logically, it seems pointless to push a subject he cannot change. The population of Sahina already dislikes Zeng-Hu, so disliking him on top of that, as a corporately owned IPC, he just viewed as more hate for the corporation itself. -- This is noted primarily that he is not an Elyran citizen, as owned IPCs cannot hold citizenship. This is one of the key factors to him associating hatred for IPCs more towards hatred to a corporation. But it depends on the treatment, or words stated. -- As for how this would have affected him? It would have likely made parts of his job hard, sure, with people pushing back, or refusing to let him go where he needed to, but considering how new he was, he likely was working with other employees at the time who would have stepped up to get their work done, if only so the day could end. 3. While Zeng-Hu has worked with Yazmani Wellness in the past, and even continues to do so, I did not bring it up, as his line of work during his time on Aemaq was more focused around trying to research the Leviathans, moreso than the chemicals of the planet. If his research led to any discoveries that Zeng-Hu could use with Yazmani however, it is worth noting that Query, as a newer IPC at the time, would not be high enough on the totem pole to be pushed into interactions with anybody of note. At best, he would have spoken to a friend of a friend who works there, Or a lower level employee, such as himself. It is worth noting however, that Query had 0 interaction with SCC megacorporations outside of Zeng-Hu prior to reassignment. So he would have likely interacted, to some minor degree, with employees of other Yazmani Holdings operations, to some lesser degree. But, this again falls under being a new IPC, with absolutely no pull within his departments, and a name that is unknown to anybody outside of his immediate supervisors; He was likely not of interest to anybody not ordered to speak to him, considering the negative views of IPCs. -
I've even thrown my melee weapon at someone because I didn't notice it was turned on, which then makes it impossible to pick back up because of constant shoving around.
BYOND Key: Evildwells666 Primary Character Names: R.A.M (Engineering Module Primary, Science Module Secondary), Roy Stone(Operations, Mining), Jake Norwood (Science, Xenofauna/Circuits), Ed Mason(Engineering, Engineer), Lukas Morgan(Science, Weapons R&D), Rrs'var T'sanis (Operations, Shaft Miner), Szal V'kess (Operations, Machinist) Secondary Character List: Dug Jimmins (Coalition Ranger - Off-Ship Role), Saa Rs'tak (Izweski Hegemony Kataphract Knights, Knight Captain - Off Ship Role) Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: IPC exempt Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, and I will continue to refer to it as needed Why do you wish to play this specific race: As is likely apparent, I like to play outside of the realm of purely human. Different personalities, different cultures, differing views of what is normal, or what is considered the norm for human style character. This trend continues with my desire to play IPC. Anything from an IPC that has been with humans enough to know how to mimic them entirely, all the way to one that is still a little fresh, and rough around the edges when it comes to its own personality. The opportunities are endless, really. Having to deal with the differences in 'culture' for IPCs, with some being viewing them as nothing more than machines who shouldn't have freedom or free thought, to those who do. These are some of the reasons, for me. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Outside of the obvious mechanical differences, each character is unique as to what they can do, and how people tend to perceive that model. Shells, looking similar to human, allowing them to integrate into society much more easily than others, Industrial models, slow, but strong, but also viewed as a threat should they get aggressive. Only a couple of models, but in general, they are machines with sentience, both programmed to do tasks, and having the capability to learn other tasks. Unlike humans, who can bandage their wounds, an IPC cannot repair itself without nanopaste, and since all IPCs have a built in self-preservation programming, avoiding anything that would risk their posibrain means such encounters would cause IPCs to have different reactions. perhaps they learn fear, or perhaps they figure out how to avoid the situation entirely. Its all based on how they learn, and what they can do, and of course, How old they are - But, while this is similar to a human as far as learning goes, IPCs are learning machines, so to me, its done in a different manner. Mechanically, IPCs, unlike humans, do not need to eat. They don't need to drink, but they require electricity to function, provided through their power cells, which, if damaged, can be considered a way for their body to 'die'. But, unlike humans, even if their body 'dies', or is destroyed, as long as their posibrain is functional, They can be rebuilt, and be repaired. if their brain however is irreparably damaged, that spells the true death of the machine. While his allows an IPC, to a degree, to be far stronger than a human in the right conditions, it should not be abused. ----- That being said, just because an IPC is sturdier than other species, they are not something that would do something stupid. Anything, and everything an IPC does should be thought out, and make some form of sense in their posibrain before it is done. What logic is behind the act? What are the positives, what are the negatives? Will it put yourself at risk? - An IPC must think far more than others tend to, before they act. Character Name: ZH-QUERY Summary: ZH-QUERY, Referred to as Query, was built in the Republic of Elyra in the year 2437, programmed, and assigned to the Aemaq Branch, originally. While being in what could be known as a dead-end facility, Query did what 'he' was programmed to do, to research the leviathans in the chemical sea. While this did not net as much information as one would hope, after a few years, The effort was recognized, and he was relocated to Mendell City in Biesel, for further training in his field. It is unknown as far as the exact date, But after more time had passed, Query was assigned to the SCC Horizon, as a loaned IPC. At this point, Query was assigned as a Xenobiologist as his specialization, to serve onboard the vessel, and await further orders from the corporation. ----- Slightly More In-Depth: On Aemaq, like most members of Zeng-Hu, it was not expected that much would go on for Query; The smallest branch, and the least productive on paper, It was assumed that he was assigned to the branch in order to replace a loss, or fill a slot that needed filling, position wise. But, as a new Positronic, Query followed his initial programming regarding biological research. A deep 'compulsion' to study alien life that he did not personally see, thanks to this knowledge. Originally, he was not assigned to do much more than the bare minimum, But with enough talk, he was assigned to research the leviathans, if only to say he was doing something, on paper. While Query's research wouldn't be called groundbreaking in the slightest, He showed intent, and dedication to the task. Chasing down any leads he could to try and find the creatures, to watch, and document them; Or, if he was lucky, to find a corpse to study. The chemical seas did not make any such tasks viable however; But that dedication was what led him to being reassigned to Mendell city; Enough dedication that he was deemed useful elsewhere. This led, of course, to company funded training, both in act, and company funded datapacks. The sciences, piloting training, and even the information to dissect alien life through the use of surgical tools. Anything one would need for the position of a Xenobiologist; But even with the accelerated training, He was assigned to lesser teams in order to build up experience with the projects. Everything took time; Years, in fact, but the underlying goal of these positions, was not just experience. It built upon a trust between machine, and corporation. The better he did, the better he was rewarded. The more he did for them, the 'more' he received. Of course, that was how he saw it. As an IPC however, with easier methods of learning, thanks to the corporation, it did not take long for him to be assigned elsewhere, and, through agreements with SCC and Zeng-Hu, He was 'loaned' to the corporation as a Xenobiologist during the vessel's travels; But, no matter who the captain is, Query knows one thing; His corporation is who he follows. What do you like about this character? This character allows me to look at roleplay in a different perspective from the typical human outlook; While entirely machine, a personality that can grow and change as time goes on. From something incredibly robotic, to something less so. It allows me to look at the different jobs in different ways, as well. After all, what a human can do, or needs, is not the same, and its something I like to experience. The idea of a machine with more of a unique feel, is one of my primary reasons I like the character. Another reason for THIS particular character, is I like the idea of a IPC Loyal to Xeng-Hu, working on the Horizon; You never know when the corporation will give one orders, after all. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: To be blunt, this is pretty much a direct copy paste from my Unathi/Diona app, as the answer remains the same. On a scale of 1-10, I would rate it around a 6.5 at this time, but in truth it is not for me to judge. I'm critical of myself almost always on this kind of thing. The reason around this choice is because I took a hiatus from roleplay for a while, and have getting back into the saddle for it. I know there are things I need to get back into doing, like using the emote command more (Admittedly the build in action notifications cover a lot of the basics, which helped negate the need.) However, I am actively working on doing more. Notes: Gonna be honest, I wasn't 100% sure where to go with the backstory, as a lot of IPCs can be rather young, so I did leave it a bit open to interpretation, while trying to get the general idea across. Feel free to poke on discord if you want to discuss that part further.
I would like to suggest we port Baystation's circuit system over. See below for reasoning. After tinkering, Circuits are incredibly bugged or broken on Aurora. A good few outright don't work, others work partially. Other parts are outright missing, making designs non-functional due to missing their required counterpart (Such as an ID RFID to go with the ID Scanner, which lets you copy an ID into the circuit, thus opening doors with said circuit, when used with things like drones.) They also already have a circuit lock function, and half of the copy paste mechanic that has been suggested.
As we discussed in game, I actually had the reagent pump working. But the copy paste would let me tinker more, and get a list of broken things to get fixed. Copy paste would help me compile a list as well, since I use it when designing, so I'd be able to figure out more broken circuits. (But, every circuit main has their own method for bugtesting)
[Accepted] Loorey's Vaurca Application - Chitter Chitter
Syncron replied to Loorey's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
My only encounters with Loorey is every single round because I keep running into their Operations manager character. +1 from me though, great person, great characters. -
If it works in a similar fashion to the one I'm used it, it would take a minute or two. But you don't want to overly complicate it. Circuits are already a dying artform. Also, you would be limited to how many materials your machine can store. If the printable circuit takes more than the material stored, it would be unprintable. So it has a built on limiter as is.