BYOND key: SikozuZhann (Or Mr. Meriweather) Edit: Officially Mr. Meriweather now
Discord Username: Mr. Teatime#9417
Character names:
Soleil Drast, Surgeon
Ji-Min Seong, Pharmacist
Aria Narith, Bridge Crew
Bastian Brandt, Machinist
Hannibal Maharramov, Engineer
Morgan Grayza, Investigator
How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Daily for about a month? I also played for a while some years ago when full body replacement cyborgs were still a thing.
Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
No official actions or warnings. Just some helpful bwoinks.
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.
What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
To help guide the department's operation and the roleplay within it, including interactions with other departments. Their IC authority gives them a lot of weight for shaping a round, ideally so that the most people have fun, know what they're doing in terms of mechanics, and get plenty of opportunity to write. They coordinate with the rest of the ship as well as command to both mechanically handle a situation and grow storylines.
What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
They should understand how their department works and be able to keep communication clear and open as much as possible. Keeping things organized, calling out what needs doing, etc. They should also be willing and able to teach and guide newer players (Interns, cadets, etc.) along and make an active effort to get them involved. This is especially so in emergencies when staff should be kept in the loop so they know that needs doing. At the same time, heads have a responsibility to avoid micromanagement; people are here to have fun and don't need to be prodded constantly.
And of course, keep anything OOC entirely out of IC. Roleplay's the most important part of roleplay.
Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau Ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
In the middle of a massive phoron shortage crisis, the SCCV Horizon is on a mission to find new sources of the vital resource and other exploitables out in the CRZ. Soleil Drast, originally from Europa, took to a Zeng-hu career track to escape the endless ocean and life on a submarine. Learning abroad at the Biesel Institute of Medical Sciences, he eventually ended up back on Europa in a deep-sea research facility, before eventually transferring to the Horizon. Since the Sol Alliance split, he's been partly separated from his family back on Europa. In a time of uncertainty and chaotic change, Tau Ceti and the Horizon have become a new home. He's become protective over the ship, medbay especially, as a place he can help in spite of everything else going on.
What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
CMO, although I also have interest in Liaison (Zeng-hu) and Captain (after more experience in different departments). Any other heads I'd want to thoroughly get down their overall schtick and process before even trying.
Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
Sure have!
Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Soleil Drast, currently Surgeon, for CMO.
Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Absolutely, makes perfect sense.
Have you linked your byond account to the forums?
I have. SikozuZhaan's characters may be transferred to Mr. Meriweather, though.
Extra notes:
Glad to answer any questions from anyone! I still ask lots myself, aha. I mostly play medical so the most likely characters you'd spot are Soleil or Bastian.