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Everything posted by Axton_Wake

  1. Seeing Zhi Jiang being promoted to Director made complete sense IC. Why? She's among the number of science characters that actively establish, work on and perfect their projects, so it's fairly obvious why Zeng would want Jiang to occupy a senior position. The progress was gradual and often involved other people's characters for that, so I can definitely say Murky knows how to facilitate and share the RP experience, which is an important skill to have for someone aiming for a command WL. In addition, Murky's characters have always been nuanced on the moral spectrum. They're not good samaritans, per say, but also not devils in human clothing, so this intricate balance is always nice to see. Overall, a +1 from me for sure.
  2. I've come to know Hepatica a couple of months ago when they've returned to the server. From what I learned, they've been a part of the community for effectively six years, which would give them ample time to see how command affects the shifts and how a good command member should conduct themselves. Repeating what already was said here, I've had nothing but good interactions with Hepatica's characters. +1 from me
  3. Cerys player here. I don't know if I'm late to give my side of the story as I've not been initially aware I've been made a part of this, so I'll keep it brief. This is a recollection of events as I remember them. Before the shootout occured on third deck I was stationed next to machinist's lab with a group of security and engineering who were breaching the lab to take out a revenant, which holed themselves up in lab. At that point I heard people call about a shootout on deck three, looked at sensors. Pesic was on sensors and flatlined, Ose and Alex were off sensors. I rushed to the scene, and arrived to Ose being on the floor verbally expressing pain and distress while Commander was talking to the crowd. I had zero idea what resulted in chaos that took place at the time. Pesic was dead, so I had to focus on those still alive. On the medical HUD they were both yellow, so I scanned Ose, staunched the bleeding and given them inaprovaline, perconol and dexalin plus. Afterwards scanned Alex and treated their wounds, giving them inaprovaline, perconol and dexalin plus. The health scanner showed Commander having MSOF, so I had put them into a stasis bag, Ose on the roller bed. I dragged the stasis bag while another person pulled the roller bed, and we brought them to GTR. Following treatment should have been done by a physician, but we did not have one, so I connected Ose to oxygen and blood IV, then went to open the stasis bag and body scan Alex. He had severe brain, heart and lung damage. The best thing that could have saved him was an emergency surgery, but we did not have a surgeon either. The last option I was left with was putting a stabilizer harness on the Commander and putting them into a cryotube, as Rei had informed me before on medical comms it had organ restoratives in it. The plan was to have organ restoratives fix some of the organ damage so that I could figure out what to do from there, however the cryotube was not enough and Alex expired. I was able to fix up Ose only because they've had minor lung damage and moderate brain damage and were stable enough for alkysine IV drip and pneumalin inhaler to work. Given the circumstances, I did my best to heal both Commander and Ose with the resources I had. The argument that the treatment was delayed doesn't make sense in my head as I had to act on information I gathered in mere seconds since my arrival on scene, which I did. What's more: A) Cerys is a FR, so it's her job to stabilise injured and bring them to medbay. Given lack of medical personnel she had to go beyond what is usually expected from a FR, however only using the tools a Responder would reasonably know how to use. B) As with any IPC (with Cerys being owned privately and leased to Nexus), their survival and livelihood depends solely on them performing their job to the best of their abilities, which I as Cerys did. Unlike organics, who are prone to erratic behaviour, an IPC would be able to swipe aside anything that is on their mind to focus on their intended job. I don't agree with the statement that Cerys had a grudge that had affected her performance during medical procedures.
  4. BYOND Key: Axton_Wake Character Names: Krenel Moreau (First Responder), Julianne DeMettrie (Investigator), Rip Spiljak (Engineering Apprentice). Species you are applying to play: IPC. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, along with supplementary lore pages affiliated with IPCs that were used during the creation of this application. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I`m a huge fan of sci-fi genre and often make an appearance in the sci-fi media. I enjoy exploring the ethics of synthetic intelligence, seeking new ways to look at the good old question, “What traits an artificial intelligence is supposed to have to be seen as sentient?”. What also fascinates me is the idea of fear of scientific progress that is sometimes reflected in the existence of robots and their treatment by humans. The possible repercussions of making new inventions are not always known for simple concepts, but an idea of an AI could be fairly complex to comprehend in general. And I am thrilled by the ability to contemplate such concepts by, who would`ve thought, playing a roleplay game that allows people to make a story of their own in collaboration with another people and their ideas. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: One thing to consider that unlike humans, or organics in general, IPCs aren`t able to experience emotions. Their responses and reactions are governed by programming, constant analysis and calculations, while organics are at the mercy of their brains and chemicals. As such, positronics could understand why organics feel the way they do and sometimes even replicate emotional responses, but that`s exactly what it is, a replication. However, the aforementioned ability to do so revolves around the complexity of the positronic brain. The personality of an IPC can vary depending on a plethora of factors, like their programming, their experiences with other synthetics and organics, the task they were designed to do. IPCs don`t have centralized cultures unlike humans, as such they`re products of their environments. Humans may have different goals thought their lives, however for positronics, initially (as older IPCs tend to associate self-preservation with different things), the main goal is always the preservation of their existence. Positronics start off being owned by someone, be it a person, government or a corporation. Depending on the circumstances, the road to being self-owned can be tough at best and impossible at worst (With some exceptions like on Konyang and Himeo). More often than not, discrimination and human greed are factors that make the journey to freedom for an IPC all the more perilous. Aside from lore and RP differences, there are differences in terms of mechanics, but they`re fairly obvious. Character name: IRU-Brett Backstory: (As it ended up being, well, more than two paragraphs, I`ve transfered the backstory to a google document.) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O7WVWLcm5JvOVm7i83EmTo-WPb0Vt2X8y_skZ70uFRI/edit?usp=sharing What do you like about this character? It`s my understanding that a fair chunk of positronics could be compared to blank slates when they`re first booted up, however all of them eventually get shaped by the environment around them as they gain experience and interact with other organics and synthetics. Brett had accepted rules and recommendations imposed on him by the experienced co-workers, along with the general view on the work ethics. His view on his work as, essentially, a debt collector who often ruins livelihoods of the debtors by reclaiming their assets is one-sided. He sees it as a job he had to do to continue existing, however this topic obviously has more moral nuance to it. It`s my hope that I`ll be able to explore this topic as Brett more as an on-ship character who distanced himself from asset reclamation, thus allowing more room for critical analysis and learning views of other people`s characters on it. There`s also an avenue for exploring the ideas of religious synthetics and self-preservation having different meaning to older IPCs, which would also require interactions with other characters. While Brett has formed a personality of his own, he`s also open to learning about lives of others to expand his proverbial horizons and perhaps evolving his demeanor beyond the polite, cordial one. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I`d like to think it`s pretty decent. I am able to immerse myself into the characters I build and play as, however there`s still aspects that I can improve by observing and interacting with veteran roleplayers and the way they go about it. Notes: N/A
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