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N.U.L.-D.'s Achievements

Cargo Technician (4/37)
BYOND Key: AmShaegaar Total Ban Length: 904 days Banning staff member's Key: shestrying Reason of Ban: due to player complaint: https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/14594-player-complaint-amshaegaar/#comment-138059 Reason for Appeal: I have had a long time to reflect on myself and, despite hating to admit it, get the help I needed to sort out my various issues. Aurora was pretty great place and I would simply like a chance to prove that I've changed for the better, around and in a community that I enjoyed being a part of.
N.U.L.-D. changed their profile photo
Here's an idea, though... Getting shot hurts. Try avoiding it more. you pull out a gun, expect to get assblasted because at that point there's no return Also Bicaridine overdose stops arterial bleeding. 30u of bicar, 15u Norepinephrine and 15u dylovene.
Syndicate donk pockets. Combat medkits. Literally gauz and ointment. Chemistry. Antags have a TON of options. walk up into medbay and ask for a basic first aid-kit. ask for auto-injectors, auto-inhalers. Most medbay will throw it at you, just to get you to leave.
Basically.. Short answer; Remove security. Long answer; security needs to be replaced with a department that can function as both peace-keeper and actual research conductiveness. Like an exploration team. Aka; security officers would primarily be body guards for shuttle missions. But are still contracted officers, expected to help up-hold peace. The warden would still exist and function over the armory and any current inmates. But officers aren't expected to patrol and maintain peace all the time.
Truthfully. With the addition of landmark shuttles and the under-used research shuttle? The idea of making security more of a "First-responder" sort of department for threats, while primarily also being exploration would be a good idea. They would still be an opposition to hostile threats and law-breaking, but wouldn't strictly be "This is security, we hunt bad guys." I wanted to add onto this to also include. Putting Medical into that change, as well. It's suppose to be a research station, but we have an actual hospital and police station. They could be slightly merged together to work together, instead of being opposing departments.
The fact you can blow your hand off from hacking a vending machine amuses me, due to burn damage. But then you can take a few pistol rounds to the face and be a-okay. The issue isn't really being able to die or not die from firearms, but that lasers just have an arguably better ability to kill due to blood loss rates, while ballistics are no better than beating someone to death with a bat due to adrenaline. I would say that lasers should cause good amounts of surface damage/pain, while ballistics should be better at damaging organs/causing breaks.
Very well.
I really don't see or understand the "indications" That regular people were meant to use them, when the description states "exclusively" for the aut'akh.. But the lore maintainer for unathi already declared it as other's shouldn't be using them.
BYOND Key: AmShaegaar Staff BYOND Key: ParadoxSpace Game ID: b41-cMBH Reason for complaint: After asking in Ahelp, "is people using aut'akh prosthetics inplace of their own prosthetics an Ahelpable thing? Since they are suppose to be designed specifically for aut'akh bodies. Not universal. " I was simply told that, because it can mechanically be done due to old coding, that it's an intentional thing. Then when proceeded to show them that their description states that the are designed "exclusively" for aut'akh bodies, the staff in question made a PR to simply change their description so that anyone 'could' use them. This is a direct overstepping of position as it side-steps the lore maintainer completely and does changes the species without contacting them first, not to mention mere negligence at IC lore. Evidence/logs/etc: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/7894/commits/5f545c197ba67842149ad61700a532096d0f9a99 https://gyazo.com/17a0332c473634698e987c5c73ef4ac4 https://gyazo.com/c1dc5206d85edb88d8d6a320d67952c7 Additional remarks:
[Accepted] AmShaegaar's Aut'akh-Unathi application
N.U.L.-D. replied to N.U.L.-D.'s topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
He would be from the original refugees, having always been looking proactively to assist the Aut'akh community. When not researching chemicals, he follows his original desires as both a doctor and therapist, helping those around him physically and mentally. He stayed in new gibson for quite awhile, doing charity work to keep the others in good health but has recently left to seek actual employment away from the aut'akh community. Only to see the same types of exploitation blossoming within the nanotrasen communities and companies. Access to new technologies, research and supplies has opened doors to his tact and ability, but at the same time opportunities to be dangerously close with influential targets. He knows that reality is a grim place after witnessing the events and hatred towards their kind firsthand, and he only assists in optikam operations because he is good at it, infiltrating and assassinations. To him, the sad truth of a world of tyranny is that people must die, and he can bear this burden if it means a better future for others. -
BYOND Key: AmShaegaar Character Names: N.U.L.-D. Species you are applying to play: Aut'Akh-Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: airbrushed matte blue-blood #S560-6 Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: (One paragraph minimum) While mainly a cyborg main, I have been looking around for a non-borg main to play around with, as well. The Aut'akh fullfill this in spades while also having a heavy basis of lore to construct a fun and inspiring character. Coupling this with my interest of playing unathi on other servers (coming from bay) I've always enjoyed their more feudal ways of like, honor systems and whatnot. I feel that the Aut'Akh provides a rather abstract opportunity into playing as a unathi, through playing as an outlying faction within an already well-developed species. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: (One Paragraph minimum) The unathi are large bipedal reptilian-humanoids coming from the planet of Moghes, a struggling place ravaged by war. While strictly carnivorous in diet, fruits and vegetables are used as a garnish on foods, though providing no nutritional value. They possess clawed hands and feet, making shoes and gloves unusable by their kind. While the normal unathi possess a sensitivity to cold and resistant to heat, the Aut'akh have a fair resistance towards cold, while possessing a lowered resistance towards heat. The unathi, originally nomadic tribes, eventually formed clan systems that both religion and lifestyles stemmed from. Like many other creatures to exist, the unathi are emotional beings, but while they lack the full facial emotions, they are expressive through their body via things like chuffing, thumping their tails and swaying or hissing. Not only are the unathi honor-bound in many aspects of their clan-based culture and lifestyles, they are a group of refugees simply seeking a life outside of the war ravaged world of Moghes. Coupling this to the stigma the Aut'akh face from hatred by their own kind on and off Moghes, their desire to socialize with others is often seen as unnerving, moreso when compared to the slightly more reserved and isolated sinta'unathi. Their history with their own kin has left many soured, as it is not uncommon for the Aut'akh to prefer non-sinta, alien company, if not with their own faction. Character Name:(Character name) Please provide a short backstory for this character (Aproxomately two paragraphs) Optikam Mhapikss Being hatched in 2425, shortly before the beginnings of the contact war, Mhapikss was born into the city of Sahltyr. Being raised up as an herbalist and medicinal doctor of the city, Mhapikss was cultivated into the stuff of tinctures, brews and concoctions akin to that of an alchemist. His studies flourished during the ongoings and escalations of the contact war, as a fascination towards toxicology and their cures grew within the aspiring hatchling. The atomic exchange ravaged the lands of Moghes, and Mhapikss was afflicted by the fallout of the aftermaths, strickening his body with low radiation poisoning while claiming the lives of his parents. Over the course of the years, the affects of said radiation slowly ate away at the unathi, herbal medicines slowing the progression while the lack of access to proper medical facilities eventually taking it's toll, eventually being exiled as a guwandi due to a mortal illness. It wasn't until 2452, where the first recruiters of the Aut'akh found Mhapikss in a fit of sickness, did he reluctantly accept their aid and joined their ranks. A dead fascination was eventually reborn as their prosthetic augmentations and enhancements brought his crippled body back to a functioning glory. With a deepened hatred of the Izweski clan, having suffered first-hand from the aftermaths of the contact war, Mhapikss devoted his life towards medicine to help save lives, as the Aut'Akh did for him, along with an obsession of radiation, toxins, chemicals and their grotesque affects upon organic matter. What do you like about this character? (Describe what you like about this character) I have always had a fascination towards characters that were once-stricken by something, often cast aside and left for dust. But despite this, they still seek out to help others while fighting with an internally fueled anger. He was raised during a time of chaos and disaster, seeing the world for it's bleakest moment, and near the end of it all, being lifted back onto his feet to be given a second chance towards helping others as he had once grown to aspire towards as a youngling. While never having been a warrior himself, or even wanting to be one, he holds himself to their own codes of honor. Loyal, courage, righteous, but most importantly integrity and mercy to act for the betterment of those around him. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I feel like I'm a 6/10. Hesitation and nervousness often hindering me, mainly due to foreign environments and situations. This tends to improve itself the more lax and accustomed I become of things. Notes: I feel like I did horribly on this.
Bumping this, since it's been four days.
BYOND Key: AmShaegaar Staff BYOND Key: Garnascus Game ID: Unsure, it was at 3am EST (8/12/2019 Reason for complaint: After having sold a security officer a fake .45 pistol, they had returned about 30-minutes later, and after having found out it was fake and asked for an exchange or refund. I had offered an energy carbine, which they asked asked if that was for trading. I told them yes, and they took it without complaint, question, etc. Only after about 5 minutes of talking, they then asked what I was selling the carbine originally for and when I told them it was around have the price of what they paid, they got made and demanded compense. After refusing, since they accepted the trade already, they called in over security comms and the HoS can into the ship and started to demand I give them a refund or I will be brought in for fraud, which after several refusals, they escalated it to "Get down on the ground, or else". At this point, I decided to hide on the bridge and they started to break the airlock until it bolted itself, at which I Ahelped the entire event. Upon response, I repeatably tried to explain the situation to Garnascus, and was little more than told to "solve it ICly" and told he was allowed to do what he was doing. When, not only was the HoS overstepping authority since security CANNOT enforce regulations onto merchant's or their vessels, (I quote, "The internal security department may not enforce regulations aboard a docked merchant vessel, except for issues that arise BETWEEN NANOTRASEN EMPLOYEES.") Not only that, but then they proceeded to B&E behind the counter and attempt the same with breaching the airlock, breaking it before demanding an engineer over comms. From all I've read, and what many folks have told me. This is a gross-overstepping of the security department AND HoS. Command staff whom are suppose to be taken at a higher responsibility, but after trying to reiterate this, and the events, I was simply met with a, "I don't to repeat myself, so I'm not going to" Evidence/logs/etc: https://gyazo.com/e2f04177459e1bf54386d2d9fcff6885 Additional remarks: As for any other evidence or happenings, they would be stored in logs, because it was midnight and I was rather too flustered about the events and went to bed without saving any, but all the events happened near when I send the admin ticket.