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  1. BYOND Key: rainbowsuplex Total Ban Length: no clue. Banning staff member's Key: shenaanigans Reason of Ban: "Very LRP behavior." Reason for Appeal: Yeah uh this isn't me, it's a ban from 2021-06-04 for user 'bootlegpizza'. I have no idea why it came up now, since I've been playing just fine for the last year. But please unban me? I have no idea why I got their ban.
  2. Very small thing but I think the CoffeeMaster in the bar should be moved to the same place the other dispensers are in the bar. Also, the sink should be where everything else is. Just so everything is in its own little zone. And now the shutters in the back area don't have a button either. ALSO bring back Orion Trail, please. It's the best arcade game, just put it in the lounge somewhere.
  3. The bar needs a sink. Also, the CoffeeMaster should be with the rest of the dispenser, it gets redundant having to walk all the way down just to make someone a coffee. Also, ringer buttons on both the sides of the bar would be a great help. Since there's no window (which I like because it makes the lounge area more cozy), ringer buttons would be a great help to let one know if there's someone on the other side. This is probably also too much to ask for, but I'll speak my opinion anyway. The bar should just be the lounge are imo. Make it more cozy and more like a place to hang out in a nice calm area. I dunno how it'd be positioned and place or whatever but it's just what I think :))
  4. BYOND Key: rainbowsuplex Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: WickedCybs Reason of Ban: "Joined as a maintenance drone and went into the supermatter engine core, bumping into the crystal. Logged afterward. Reason for Appeal: I am posting this to follow my last unban request which can be found in my posting history, and includes all the context. So after having a month to think about it, I've been thinking about the dos and don'ts of the server, and I have come to a conclusion for myself. Basically, ever since I appealed my last permaban (the one before the this one) I haven't done anything purposefully mischievous. What happened was, in my opinion, an honest mistake. I'm not gonna go back into that since everything's already been said. To the point, the conclusion I have come to is that if I am unsure of something, I'll ahelp either before or after it's been done. Now that I know consequences, I don't want to risk never being able to play on Aurora, since I really like the server and the community, and I don't want that left behind. I will from now on ahelp whenever necessary, which is something I haven't done much before at all. I will also make sure to think about the consequences thoroughly before making certain decisions. That's all I have to say, thanks for reading.(edited)
  5. Alright, thanks a lot :))
  6. I see, it just said your name so I got confused
  7. BYOND Key: rainbowsuplex Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: yonnimer Reason of Ban: "Joined as a maintenance drone and went into the supermatter engine core, bumping into the crystal. Logged afterward. Reason for Appeal: Before I go into this, I would like to say that yes, I am aware that I have already appealed a permaban before. And yes, I am aware that the deal was for my next ban after that to not be able to be appealed. I know. But let me try and explain myself. So after I log on, I wonder what's in the opposite direction of where I usually go: out to engineering. I see this hunk of a crystal in this immense room. I examine it, and it says supermatter. Hm. I read the extended descriptions, and it says that if it reaches over 7000 Kelvin, it'll cause a huge explosion and the entire station will be affected with radiation and hallucinations and whatnot. It also says that if you touch it, you die instantly and disappear. So I think to myself "Well... what if I just... walk into it? I wanna see the death animation! :o" So I enter the chamber where it is in. And I don't even consider it, I just walk right into it. Bam. I die instantly, as the flavor text mentioned. However, and I have no clue if the flavor text actually mentioned this or not, if it did I missed it :(( but after I died, it started glowing and ringing. And I was thinking "Oh, well that's probably just the post-touch effect or something." I click on it as a ghost and I see... THE TEMPERATURE IS RISING THE TEMPERATURE IS RISING OH GOSH I panick, and instead of ahelping (like a reasonable human being) I disconnect in a panic, because in the heat of the moment I couldn't think straight. So yeah, I just... logged off. Now, mods, admins, I know what you're thinking. Since I left almost right after I did it, it made it seem intentional. And I can agree with that 100%. If I were in your position, I would've banned myself as well. However, I wasn't aware of the fact that the supermatter would heat up after I had touched it. Also, after a history of admin encounters, I was a bit... scared? Scared and reluctant to use ahelp. I was scared the admins would've been mad at me :(( I was scared I'd be scolded and then banned. So that nonsensical part of me though "I'd rather get just banned than get scolded and banned". Now that I have gotten the time to recollect my thoughts however, I realize that I didn't want to get banned at all. I should've ahelped in the end, I really should have. If I ruined the round for anyone (I honestly don't know if the explosion or whatever was cancelled by admins or not, I am assuming it was not) I am genuinely sorry. I know what it's like to have a round ruined like that, it is NOT fun. I am really sorry to the mods and admins as well, for what I did. I didn't want to get banned again. But here I am. So in conclusion: I didn't know that the supermatter would heat up after I had touched it. If the flavor text mentioned this, I missed it I should've ahelped, but I was afraid I would've been scolded by the staff and then banned, so my nonsensical in-panic brain told me to disconnect, and so I did. I am terribly sorry for anyone who's round I ruined, if I did. So in the end, I didn't intend for the core to heat up, I had no idea that was going to happen, and I feel that it is an honest mistake. That's what I have to say, really. If I do get unbanned, thank you in advance for giving a dumbass like me yet another chance ? I won't redo it, and I will 100% make sure to thoroughly think about any and all possible situations before I do something like that. I am willing to have an open discussion with Yonnimer so that I can explain more in detail and make it make a bit more sense
  8. No, I do not. I think it's a good way for me to make sure I don't break the rules again.
  9. This is pretty nifty2
  10. BYOND Key: RainbowSuplex Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Arrow768 Reason of Ban: "Beat his head in with a wrench in an effort to suicide. Thereby violating the avoid pain / sane character rule. Reason for Appeal: I have had some time to think, almost a month in fact, and I think that it's time for me to post my unban appeal. The main reasons I've broken the rules before is because I've been bored or haven't read through them thoroughly enough. I think I am ready to go back now, and I understand what I have done wrong. I want to improve, and I feel especially motivated now due to my permaban.
  11. BYOND Key: RainbowSuplex Total Ban Length: See screenshot Banning staff member's Key: See screenshot Reason of ban: See screenshot Reason for appeal: Alright, hear me out. It's wrong to go AFK for 40 minutes when playing as a job such as bartender, but I have a reason to back myself up here. Almost right after I ready up, I was told that food was ready. What I should've done was either unready myself or wait until round start and say in LOOC that I would be AFK. However I didn't, because I forgot to, and stayed ready. After I had eaten, we all went to the store to get ice cream. The thing is, I forgot to check on the game, because I completely forgot about it. The main problem with this is however that I wasn't kicked and despawned, like I should have been. I personally think that a quick kick and despawn would be enough, since a 3 day ban is pretty excessive.
  12. BYOND Key: RainbowSuplex Total Ban Length: 7 days Banning staff member's Key & Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: I know I did wrong, I really did. And I have multiple times gone around and LRP'd as borg. Being rude to people, naming myself S.I.M.P. (Super Intelligent Machine Program), and outright just being an asshole to everyone but my creator. I personally think it's comical, but this behavior isn't appropriate for a borg, rather for a pAI. That's why I'd like a second chance. I know what I did, and I know it was wrong, I'll do better now that I know the true consequences. Now, personally, I thought that a simple temporary borg job ban would suffice, but whatever. So yes, all in all, I know I did wrong, and I wanna try again from the start, but do it right. I won't LRP as borg anymore, and that is a promise sure kept.
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