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About Tabitha

  • Birthday 25/02/1996

Personal Information

  • Occupation
    Computer Technician

Tabitha's Achievements

Atmospheric Technician

Atmospheric Technician (9/37)

  1. I don't have much to say here really, I didnt think I was in the wrong much at all. So, Kim has been on and off station for a bit, hes not a new character of mine but he is not a well used one either. The mock accent, really was not to make fun of everyone, it wasnt even an accent, the man has a speech impetament and it was not ment to be hostile twords anyone, it hasn't been a problem until just recently aparently witch makes sense, because I recently started playing him more. as far as the disposals bit goes. as pointed out, /COMMAND/ as a WHOLE came up with that, not just me, I just so happen to be the one that got sent through, Nobody is out to win/lose this a game ment to have fun and I personally thought it was a fun Idea to go through disposals and not just because "hue disposals attack" but because I thought it was an interesting plan of entrance and subdation...As for the cultists we already had TWO people arrested for kidnapping and attempted murder who had the exact same robes/gear as those guys in the library, as well as the incarcerated one admitting that they were part of a "cult" and judging by how he had acted, it was assumed a security threat and delt with. As far as not replying until now. Im sorry to say that 7/2/15 at 3:48 PM pacific standard time, in a skpe chat with another player, was the very first time I had even heard of this /at all/ Im currently at the begining of taking a break from SS13 in it's entirety for a little bit so I wasn't looking over our forums like I typically would be, Sorry for my late reply on the issue I wasn't planning on this at all. On another note, Im not sayign any of this in my defense, this is literally just my view of what happened to wrap things up, I have been planning to leave the server for a while now and I won't be returning to the Aurora after my break this incident is /NOT/ why I am leaving. I have just grown away from the community and SS13 as a game and being a Head-Of-Staff is probably not somthing I should be right now anyways. Im not one for long sappy goodbyes and I won't be making a post about it, thats why this is here. You've all been good friends. It was fun while it lasted. Cya.
  2. Bozaka Actually beat me to the cut, I was about to say the exact same thing. Cassie is one of the best RPers we have here and This has my full support.
  3. I don't have access either.
  4. Well, Then I am Wholeheartedly sorry for the incident. I didn't view it as your describing, The way I saw it we were in danger and I figured to cut our losses and leave. I'm sorry for impacting your role-playing experience in a negative way. I truly am very sorry I spoiled it for you, but that is not how I saw things at all.
  5. Okay so for one, I can promise you it was not meta, Here is harlowes point of view... HE arrives on the station, about ten minuets into his shift bombs start going off and atmospherics alerts are hitting the ceiling, he even has to leave medbay to assist the Borg TRIXIE just to get us running POWER.Then all of the sudden over radio chat, the unathi navy is showing up outside the Aurora, someone else, (I think a tajaran, name started with a z) did as well. They are both bantering back and forth about shooting /something/, then another hull breach happened. In harlowes eyes, these people OPENED FIRE on the Aurora with it's crew inside. There we /already/ several breaches and only one BORG working on everything. So he did what he is supposed to as a head-of-staff and a member of medical, He did what he thought would keep the crew the safest. By getting them the hell out of there. On a side note, Not many people had objections to leaving at the time either, Just falk and Houssam...everyone else I heard over comms and in the next round in OOC was okay with this, Some in fact glad ICly that we were leaving and several that were in total agreement. Now, On a different note, If you feel I ruined some potentially cool RP I am very sorry and I apologize to you personally for doing so, But I still think that I did that right thing as harlowe and that the choice was the proper course of action. For all I knew we were in the middle of a soon to be or potential warzone. I heard nothing about them being "Mercs" I heard "Navy" witch in turn ment to me that they were from an organized goverments military and a serious threat to the station and crew to begin with.Hell, the first words I hear form your group over our radio was "DEATH TO HUMANS THEY ARE A DISEASE AND I AM THE CURE" Also, the only person that had any pull on the station at the time that trusted you guys was houssam...and we dont trust /him/..Also we had already taken casualties from the breaches, then we have people rushing into medbay with rad sickness, Nobody that could do chemistry except for me, Who was stuck outside the engineering lobby without a way back to medical because of a spread breach and lack of access. The station was in genrally shuttle worthy shape before you guys did much of anything...Witch was completely out of my hands, all I did was send us home to keep us safe.
  6. I honestly have to completely Nanotoxin, Cres is an AMAZING Roleplayer and I would definitely enjoy seeing what she has to bring to the scaley table as far as an Unathi character goes.
  7. As little consolation as it might be, I would like to admit I was was not in my right state of mindset to even begin posting in this thread. I admit I did wrong, and Apologize to those whom I have offended, especially you brage. I would sincerely like to ask that my white-list not be removed, I will instead be re-reading the basics and attempting to improve myself for a couple of days before I play /any/ of my head of staff characters again. I would like to ask, with Brage's blessing (since he made the complaint) That we put this behind us Whilst I try and improve myself. ~Sincerely Direwolf20
  8. Right...sorry...Been a stressful night. We have had a hell of a couple rounds tonight and I dont think /anyone/ is happy about it...
  9. Comment renacted: It was childish and uncalled for. And Im sorry I even said it in the first place.
  10. I did not /know/ the crate would blow up, also antony is the kind of character not to believe that. Hell it is labeled ABONDENED. The ID console, was because I wanted it. Also, I have access to those boards as C.E. AND as stated before, filled out the proper paperword TO have them. Also Antony is quite the paranoid man, the Replacement of windows with walls and the glass airlock with a solid one was because I had engineers walking by /staring/ into my office (tis an ongoing gag to those that know of antony's paranoia to bug the shit out of him about it so far.) I did not /delibratly/ blow up the crate. As per following me to the outpost. I have state it many times now /SECURITY/ was after me. It was to /buy time/. I was simply ROLEPLAYING the entire time as we are supposed to be doing on a HEAVY ROLEPLAY server. Characters have flaws dude they arnt perfect, NOBODY is perfect, antony's is paranoia, witch pretty much justifies all the modifications he made, as well as the shuttle console dismantling. He simply did not want to be followed and knew he /WAS/ being followed. So he did somthing about that.
  11. I didn't vent the outpost at all The engineer that came in via the mining outpost forced both the doors and did that. I admit to dismanteling the consoles however, as I was on the run from security and figured that would naturally buy me time. I admit to that completely. but in all honest this situation has been resolved /days/ ago by a member of staff /during/ the round.
  12. Woah woah hey. First off. I only logged once, And that was because of being in told I was getting perma FOR OVER AN HOUR, sorry but im not sitting there for an hour, Two, yes I modified my office, And I took punishment for that, even though The paperwork for required was on the floor in my office, filled out, signed and stamped.Three, I was drugged when I ground up pun-pun and Ian. And finally four, This was ALL handled ICly (by security) and OOCly(by a staff member) Already.Five, there /was/ a staff member preasent because I was ahelped when forting my office....and again as the other stuff went down. also, even though I had the paperwork signed, mind you at the time I Was the only command staff preasent if I remember correctly, I thought it a good idea to have a Crew monitoring console in my office for saftey reasons.Also , I did /NOTHING/ to the Escape shuttle. NOT A THING.
  13. Come now, Let us not forgot our insectoid brethren the Vaurca, Whom have yet to even be IMPLEMENTED.(Do want, Need bugman)
  14. First of all, I Would like to state that, I was not around for the incident. However... I do Support the part about frank. I have seen Time and time again him disrupting peoples RP with petty to no reasoning at all, I have been a victim of, and know other players have been as well. Practical harassment by Terrance, Sometimes in a few of those situation I could almost go as far as claiming it was Meta-grudging But I will not go as far to say that yet, as I have no "real" substantial evidence to back up that claim with.However, I would like to point out, Time and time again I have seen Internal Affairs Agents come and go during a round...no problems, no interferences and no questions asked, however When Terrance logs in, 99.9% of the time I find him, he is in Security jamming his face into sec business, or other departments...Also doing whatever he can to get someone in trouble, he is an I.A.A he is supposed to look for Internal Affairs related issue's...not try to cause them. I mean no offense when writing this. If I have offended anyone I am deeply sorry. These are just my observations. ~sincerely Direwolf20 (A.K.A. Tabitha)
  15. Ckey/BYOND Username: Direwolf20 Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter): Lore Developer. Past Experiences/Knowledge: Writes As a Hobby, Also knows how to format/edit among other things on wiki's and forums. Examples of Past Work: All my writing is on paper so far and no scanner If you want I could type it up and post it in and edit? Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Steam,Skype,Byond Messenger,Ahelp,LOOC chat,Email,Text message,Snail Mail,smoke signals,the pony express...Pretty much anything. Additional Comments: I love you all <3
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