BYOND Key: Recoherent
Character Names: Sihle Niu, GARRUK-Unit
Species you are applying to play: IPC
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:
Hell yeah! I love all the background thats present, Niennab's art for the Trinary is super cool.
Why do you wish to play this specific race:
Really simply? I like robots. I'm a really big fan of exploring the potential of something that… may not be quite as sentient as everything else around it. The hyper durable and modular nature of IPCs also gives me lots of great ideas for backgrounds based around rebuilding yourself quite literally, or struggle with the role you were built for.
Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
In general, IPCs aren't perfect emulation of humans (or other species for that matter). They tend to be a little lacking in the emotion department and more complicated in the logic area, which can manifest in a lot of different ways (the standard trope of not understanding feelings, or feeling emotions too strongly to overcompensate, or bizarre interpretations of some orders, et cetera). IPCs are also a lot more resilient than organic species; parts are modular and durable. This can lead to a lack of understanding of their own limits, whether over or underestimating them; it could also lead to an ideal of protection of organic species and their fragile meat shells. There's also the major factor that most IPCs live in indentured servitude, and even free ones are still discriminated against. My own interpretation of these combined factors leads to a general personality of "bizarre politeness" - they're cordial, you guess? They've definitely got your back, but you're still sort of unsure as to what that entails.
Character Name: Malvarma
Please provide a short backstory for this character
Initially built as a cargo loader aboard Sidirourgeío station, Malvarma was decommisioned after a long period of service, in accordance with budget cuts or somesuch coming from up top. However, the mechanic who disassembled him sold him under the radar to a private owner instead of scrapping him down. Somnos traded hands numerous times during this period of his life; many owners simply kept him in a box, while others wanted him for dangerous scrap diving work out in the trash satellites. Many parts of his original frame were sold off or destroyed during this time.
One such dive went awry, and resulted in what was assumedly his total destruction in an unfortunate collision of two disparate clusters. However, fate and a relatively top-shelf posibrain cooler kept him technically "alive", until eventually a diver pulled him back out - another IPC, one affiliated with a scrapper gang aboard the station. After a period of time spent with this (currently unnamed) gang, acquiring replacement parts and continuing to scrap dive (under safer conditions), Malvarma eventually decided to apply to work aboard many of the other stations in the Tau Ceti system - one such being the NSS Aurora. After heartfelt goodbyes with his gang, he is now striking out to attempt to help others in sitations as terrible as his (and maybe still lift some crates while he's at it).
What do you like about this character?
He's a mess of an IPC who's pretty much trying to use his gift of life and freedom to its fullest, mostly through being loud and excited. He's an opportunity to play a character who's further on the "weird" scale than Sihle, who is a pretty normal person with a nomal life. I'm always a fan of large, slow and powerful robots who do slightly unrelated jobs (in this case, security). I think that somebody durable and loud like him could allow for some slowdown in combat, presenting an opportunity for RP. I'm also interested in playing as a race that potentially recieves discrimination from the station, and exploring how he would handle that.
How would you rate your role-playing ability?
Probably around a 7 out of 10.
Talked with some of the loredevs about the Sidirourgeío gang on discord
This dude's a chance to try some departments I don't play (cargo and security) so I might need some adjustment for those.
I await any feedback!