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  • Byond CKey

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  1. Good answers and a solid app, happy to approve it
  2. Hey, thanks for applying! Just a couple questions: 1. You mention the Ouerean revolution, but don't really mention that much about Lazura was doing during it - did the revolution have any specific impact on her/was she caught up in the fighting in any way? 2. Related, how does Lazura feel about the new Ouerean democracy? Is she satisfied with the outcome of the rebellion?
  3. Seems good to me, accepted.
  4. Hey, thanks for applying - I apologise for the delayed response as it's been a fairly hectic week for me. I just have a couple questions. 1. Given her views on the upper ranks of the Church, how does Kaizia view the recent election of High Priest Azandar? Did she have a favored candidate among the Archpriests? 2. How has Kaizia adjusted to working among the various aliens of the Horizon?
  5. Hey, thanks for applying and I'm sorry for the delay in getting to this. I really like the concept, and I'm always on board to see more Si'akh characters - Si'akh psychiatrist is a very interesting idea IMO. Happy to accept this, enjoy *hissing
  6. Looks good to me, application accepted
  7. This application is accepted, bust unions in the name of T'zakal
  8. Hey, thanks for applying - just one Obligatory Question. As an Unathi from Mudki, how does Azstak feel about the events of New Blades, Old Wounds - specifically the Izaku Rebellion?
  9. Mudki Restoration Efforts Begin! New Blades, Old Wounds Epilogue A historic day today, as a joint effort between the Hegemony, Hephaestus Industries and the Nralakk Federation has been announced in Mudki, the site of the cowardly rebellion of Juyzi Izaku. Skrell scientists, Hephaestus resources, and Hegemonic oversight have come together, with Hegemon Not’zar making a public speech in Mudki declaring the beginning of ‘a true restoration’. A transcript of the speech is available on our Extranet page, as well as full video footage of the event, which has been attached below. Subtitles are available in Sinta’Unathi, Tau Ceti Basic, and Nral’malic. Already, scientists from the Nralakk Federation have arrived, alongside the finest of Sinta and K’laxan researchers working on Wasteland reclamation projects. Hephaestus Industries has been expanding operations in Mudki enormously, working to repair the city’s ancient walls, as well as the historic buildings destroyed in the battle. It seems that Mudki is poised to be the linchpin of future reclamation efforts, and only time will tell for sure whether the Hegemon’s efforts will succeed. We at Sinta Articles wish the best of fortune to those working to reclaim our world, and pray that they are successful. As always, we will keep our readers updated on further news of relevance to Sinta affairs.
  10. Mindshields are kind of weird in general TBH, and we could probably just replace them with giving Captain/HOS blanket immunity to antag conversion, as that's pretty much all that they do anyway. Failing that, I think that removing the psionic cuck cage for Skrell - either fully or by adding some kind of toggle or alternate version to the implant - would be for the best. Given the general influence of Skrell in the setting, and the various corporations which have Skrell in high positions (NT and Zeng both come to mind), it feels kind of weird that they'd require Skrell in positions of authority to basically cut themselves off from other Skrell for no real gain (90% of the shit mindshields protect you from is non-canon antag abilities) They exist for a purely OOC reason, I don't see the sense in cutting out a big part of Skrell RP because of it.
  11. Solid answers, application accepted. Enjoy riveting lizard gameplay
  12. Hi, I apologise for the very late response - I was distracted with the event arc and fully forgot about this. I do have a couple questions, though. Where on Moghes is Sarick from? How does he feel about the other Aut'akh communes and their interpretations of the faith? Don't have to go super in-detail, just if there's any other ones he's strongly opinionated about.
  13. This thread exists to collect feedback for the New Blades, Old Wounds arc. This was the Unathi team's first proper event arc, so if you have any feedback - what worked for you, what went wrong, what could be improved and what you'd like to see more of in the future, then this is the place to talk about it. (Note: I am aware of the slightly erratic event scheduling, and I know that this wasn't great on my part. Unfortunately, real life got in the way a few times here.) We're taking feedback both on particular events and articles, as well as the arc as a whole.
  14. Event Type: Canon Event Scale: Low Intensity Assigned Admin: Melariara OOC Event Description: For their contributions to the humanitarian program, the Horizon crew is invited to a formal dinner at the estate of Overlord Azui Hutay'zai. Who knows about it: Everyone Host/participants : RustingWithYou
  15. Juyzi Izaku Found Guilty, Executed New Blades, Old Wounds Article 16 Following his capture and trial, former Lord of Mudki Juyzi Izaku has been found guilty of the charges laid against him. For the crimes of murder, sabotage of vital national resources, dishonor in the gravest of forms, and high treason against his liege lord, Izaku was sentenced to death by order of the Hegemon earlier today. The execution was carried out in Mudki - despite his titles being stripped, Izaku was granted execution by beheading, rather than hanging or firing squad. The execution was not public, due to concerns about remaining rebels attempting to mount a rescue. Izaku did not attempt to mount a defense during his trial, electing to remain silent throughout the proceedings. With his death, the once-honored Izaku clan is extinguished. Discussions among the nobility have reportedly already begun as to who Hegemon Not’zar intends to elevate to rule Mudki, as it seems increasingly unlikely that the city will be abandoned. The Hegemon himself has made no comment on the matter yet - whatever he plans for Mudki remains a mystery. For now, Mudki remains under military occupation. Trials are continuing for rebel warriors - most of the levied and conscripted men have been granted some measure of clemency, though they are forbidden from taking up arms until the military occupation ends. Most notably, the captured perpetrators of the Izilukh Massacre have been found guilty of murder and dishonorable deeds. Several of the Izilukh murderers were hanged this morning, with the remainder likely facing execution later this week. The Nralakk Federation delegation declined an interview, but offered a brief statement describing the executions as "A conflicting conclusion to what has happened. The Federation mourns those we have lost, yet we cannot condone executing those responsible. The Grand Council appreciates that the laws of the Hegemony are not our laws, however, and is grateful to the Hegemon for bringing these criminals to justice." Mudki itself has remained largely peaceful so far - a madman such as Izaku seems to have inspired few to true loyalty. Though the cost of this rebellion has been bitter, it seems that a resurgence of fighting is thankfully unlikely, in a land which has already seen too much death. We will keep our readers updated on the situation in Mudki as it develops - remember, for Sinta news Spur-wide, stick to the source you know you can trust. Stick to Sinta Articles.
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